

The travellers had lingered so long among the sublimer scenes of these mountains, that they found themselves entirely mistaken in their calculation that they could reach Montigny at sun-set; but, as they wound along the valley, the saw, on a rude Alpine bridge, that united two lofty crags of the glen, a group of mountaineer-children, amusing themselves with dropping pebbles into a torrent below, and watching the stones plunge into the water, that threw up its white spray high in the air as it received them, and returned a sullen sound, which the echoes of the mountains prolonged.Under the bridge was seen a perspective of the valley, with its cataract descending among the rocks, and a cottage on a cliff, overshadowed with pines.

It appeared, that they could not be far from some small town.St.

Aubert bade the muleteer stop, and then called to the children to enquire if he was near Montigny; but the distance, and the roaring of the waters, would not suffer his voice to be heard; and the crags, adjoining the bridge, were of such tremendous height and steepness, that to have climbed either would have been scarcely practicable to a person unacquainted with the ascent.St.Aubert, therefore, did not waste more moments in delay.They continued to travel long after twilight had obscured the road, which was so broken, that, now thinking it safer to walk than to ride, they all alighted.The moon was rising, but her light was yet too feeble to assist them.While they stepped carefully on, they heard the vesper-bell of a convent.

The twilight would not permit them to distinguish anything like a building, but the sounds seemed to come from some woods, that overhung an acclivity to the right.Valancourt proposed to go in search of this convent.'If they will not accommodate us with a night's lodging,' said he, 'they may certainly inform us how far we are from Montigny, and direct us towards it.' He was bounding forward, without waiting St.Aubert's reply, when the latter stopped him.'I am very weary,' said St.Aubert, 'and wish for nothing so much as for immediate rest.We will all go to the convent; your good looks would defeat our purpose; but when they see mine and Emily's exhausted countenances, they will scarcely deny us repose.'

As he said this, he took Emily's arm within his, and, telling Michael to wait awhile in the road with the carriage, they began to ascend towards the woods, guided by the bell of the convent.His steps were feeble, and Valancourt offered him his arm, which he accepted.The moon now threw a faint light over their path, and, soon after, enabled them to distinguish some towers rising above the tops of the woods.Still following the note of the bell, they entered the shade of those woods, lighted only by the moonbeams, that glided down between the leaves, and threw a tremulous uncertain gleam upon the steep track they were winding.The gloom and the silence that prevailed, except when the bell returned upon the air, together with the wildness of the surrounding scene, struck Emily with a degree of fear, which, however, the voice and conversation of Valancourt somewhat repressed.When they had been some time ascending, St.

Aubert complained of weariness, and they stopped to rest upon a little green summit, where the trees opened, and admitted the moon-light.He sat down upon the turf, between Emily and Valancourt.The bell had now ceased, and the deep repose of the scene was undisturbed by any sound, for the low dull murmur of some distant torrents might be said to sooth, rather than to interrupt, the silence.

Before them, extended the valley they had quitted; its rocks, and woods to the left, just silvered by the rays, formed a contrast to the deep shadow, that involved the opposite cliffs, whose fringed summits only were tipped with light; while the distant perspective of the valley was lost in the yellow mist of moon-light.The travellers sat for some time wrapt in the complacency which such scenes inspire.

'These scenes,' said Valancourt, at length, 'soften the heart, like the notes of sweet music, and inspire that delicious melancholy which no person, who had felt it once, would resign for the gayest pleasures.They waken our best and purest feelings, disposing us to benevolence, pity, and friendship.Those whom I love--I always seem to love more in such an hour as this.' His voice trembled, and he paused.

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    上一世,她是末世纪的王,看透人情冷暖,一朝轮回,生于忆山,名:夏侯清。什么?夏侯清厉害?那她凤妍算什么,她堂堂天华王朝三公主,地位崇高,受万人敬仰,还怕那个女扮男装的死对头不成?夏侯清有目的救回了一个乞丐,本以为是个安分守己的货,可谁能告诉她,晚上偷偷溜进她房间调戏她的这个人是谁?一本正经是他,言语风流是他,夏侯清两世的高冷险些毁在这个小护卫手上。 凤妍意外发现,死对头身边的小护卫十分俊俏,时不时调戏一下,偏偏小护卫随了他主子,太过高冷,于是,将小护卫融化成了凤妍人生的乐趣。凤妍红衣似火,肆意潇洒,“小辰辰,我心悦你。”夏侯清白衣胜雪,清贵出尘,“今日,是我的生辰,你一定要和我拔剑相向吗?”红尘万丈,世事浮沉,从始至终我想要的,都只是活着,强大到可以保护我在乎的人——易北城我不信天,不信命,甚至连自己都不信,可唯独相信你,情不知所起,一念之间,原来曾经离我那么近——夏侯清我并非善类,什么骄阳似火,一身傲骨才是我的万丈光芒,可在你面前,我愿放下傲骨,湮灭光芒万丈,若还能回到最初,该有多好——凤妍 (女强男强,原创作品,1v1,身心干净,不喜勿喷)
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