

In the West the numbers were more equally balanced.General Sherman, who commanded the army of invasion there, had under his orders 230,000 men, but as more than half this force was required to protect the long lines of communication and to keep down the conquered States, he was able to bring into the field for offensive operations 99,000 men, who were faced by the Confederate army under Johnston of 58,000 men.Grant's scheme was, that while the armies of the North were, under his own command, to march against Richmond, the army of the West was to invade Georgia and march upon Atlanta.

His plan of action was simple, and was afterward stated by himself to be as follows: "I determined first to use the greatest number of troops practicable against the main force of the enemy, preventing him from using the same force at different seasons against first one and then another of our armies, and the possibility of repose for refitting and producing necessary supplies for carrying on resistance.Second, to hammer continuously against the armed force of the enemy and his resources until, by mere attrition if in no other way, there should be nothing left to him but submission."This was a terrible programme, and involved an expenditure of life far beyond anything that had taken place.Grant's plan, in fact, was to fight and to keep on fighting, regardless of his own losses, until at last the Confederate army, whose losses could not be replaced, melted away.It was a strategy that few generals have dared to practice, fewer still to acknowledge.

On the 4th of May the great army of the Potomac crossed the Rapidan and advanced toward Chancellorsville.Lee moved two divisions of his army to oppose them.Next morning the battle began at daybreak on the old ground where Lee had defeated Hooker the year before.All day long tho division of Ewell supported the attack of the army corps of Sedgwick and Hancock.

Along a front of six miles, in the midst of the thick forest, the battle raged the whole of the day.The Confederates, in spite of the utmost efforts of the Northerners, although reinforced in the afternoon by the army corps of General Burnside, held their position, and when night put an end to the conflict the invaders had not gained a foot of ground.

As soon as the first gleam of light appeared in the morning the battle recommenced.The Federal generals, Sedgwick, Warren, and Hancock, with Burnside in reserve, fell upon Hill and Ewell.

Both sides had thrown up earthworks and felled trees as a protection during the night.At first the Confederates gained the advantage; but a portion of Burnside's corps was brought up and restored the battle, while on the left flank of the Federals Hancock had attacked with such vigor that the Confederates opposed to him were driven back.

At the crisis of the battle, Longstreet, who had marched all night, appeared upon the ground, drove back Hancock's men, and was on the point of aiding the Confederates in a decisive attack upon the enemy, when, riding rapidly forward into the wood to reconnoiter, he was, like Jackson, struck down by the fire of his own men.He was carried to the rear desperately, and it was feared for a time morally wounded, and his loss paralyzed the movement which lie had prepared.Nevertheless during the whole day the fight went on with varying success, sometimes one side obtaining a slight advantage, the other then regaining the ground they had lost.

Just as evening was closing in a Georgia brigade, with two other regiments, made a detour, and fell furiously upon two brigades of the enemy, and drove them back in headlong rout for a mile and a half, capturing their two generals and many prisoners.The artillery, as on the previous day, had been little used on either side, the work being done at short range with the rifle, the loss being much heavier among the thick masses of the Northerners than in the thinner lines of the Confederates.Grant had failed in his efforts to turn Lee's right and to accomplish his direct advance; he therefore changed his base and moved his army round toward Spotsylvania.

Lee soon perceived his object, and succeeded in carrying his army to Spotsylvania before the Federals reached it.

On the afternoon of Monday, the 9th, there was heavy fighting and on the 10th another pitched battle took place.This time the ground was more open, and the artillery was employed with terrible effect on both sides.It ended, however, as the previous battles had done, by the Confederates holding their ground.

Upon the next day there was but little fighting.In the night the Federals moved quietly though the wood, and at daybreak four divisions fell upon Johnston's division of Ewell's corps, took them completely by surprise, and captured the greater part of them.

But Lee's veterans soon recovered from their surprise and maintained their position until noon.Then the whole Federal army advanced, and the battle raged till nightfall terminated the struggle, leaving Lee in possession of the whole line lie had held, with the exception of the ground lost in the morning.

For the next six days the armies faced each other, worn out by incessant fighting, and prevented from moving by the heavy rain which fell incessantly.They were now able to reckon up the losses.The Federals found that they had lost, in killed, wounded, or missing, nearly 30,000 men; while Lee's army was diminished by about 12,000.

While these mighty battles had been raging the Federal cavalry under Sheridan had advanced rapidly forward, and, after several skirmishes with Stuart's cavalry, penetrated within the outer intrenchments round Richmond.Here Stuart with two regiments of cavalry charged them and drove them back, but the gallant Confederate officer received a wound that before night proved fatal.His loss was a terrible blow to the Confederacy, although his successor in the command of the cavalry, General Wade Hampton, was also an officer of the highest merit.

  • 湘烟小录


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    A Dark Night's Work

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  • 弃爱:boss请你放手


  • 当代美国军事(修订版)


  • 民国那些教育家


    本书介绍了20世纪上半叶对中国教育有过重要影响的六位教育家,他们是傅斯年、潘光旦、陶行知、叶圣陶、陈鹤琴及舒新城。他们都经历五四新文化的洗礼,都非常爱国又非常重视西方现代教育理论的引进,都认为教育的宗旨是人格的培养,都反对知识的灌输和现代科举制度…… 作者在掌握第一手材料的基础上,以通俗易懂、明白流畅的笔触对近现代教育所做的一次探讨。书稿详细介绍了六位教育家们的教育思想和教育实践,并适时地与今天的教育做对比,对我们反思教育的功能,探讨教师的作用,明确家长的职责,寻找教育的出路提供了很好的借鉴。
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