

"Don't you want fame?It's something that most artists haven't been indifferent to.""Children.How can you care for the opinion of the crowd, when you don't care twopence for the opinion of the individual?""We're not all reasonable beings," I laughed.

"Who makes fame?Critics, writers, stockbrokers, women." "Wouldn't it give you a rather pleasing sensation to think of people youdidn't know and had never seen receiving emotions, subtle and passionate, from the work of your hands? Everyone likes power.I can't imagine a more wonderful exercise of it than to move the souls of men to pity or terror.""Melodrama."

"Why do you mind if you paint well or badly?" "I don't.I only want to paint what I see.""I wonder if I could write on a desert island, with the certainty that no eyes but mine would ever see what I had written."Strickland did not speak for a long time, but his eyes shone strangely, as though he saw something that kindled his soul to ecstasy.

"Sometimes I've thought of an island lost in a boundless sea, where I could live in some hidden valley, among strange trees, in silence.There Ithink I could find what I want."

He did not express himself quite like this.He used gestures instead of adjectives, and he halted.I have put into my own words what I think he wanted to say.

"Looking back on the last five years, do you think it was worth it?" I asked.

He looked at me, and I saw that he did not know what I meant.I explained.

"You gave up a comfortable home and a life as happy as the average.You were fairly prosperous.You seem to have had a rotten time in Paris.If you had your time over again would you do what you did?""Rather."

"Do you know that you haven't asked anything about your wife and children?Do you never think of them?""No."

"I wish you weren't so damned monosyllabic.Have you never had a moment's regret for all the unhappiness you caused them?"His lips broke into a smile, and he shook his head.

"I should have thought sometimes you couldn't help thinking of the past.I don't mean the past of seven or eight years ago, but further back still, when you first met your wife, and loved her, and married her.Don't you remember the joy with which you first took her in your arms?""I don't think of the past.The only thing that matters is the everlasting present."I thought for a moment over this reply.It was obscure, perhaps, but I thought that I saw dimly his meaning.

"Are you happy?" I asked."Yes."

I was silent.I looked at him reflectively.He held my stare, and presently a sardonic twinkle lit up his eyes.

"I'm afraid you disapprove of me?"

"Nonsense," I answered promptly; "I don't disapprove of the boa- constrictor; on the contrary, I'm interested in his mental processes.""It's a purely professional interest you take in me?""Purely."

"It's only right that you shouldn't disapprove of me.You have a despicable character.""Perhaps that's why you feel at home with me," I retorted.

He smiled dryly, but said nothing.I wish I knew how to describe his smile.I do not know that it was attractive, but it lit up his face, changing the expression, which was generally sombre, and gave it a look of not ill- natured malice.It was a slow smile, starting and sometimes ending in the eyes; it was very sensual, neither cruel nor kindly, but suggested rather the inhuman glee of the satyr. It was his smile that made me ask him:

"Haven't you been in love since you came to Paris?""I haven't got time for that sort of nonsense.Life isn't long enough for love and art.""Your appearance doesn't suggest the anchorite." "All that business fills me with disgust." "Human nature is a nuisance, isn't it?" I said."Why are you sniggering at me?""Because I don't believe you." "Then you're a damned fool."I paused, and I looked at him searchingly.

"What's the good of trying to humbug me?" I said."I don't know what you mean."I smiled.

"Let me tell you.I imagine that for months the matter never comes into your head, and you're able to persuade yourself that you've finished with it for good and all.You rejoice in your freedom, and you feel that at last you can call your soul your own.You seem to walk with your head among the stars.And then, all of a sudden you can't stand it any more, and you notice that all the time your feet have been walking in the mud.And you want to roll yourself in it.And you find some woman, coarse and low and vulgar, some beastly creature in whom all the horror of sex is blatant, and you fall upon her like a wild animal.You drink till you're blind with rage."He stared at me without the slightest movement.I held his eyes withmine.I spoke very slowly.

"I'll tell you what must seem strange, that when it's over you feel so extraordinarily pure.You feel like a disembodied spirit, immaterial; and you seem to be able to touch beauty as though it were a palpable thing; and you feel an intimate communion with the breeze, and with the trees breaking into leaf, and with the iridescence of the river.You feel like God.Can you explain that to me?"He kept his eyes fixed on mine till I had finished, and then he turned away.There was on his face a strange look, and I thought that so might a man look when he had died under the torture.He was silent.I knew that our conversation was ended.

  • 台湾关系文献集零


  • 道德真经集注


  • 黄帝阴符经注


  • The Tempest

    The Tempest

  • 紫阳真人悟真直指详说三乘秘要


  • 诸天灵帝


  • 日谍越狱案


  • 下堂王妃传奇(完结)


  • 不带相机去旅行


  • 我欲封皇


  • 陈庄寨的古戏台


  • 唐门有七


  • 漂亮朋友(世界文学名著典藏)


    莫泊桑的《漂亮朋友》讲述了十九世纪末的巴黎如同一场假面舞会, 成功青睐于道貌岸然之徒。法国驻阿尔及利亚殖民军的下级军官杜洛瓦在退伍后只身来到巴黎,经友人介绍进入《法兰西生活报》当编辑,从此开 始了他的冒险之旅。他依仗自己漂亮的外貌和取悦女人的手段,将权力、财富和名望逐一收入囊中。莫泊桑向来以短篇小说著称于世,其文风凝练简洁,而《漂亮朋友》反映出的社会现实,即使在今天同样令人深思。
  • 麻雀(影视版)


  • 七喜

