"Who are you,--no one but yourself," exclaimed a hireling of hung-dog expression who claimed to have exchanged pledging gifts with a certain maiden who stood, as it were, between us, and falling into the snare, I protested warmly against the insult, and strove to disprove the inference before the paralogism lay revealed.Throughout the whole range of the Odes, the Histories, the Analects, and the Rites what recognised formula of rejoinder is there to the taunt, "Oh, go and put your feet in mustard and cress"; or how can one, however skilled in the highest Classics, parry the subtle inconsistencies of the reproach, "You're a nice bit of orl right, aren't you? Not arf, I don't think."Among the arts of this country that of painting upon canvas is held in repute, but to a person associated with the masterpieces of the Ma epoch these native attempts would be gravity-dispelling if they were not too reminiscent of the torture chamber.It is rarely, indeed, that even the most highly-esteemed picture-makers succeed in depicting every portion of a human body submitted to their brush, and not infrequently half of the face is left out.Once, when asked by a paint-applier who was entitled to append two signs of exceptional distinction behind his name, to express an opinion upon a finished work, I diffidently called his attention to the fact that he had forgotten to introduce a certain exalted one's left ear."Not at all, Mr.Kong," he replied, with an expression of ill-merited self- satisfaction, "but it is hidden by the face." "Yet it exists," I contended; "why not, therefore, press it to the front at all hazard, rather than send so great a statesman down into the annals of posterity as deformed to that extent?" "It certainly exists," he admitted, "and one takes that for granted; but in my picture it cannot be seen." I bowed complaisantly, content to let so damaging an admission point its own despair.A moment later I continued, "In the great Circular Hall of the Palace of Envoys there is a picture of two camels, foot-tethered, as it fortunately chanced, to iron rings.Formerly there were a drove of eight--the others being free--so exquisitely outlined in all their parts that one night, when the door had been left incautiously open, they stepped down from the wall and escaped to the woods.How deplorable would have been the plight of these unfortunate beings, if upon passing into the state of a living existence they had foundthat as a result of the limited vision of their creator they only possessed twelve legs and three whole bodies among them."Perchance this tactfully-related story, so applicable to his own deficiencies, may sink into the imagination of the one for whom it was inoffensively unfolded.Yet doubt remains.Our own picture-judgers take up a position at the side of work when they with to examine its qualities, retiring to an ever-diminishing angle in order to bring out the more delicate effects, until a very expert and conscientious critic will not infrequently stand really behind the picture he is considering before he delivers a final pronouncement.Not until these native artists are able to regard their crude attempts from the other side of the canvas can they hope to become equally proficient.To this fatal shortcoming must be added that of insatiable ambition, which prompts the young to the portrayal of widely differing subjects.Into the picture-room of one who might thus be described this person was recently conducted, to pass an opinion upon a scene in which were depicted seven men of varying nationalities and appropriately garbed, one of the opposing sex carrying a lighted torch, an elephant reclining beneath a fruitful vine, and the President of a Republic.For a period this person resisted the efforts of those who would have questioned him, withdrawing their attention to the harmonious lights upon the river mist floating far below, but presently, being definitely called upon, he replied as follows: "Mih Ying, who was perhaps the greatest of his time, spent his whole life in painting green and yellow beetles in the act of concealing themselves beneath dead maple leaves upon the approach of day.At the age of seventy-five he burst into tears, and upon being approached for a cause he exclaimed, 'Alas, if only this person had resisted the temptation to be diffuse, and had confined himself to green beetles alone, he might now, instead of contemplating a misspent career, have been really great.' How much less," I continued, "can a person of immature moustaches hope to depict two such conflicting objects as a recumbent elephant and the President of a Republic standing beneath a banner?"Upon the temptation to deal critically with the religious instincts of the islanders this person draws an obliterating brush.As practically everytraveller who has honoured our unattractive land with his effusive presence has subsequently left it in a printed record that our ceremonies are grotesque, our priesthood ignorant and depraved, our monasteries and sacred places spots of plague upon an otherwise flower-adorned landscape, and our beliefs and sacrifices only worthy to exist for the purpose of being made into jest-origins by more refined communities, the omission on this one's part may appear uncivil and perhaps even intentionally discourteous.To this, as a burner of joss-sticks and an irregular person, he can only reply by a deprecatory waving of both hands and a reassuring smile.
抽风版简介:二十一世纪黑道少主穿越成山寨娇气二小姐,命运就此逆转。匪首大会上,众人商讨复仇大计与新首席领人选,大门被人从外一脚揣开,玉风流从容而入,将三山首领代表虎头牌拍在桌面上,“从今日开始,这灵狼山就由本小姐负责,没有异议…”一人终于微微回神,“二小姐我觉得…”“觉得什么?”少女眉峰微扬,截然不同的凛冽从眸中迸出,不怒自威,“就算是洞房花烛在上面的也必定是本小姐!父亲的仇,哥的失踪,弟兄们的死,我定会一一讨回。”此话一出,原本就惊呆的众人更是傻眼,目瞪口呆,哑鸦雀无声。灵狼山就此换主,惊掉了所有人的眼睛。❤❤❤❤❤❤❤~鸣金收金计两军,不,两匪军厮杀正酣,打斗中玉风流脸上的面具不慎被打落。看到那脸,男子一怔,随即笑了,那一笑原本正气凛然的脸邪佞尽显,“卿本佳人奈何为匪啊,可惜,可惜了啊…”话未说完,颈间抵上一抹薄凉,耳畔传来女子低柔的声音,“云寨主千万不要小看女人。”语毕,厉声喝道,“收兵!”“是,少主!”❤❤❤❤❤❤❤~灵狼山势力日渐壮大,朝廷再度派兵狡灭,只是这次派了个病娇王爷,一眼看到玉风流骇人的鬼面具便从马上摔了下来,白狼直接将人叼回,其余人顿作鸟兽散,结束,一兵未出。❤❤❤❤❤❤❤~两山结盟议和,男子卧于轿中,派人送出口信,“听闻灵狼山少主姿容俊美,若肯委身于本寨主,一切条件皆可商谈。”此话一出全体哗然,灵狼山众部下尽皆望向自家少主,等待发飙。孰知,玉风流毫无反应,淡淡然开口,“本少主只接受委身,不接受被委身。”“成交!”众人…❤❤❤❤❤❤❤~等等…由我而史 谁来书写小草的历史?