

They hid in the shadow at the side of the house until the girl had turned the corner and was approaching the veranda, then they ran quickly forward and as she mounted the steps she was seized from behind and dragged backward.A hand was clapped over her mouth and a whispered threat warned her to silence.

Half dragging and half carrying her the three men bore her back to where their confederates awaited them.A huge fellow mounted his pony and Barbara was lifted to the horn of the saddle before him.Then the others mounted and as silently as they had come they rode away, following the same path.

Barbara Harding had not cried out nor attempted to, for she had seen very shortly after her capture that she was in the hands of Indians and she judged from what she had heard of the little band of Pimans who held forth in the mountains to the east that they would as gladly knife her as not.

Jose was a Piman, and she immediately connected Jose with the perpetration, or at least the planning of her abduction.

Thus she felt assured that no harm would come to her, since Jose had been famous in his time for the number and size of the ransoms he had collected.

Her father would pay what was demanded, she would be returned and, aside from a few days of discomfort and hardship, she would be none the worse off for her experience.

Reasoning thus it was not difficult to maintain her composure and presence of mind.

As Barbara was borne toward the east, Billy Byrne rode steadily northward.It was his intention to stop at Jose's hut and deliver the message which Pesita had given him for the old Indian.Then he would disappear into the mountains to the west, join Pesita and urge a new raid upon some favored friend of General Francisco Villa, for Billy had no love for Villa.

He should have been glad to pay his respects to El Orobo Rancho and its foreman; but the fact that Anthony Harding owned it and that he and Barbara were there was sufficient effectually to banish all thoughts of revenge along that line.

"Maybe I can get his goat later," he thought, "when he's away from the ranch.I don't like that stiff, anyhow.He orter been a harness bull."It was four o'clock in the morning when Billy dismounted in front of Jose's hut.He pounded on the door until the man came and opened it.

"Eh!" exclaimed Jose as he saw who his early morning visitor was, "you got away from them.Fine!" and the old man chuckled."I send word to Pesita two, four hours ago that Villistas capture Capitan Byrne and take him to Cuivaca.""Thanks," said Billy."Pesita wants you to send Esteban to him.I didn't have no chance to tell you last night while them pikers was stickin' aroun', so I stops now on my way back to the hills.""I will send Esteban tonight if I can get him; but I do not know.Esteban is working for the pig, Grayson.""Wot's he doin' fer Grayson?" asked Billy."And what was the Grayson guy doin' up here with you, Jose? Ain't you gettin' pretty thick with Pesita's enemies?""Jose good friends everybody," and the old man grinned.

"Grayson have a job he want good men for.Jose furnish men.Grayson pay well.Job got nothin' do Pesita, Villa, Carranza, revolution--just private job.Grayson want senorita.

He pay to get her.That all."

"Oh," said Billy, and yawned.He was not interested in Mr.

Grayson's amours."Why didn't the poor boob go get her himself?" he inquired disinterestedly."He must be a yap to hire a bunch o' guys to go cop off a siwash girl fer him.""It is not a siwash girl, Senor Capitan," said Jose."It is one beautiful senorita--the daughter of the owner of El Orobo Rancho.""What?" cried Billy Byrne."What's that you say?""Yes, Senor Capitan, what of it?" inquired Jose."Grayson he pay me furnish the men.Esteban he go with his warriors.Iget Esteban.They go tonight take away the senorita; but not for Grayson," and the old fellow laughed."I can no help can I? Grayson pay me money get men.I get them.I no help if they keep girl," and he shrugged.

"They're comin' for her tonight?" cried Billy.

"Si, senor," replied Jose."Doubtless they already take her.""Hell!" muttered Billy Byrne, as he swung Brazos about so quickly that the little pony pivoted upon his hind legs and dashed away toward the south over the same trail he had just traversed.

  • 至正集


  • 西轩客谈


  • 慈悲地藏菩萨忏法


  • 科试考


  • 东西汉演义


  • 至尊都市重生


  • 飞云掣电:雷电灾害的防范自救


  • Julia's Cats
  • 破镜谋杀案


  • 傲世圣霄


  • 红楼逸梦潇湘情


  • 历险故事


  • 景慕昭华


  • 快穿男神在线等


  • 向美而生,向上而行


    小富女著的《向美而生 向上而行》内容分为六个篇章,囊括了作者对美丽的梯度理解和点滴印证。外形修炼篇讲述了“变美”这件小事情,生活方式篇提出活得美丽才是头等大事,岁月成长篇进一步论证了向美而生的一千零一种可能,人物篇以历史女性的角度阐述美的内涵,梦想篇指出美丽是永不放弃的向上力,养育篇补充说明养育是一场自我的修行。简而言之,本书展示了新时代女性的成长模式,帮助处在迷茫中的女人建立强大的自我完善系统。