

The Halfmoon was almost upon the cliff's base when a narrow opening showed some hundred fathoms before her nose, an opening through which the sea ran in long, surging sweeps, rolling back upon itself in angry breakers that filled the aperture with swirling water and high-flung spume.To have attempted to drive the ship into such a place would have been the height of madness under ordinary circumstances.No man knew what lay beyond, nor whether the opening carried sufficient water to float the Halfmoon, though the long, powerful sweep of the sea as it entered the opening denoted considerable depth.

Skipper Simms, seeing the grim rocks rising close beside his vessel, realized that naught could keep her from them now.He saw death peering close to his face.He felt the icy breath of the Grim Reaper upon his brow.A coward at heart, he lost every vestige of his nerve at this crucial moment of his life.

Leaping from the wheelhouse to the deck he ran backward and forward shrieking at the top of his lungs begging and entreating someone to save him, and offering fabulous rewards to the man who carried him safely to the shore.

The sight of their captain in a blue funk had its effect upon the majority of the crew, so that in a moment a pack of screaming, terror-ridden men had supplanted the bravos and bullies of the Halfmoon.

From the cabin companionway Barbara Harding looked upon the disgusting scene.Her lip curled in scorn at the sight of these men weeping and moaning in their fright.She saw Ward busy about one of the hatches.It was evident that he intended making a futile attempt to utilize it as a means of escape after the Halfmoon struck, for he was attaching ropes to it and dragging it toward the port side of the ship, away from the shore.Larry Divine crouched beside the cabin and wept.

When Simms gave up the ship Barbara Harding saw the wheelmen, there had been two of them, desert their post, and almost instantly the nose of the Halfmoon turned toward the rocks; but scarcely had the men reached the deck than Theriere leaped to their place at the wheel.

Unassisted he could do little with the heavy helm.Barbara saw that he alone of all the officers and men of the brigantine was making an attempt to save the vessel.However futile the effort might be, it at least bespoke the coolness and courage of the man.With the sight of him there wrestling with death in a hopeless struggle a little wave of pride surged through the girl.Here indeed was a man! And he loved her--that she knew.Whether or no she returned his love her place was beside him now, to give what encouragement and physical aid lay in her power.

Quickly she ran to the wheelhouse.Theriere saw her and smiled.

"There's no hope, I'm afraid," he said; "but, by George, Iintend to go down fighting, and not like those miserable yellow curs."Barbara did not reply, but she grasped the spokes of the heavy wheel and tugged as he tugged.Theriere made no effort to dissuade her from the strenuous labor--every ounce of weight would help so much, and the man had a wild, mad idea that he was attempting to put into effect.

"What do you hope to do?" asked the girl."Make that opening in the cliffs?"Theriere nodded.

"Do you think me crazy?" he asked.

"It is such a chance as only a brave man would dare to take," she replied."Do you think that we can get her to take it?""I doubt it," he answered."With another man at the wheel we might, though."Below them the crew of the Halfmoon ran hither and thither along the deck on the side away from the breakers.

They fought with one another for useless bits of planking and cordage.The giant figure of the black cook, Blanco, rose above the others.In his hand was a huge butcher knife.When he saw a piece of wood he coveted in the hands of another he rushed upon his helpless victim with wild, bestial howls, menacing him with his gleaming weapon.Thus he was rapidly accumulating the material for a life raft.

But there was a single figure upon the deck that did not seem mad with terror.A huge fellow he was who stood leaning against the capstan watching the wild antics of his fellows with a certain wondering expression of incredulity, the while a contemptuous smile curled his lips.As Barbara Harding chanced to look in his direction he also chanced to turn his eyes toward the wheelhouse.It was the mucker.

The girl was surprised that he, the greatest coward of them all, should be showing no signs of cowardice now--probably he was paralyzed with fright.The moment that the man saw the two who were in the wheelhouse and the work that they were doing he sprang quickly toward them.At his approach the girl shrank closer to Theriere.

What new outrage did the fellow contemplate? Now he was beside her.The habitual dark scowl blackened his expression.

He laid a heavy hand on Barbara Harding's arm.

"Come out o' dat," he bellowed."Dat's no kind o' job fer a broiler."And before either she or Theriere could guess his intention the mucker had pushed Barbara aside and taken her place at the wheel.

"Good for you, Byrne!" cried Theriere."I needed you badly.""Why didn't yeh say so den?" growled the man.

With the aid of Byrne's Herculean muscles and great weight the bow of the Halfmoon commenced to come slowly around so that presently she almost paralleled the cliffs again, but now she was much closer in than when Skipper Simms had deserted her to her fate--so close that Theriere had little hope of being able to carry out his plan of taking her opposite the opening and then turning and running her before the wind straight into the swirling waters of the inlet.

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