

Marching Pesita and his men ahead of them Billy and the others made their way to the rear of the office building where the horses of the bandits were tethered.They were each armed now from the discarded weapons of the raiders, and well supplied with ammunition.The Chinaman and the loyal Mexican also discovered themselves when they learned that the tables had been turned upon Pesita.They, too, were armed and all were mounted, and when Billy had loaded the remaining weapons upon the balance of the horses the party rode away, driving Pesita's live stock and arms ahead of them.

"I imagine," remarked Bridge, "that you've rather discouraged pursuit for a while at least," but pursuit came sooner than they had anticipated.

They had reached a point on the river not far from Jose's when a band of horsemen appeared approaching from the west.Billy urged his party to greater speed that they might avoid a meeting if possible; but it soon became evident that the strangers had no intention of permitting them to go unchallenged, for they altered their course and increased their speed so that they were soon bearing down upon the fugitives at a rapid gallop.

"I guess," said Billy, "that we'd better open up on 'em.It's a cinch they ain't no friends of ours anywhere in these parts.""Hadn't we better wait a moment," said Mr.Harding; "we do not want to chance making any mistake.""It ain't never a mistake to shoot a Dago," replied Billy.

His eyes were fastened upon the approaching horsemen, and he presently gave an exclamation of recognition."There's Rozales," he said."I couldn't mistake that beanpole nowheres.

We're safe enough in takin' a shot at 'em if Rosie's with 'em.

He's Pesita's head guy," and he drew his revolver and took a single shot in the direction of his former comrades.Bridge followed his example.The oncoming Pesitistas reined in.

Billy returned his revolver to its holster and drew his carbine.

"You ride on ahead," he said to Mr.Harding and Barbara.

"Bridge and I'll bring up the rear."

Then he stopped his pony and turning took deliberate aim at the knot of horsemen to their left.A bandit tumbled from his saddle and the fight was on.

Fortunately for the Americans Rozales had but a handful of men with him and Rozales himself was never keen for a fight in the open.

All morning he hovered around the rear of the escaping Americans; but neither side did much damage to the other, and during the afternoon Billy noticed that Rozales merely followed within sight of them, after having dispatched one of his men back in the direction from which they had come.

"After reinforcements," commented Byrne.

All day they rode without meeting with any roving bands of soldiers or bandits, and the explanation was all too sinister to the Americans when coupled with the knowledge that Villa was to attack an American town that night.

"I wish we could reach the border in time to warn 'em,"said Billy; "but they ain't no chance.If we cross before sunup tomorrow morning we'll be doin' well."He had scarcely spoken to Barbara Harding all day, for his duties as rear guard had kept him busy; nor had he conversed much with Bridge, though he had often eyed the latter whose gaze wandered many times to the slender, graceful figure of the girl ahead of them.

Billy was thinking as he never had thought before.It seemed to him a cruel fate that had so shaped their destinies that his best friend loved the girl Billy loved.That Bridge was ignorant of Billy's infatuation for her the latter well knew.He could not blame Bridge, nor could he, upon the other hand, quite reconcile himself to the more than apparent adoration which marked his friend's attitude toward Barbara.

As daylight waned the fugitives realized from the shuffling gait of their mounts, from drooping heads and dull eyes that rest was imperative.They themselves were fagged, too, and when a ranchhouse loomed in front of them they decided to halt for much-needed recuperation.

Here they found three Americans who were totally unaware of Villa's contemplated raid across the border, and who when they were informed of it were doubly glad to welcome six extra carbines, for Barbara not only was armed but was eminently qualified to expend ammunition without wasting it.

Rozales and his small band halted out of range of the ranch; but they went hungry while their quarry fed themselves and their tired mounts.

The Clark brothers and their cousin, a man by the name of Mason, who were the sole inhabitants of the ranch counseled a long rest--two hours at least, for the border was still ten miles away and speed at the last moment might be their sole means of salvation.

Billy was for moving on at once before the reinforcements, for which he was sure Rozales had dispatched his messenger, could overtake them.But the others were tired and argued, too, that upon jaded ponies they could not hope to escape and so they waited, until, just as they were ready to continue their flight, flight became impossible.

Darkness had fallen when the little party commenced to resaddle their ponies and in the midst of their labors there came a rude and disheartening interruption.Billy had kept either the Chinaman or Bridge constantly upon watch toward the direction in which Rozales' men lolled smoking in the dark, and it was the crack of Bridge's carbine which awoke the Americans to the fact that though the border lay but a few miles away they were still far from safety.

As he fired Bridge turned in his saddle and shouted to the others to make for the shelter of the ranchhouse.

"There are two hundred of them," he cried."Run for cover!"Billy and the Clark brothers leaped to their saddles and spurred toward the point where Bridge sat pumping lead into the advancing enemy.Mason and Mr.Harding hurried Barbara to the questionable safety of the ranchhouse.The Mexican followed them, and Bridge ordered Sing back to assist in barricading the doors and windows, while he and Billy and the Clark boys held the bandits in momentary check.

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    佛明伦州的军演如期而至,年仅17岁的天才飞官波尔德一边烦恼着自己未来的去向,一边追随着王牌飞行员鲁迪斯继续飞行。然而就在军演进行到第三阶段,波尔德一行人前往尚恩基地的时候,有人意外地挟持了他们的战友……那片天空依旧自由而宁静,但自由之下孕育着无法挣脱的枷锁,宁静的背后则是漫长的永眠——四分休止符,当这个符号出现在乐谱中意味着停顿一拍。之后,还要继续行进……如果在你心底存在一份对草莽精神的渴盼,一份对自由无畏的狂热,一份对爱与时光的执念,那么欢迎进入White Phantom的世界,成为我们的同伴。
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