

"You didn't s'pose I was coming along shouting and whistling, Sergeant Newson? Don't you talk so loud.Dar am no saying who's about.""Hab you brought do stuff?""You don't suppose I should hab come all dis way to tell you I hab not got it.How am do prisoner?""Oh, he's dere all right.My orders was to look in at dat little winder ebery five minutes, and dat when it began to get dark me was to tie him quite tight, and me hab done so.And one of do sentries goes in every five minutes and feels to see if de ropes are tight.He am dar, sure enough.""Dat's quite right, Sergeant Nowson.I knew when you came to 'hove me as do captain knew what ho was doing when lie choose you for dis job.Ho just pick out do man he considers do very best in do regiment.Now, here is do spirit; and fuss-rate stuff it am, too.""Golly, but it am strong!" the sergeant said, taking a long gulp at the canteen."Dat warm do cockles ob de heart in no time.Yes, it am good stuff-just do ting for dis damp air.I hear as a lot of do white soldiers are down wid de fever already, and dere will be lots and lots more of we stop here long.Here, you two men, take a drink of dis; but mind, you mustn't toll no one 'bout it.Dis a secret affair."The two negroes each took a long drink, and returned the canteen with warm expressions of approval.

"De oder men are on duty," the sergeant said with the air of a man who knew his business; "dey mustn't hab none of it, not until dey comes off.As we are do relief, it am proper and right dat we drink a drop out of a canteen of we want it.""Quite so, Sergeant Newson," Tony said in a tone of admiration.

"Dat's do way to manage dese tings-duty first and pleasure afterward.""It am nearly time to relieve guard," the other said; and den dey can have a drink."In five minutes the two soldiers relieved those on guard, and they also took a long drink at the canteen, to which the sergeant also again applied his lips.

Now I must be going," Tony said."I will leave the canteen with you, sergeant.I have got some more of the stuff over there, and Idare say you will like another drink before morning."So saying he stole away, hut halted and lay down twenty yards distant.In ten minutes he heard the sergeant say:

"I feel as if I could do just five minutes' sleep.You keep your eyes on de shed, and of you hear any officer coming his rounds you wake me up."Tony waited another half-hour and then crawled up.The sergeant was lying on his back sound asleep; the two men with him were on their faces, with their rifles pointing toward the shed, as if they had dropped off to sleep while they were staring at it.Then he crawled on to the shed.The soldier on sentry at the back had grounded his musket and was leaning against the shed fast asleep, while the one at the door had apparently slid down in a sitting position and was snoring.

"I hope I haben't given it to dem too strong," Tony said to himself;"but it can't be helped anyhow."He opened the door and entered the shed.

"Are you awake, Marse Wingfield?"

"Yes, I am awake, Tony.Thank God you have come! How did you manage it?""I hab managed it, sah, and dey are all fast asleep," Tony said, as he cut the ropes which bound Vincent.

"Now, sab, let's be going quick.Dar am no saying when dey may come round to look after do guards.Dat's what I hab been worrying about do last quarter ob an hour."Vincent sprang to his feet as the ropes fell from him, and grasped Tony's hand.

"Here am a bayonet, sah.I hope we sha'n't want to use dem, but dar am no saying."They made their way cautiously across the fields till they approached another camp.A few sentries were walking up and down in front of it, but they crawled round these and passed through the space between the regiment and that next to it.

Several other camps were passed; and then, when Vincent knew that they were well in rear of the whole of them, they rose to their feet and started forward at a run.Suddenly Tony touched Vincent, and they both stood still.A distant shout came through the air, followed by another and another.

"I 'spect dey hab found out we have gone, sah.Dey go round two or tree times in do night to sec dat de sentries are awake.Now, sab, come along."They were on the road now, and ran at full speed until they approached Union.They left the track as they neared the village, and as they did so they heard the sound of a horse at full gallop behind them.

"That's an orderly taking the news of our escape.Sheridan's cavalry are scattered all over the country, and there are two squadrons at Union Grove.The whole country will be alive at daybreak."Making their way through the fields they soon struck the track leading to Worley Farm, and in a few minutes were at the door.

The woman opened it at once.

"I have been watching for you," she said, "and I am real glad you have got safe away.Wait a minute and I will strike a light.""You had better not do that," Vincent said."They have got the alarm at Union Grove already, and if any one caught sight of a light appearing in your window, it would bring them down here at once.""They can't see the house from Union," the woman said."Still, perhaps it will be best.Now, sir, I can't do anything for you, because my men's clothes are the same sor' of cut as yours; but here's a suit for this man."Thanking her warmly Vincent handed the things to Tony.

"Make haste and slip them on.Tony; and make your352WITH LEE IN VIRGINIA.

other things up into a bundle and bring them with you for a bit.

We must leave nothing hero, for they will search the whole country to-morrow.We will take the horse away too; not that we want it, but it would never do for it to be found here.""Will you take your letter again?" the woman asked.

"No, I will leave it with you.It will be no use now if I get through, but if you hear to-morrow or next day that I am caught, please carry it as we arranged.What is this?" he asked as the woman handed him a bundle.

  • 龙门留别道友


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    The Orange Fairy Book

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  • 致命罂粟:错付的爱情


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