

It was early in June when at last the lights went down behind the back drop and came up in front, to show Sara Lee knitting again, though not by the fire.The amazing interlude was over.

Over, except in Sara Lee's heart.The voyage had been a nightmare.She had been ill for one thing - a combination of seasickness and heartsickness.She had allowed Henri to come to England with her, and the Germans had broken through.All the good she had done - and she had helped - was nothing to this mischief she had wrought.

It had been a small raid.She gathered that from the papers on board.But that was not the vital thing.What mattered was that she had let a man forget his duty to his country in his solicitude for her.

But as the days went on the excitement of her return dulled the edge of her misery somewhat.The thing was done.She could do only one thing to help.She would never go back, never again bring trouble and suffering where she had meant only to bring aid and comfort.

She had a faint hope that Harvey would meet her at the pier.She needed comforting and soothing, and perhaps a bit of praise.She was so very tired; depressed, too, if the truth be known.She needed a hand to lead her back to her old place on the stage, and kind faces to make her forget that she had ever gone away.

Because that was what she had to do.She must forget Henri and the little house on the road to the poplar trees; and most of all, she must forget that because of her Henri had let the Germans through.

But Harvey did not meet her.There was a telegram saying he would meet her train if she wired when she was leaving - an exultant message breathing forgiveness and signed "with much love." She flushed when she read it.

Of course he could not meet her in New York.This was not the Continent in wartime, where convention had died of a great necessity.And he was not angry, after all.A great wave of relief swept over her.But itwas odd how helpless she felt.Since her arrival in England months before there had always been Henri to look after things for her.It was incredible to recall how little she had done for herself.

Was she glad to be back? She did not ask herself.It was as though the voyage had automatically detached her from that other Sara Lee of the little house.That was behind her, a dream - a mirage - or a memory.Here, a trifle confused by the bustle, was once again the Sara Lee who had knitted for Anna, and tended the plants in the dining-room window, and watched Uncle James slowly lowered into his quiet grave.

Part of her detachment was voluntary.She could not bear to remember.She had but to close her eyes to see Henri's tragic face that last night at Morley's.And part of the detachment was because, after all, the interlude had been but a matter of months, and reaching out familiar hands to her were the habits and customs and surroundings of all the earlier years of her life, drawing her back to them.

It was strange how Henri's face haunted her.She could close her eyes and see it, line by line, his very swagger - for he did swagger, just a little; his tall figure and unruly hair; his long, narrow, muscular hands.Strange and rather uncomfortable.Because she could not summon Harvey's image at all.She tried to bring before her, that night in the train speeding west, his solid figure and kind eyes as they would greet her the next day - tried, and failed.All she got was the profile of the photograph, and the stubborn angle of the jaw.

She was up very early the next morning, and it was then, as the train rolled through familiar country, that she began to find Harvey again.A flush of tenderness warmed her.She must be very kind to him because of all that he had suffered.

The train came to a stop.Rather breathless Sara Lee went out on the platform.Harvey was there, in the crowd.He did not see her at first.He was looking toward the front of the train.So her first glimpse of him was the view of the photograph.His hat was off, and his hair, carefully brushed back, gave him the eager look of the picture.

He was a strong and manly figure, as unlike Henri as an oak is unlikeone of Henri's own tall and swaying poplars.Sara Lee drew a long breath.Here after all were rest and peace; love and gentleness; quiet days and still evenings.No more crowds and wounds and weary men, no more great thunderings of guns, no imminence of death.Rest and peace.

Then Harvey saw her, and the gleam of happiness and relief in his eyes made her own eyes misty.She saw even in that first glance that he looked thinner and older.A pang of remorse shot through her.Was happiness always bought at the cost of happiness? Did one always take away in order to give? Not in so many words, but in a flash of doubt the thought went through her mind.

There was no reserve in Harvey's embrace.He put his arms about her and held her close.He did not speak at first.Then:

"My own little girl," he said."My own little girl!"Suddenly Sara Lee was very happy.All her doubts were swept away by his voice, his arms.There was no thrill for her in his caress, but there were peace and quiet joy.It was enough for her, just then, that she had brought back some of the happiness she had robbed him of.

"Oh, Harvey!" she said."I'm glad to be back again - with you." He held her off then and looked at her.

"You are thin," he said."You're not pale, but you are thin." And in a harder voice: "What did they do to you over there?"But he did not wait for a reply.He did not seem to want one.He picked up her bag, and guiding her by the elbow, piloted her through the crowd.

"A lot of folks wanted to come and meet you," he said, "but I steered them off.You'd have thought Roosevelt was coming to town the way they've been calling up.""To meet me?"

"I expect the Ladies' Aid Society wanted to get into the papers again," he said rather grimly."They are merry little advertisers, all right.""I don't think that, Harvey."

"Well, I do," he said, and brought her to a stop facing a smart little car, very new, very gay.

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