
第16章 ACT III(4)

SUFFOLK.Why,our authority is his consent,And what we do establish he confirms;Then,noble York,take thou this task in hand.YORK.I am content;provide me soldiers,lords,Whiles I take order for mine own affairs.SUFFOLK.A charge,Lord York,that I will see perform'd.But now return we to the false Duke Humphrey.CARDINAL.No more of him;for I will deal with him That henceforth he shall trouble us no more.And so break off;the day is almost spent.Lord Suffolk,you and I must talk of that event.YORK.My Lord of Suffolk,within fourteen days At Bristol I expect my soldiers;For there I'll ship them all for Ireland.SUFFOLK.I'll see it truly done,my Lord of York.Exeunt all but YORK YORK.Now,York,or never,steel thy fearful thoughts And change misdoubt to resolution;Be that thou hop'st to be;or what thou art Resign to death-it is not worth th'enjoying.Let pale-fac'd fear keep with the mean-born man And find no harbour in a royal heart.Faster than spring-time show'rs comes thought on thought,And not a thought but thinks on dignity.My brain,more busy than the labouring spider,Weaves tedious snares to trap mine enemies.Well,nobles,well,'tis politicly done To send me packing with an host of men.I fear me you but warm the starved snake,Who,cherish'd in your breasts,will sting your hearts.'Twas men I lack'd,and you will give them me;I take it kindly.Yet be well assur'd You put sharp weapons in a madman's hands.Whiles I in Ireland nourish a mighty band,I will stir up in England some black storm Shall blow ten thousand souls to heaven or hell;And this fell tempest shall not cease to rage Until the golden circuit on my head,Like to the glorious sun's transparent beams,Do calm the fury of this mad-bred flaw.And for a minister of my intent I have seduc'd a headstrong Kentishman,John Cade of Ashford,To make commotion,as full well he can,Under the tide of John Mortimer.In Ireland have I seen this stubborn Cade Oppose himself against a troop of kerns,And fought so long tiff that his thighs with darts Were almost like a sharp-quill'd porpentine;And in the end being rescu'd,I have seen Him caper upright like a wild Morisco,Shaking the bloody darts as he his bells.Full often,like a shag-hair'd crafty kern,Hath he conversed with the enemy,And undiscover'd come to me again And given me notice of their villainies.This devil here shall be my substitute;For that John Mortimer,which now is dead,In face,in gait,in speech,he doth resemble.By this I shall perceive the commons'mind,How they affect the house and claim of York.Say he be taken,rack'd,and tortured;I know no pain they can inflict upon him Will make him say I mov'd him to those arms.Say that he thrive,as 'tis great like he will,Why,then from Ireland come I with my strength,And reap the harvest which that rascal sow'd;For Humphrey being dead,as he shall be,And Henry put apart,the next for me.Exit

SCENE II.Bury St.Edmunds.A room of state

Enter two or three MURDERERS running over the stage,from the murder of DUKE HUMPHREY

FIRST MURDERER.Run to my Lord of Suffolk;let him know We have dispatch'd the Duke,as he commanded.SECOND MURDERER.O that it were to do!What have we done?Didst ever hear a man so penitent?


FIRST MURDERER.Here comes my lord.SUFFOLK.Now,sirs,have you dispatch'd this thing?FIRST MURDERER.Ay,my good lord,he's dead.SUFFOLK.Why,that's well said.Go,get you to my house;I will reward you for this venturous deed.The King and all the peers are here at hand.Have you laid fair the bed?Is all things well,According as I gave directions?FIRST MURDERER.'Tis,my good lord.SUFFOLK.Away!be gone.Exeunt MURDERERS

Sound trumpets.Enter the KING,the QUEEN,CARDINAL,SOMERSET,with attendants

KING HENRY.Go call our uncle to our presence straight;Say we intend to try his Grace to-day,If he be guilty,as 'tis published.SUFFOLK.I'll call him presently,my noble lord.Exit KING HENRY.Lords,take your places;and,I pray you all,Proceed no straiter 'gainst our uncle Gloucester Than from true evidence,of good esteem,He be approv'd in practice culpable.QUEEN.God forbid any malice should prevail That faultless may condemn a nobleman!Pray God he may acquit him of suspicion!KING HENRY.I thank thee,Meg;these words content me much.

Re-enter SUFFOLK How now!Why look'st thou pale?Why tremblest thou?Where is our uncle?What's the matter,Suffolk?SUFFOLK.Dead in his bed,my lord;Gloucester is dead.QUEEN.Marry,God forfend!CARDINAL.God's secret judgment!I did dream to-night The Duke was dumb and could not speak a word.[The KING swoons]QUEEN.How fares my lord?Help,lords!The King is dead.SOMERSET.Rear up his body;wring him by the nose.QUEEN.Run,go,help,help!O Henry,ope thine eyes!SUFFOLK.He doth revive again;madam,be patient.

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