

It was not difficult for even young soldiers to form an idea of the general nature of the operations.They bad to protect the Shenandoah Valley, to guard the five great roads by which the enemy would advance against Winchester, and not only to save the loyal inhabitants and rich resources of the valley from falling into the hands of the Federals, but what was of even greater importance, to prevent the latter from marching across the Blue Ridge Mountains, and falling upon the flank of the main Confederate army at Manassas.

The position was a difficult one, for while "the grand army" was assembling at Alexandria to advance against Manassas Junction, McClellan was advancing from the northwest with 20,000 men, and Patterson from Pennsylvania with 18,000.

In the morning betore parading his troop, 100 strong, Ashley called them together and told them that, as they would now be constantly on the move and scattered over a long line, it was impossible that they could take their servants with them.

"I should never have allowed them to be brought," be said, "had Iknown that we should be scouting over such an extensive country;at the same time, if we can manage to take a few on it would certainly add to our comfort.I propose that we choose ten by lot to go on with us.They must be servants of the troop and not of individuals.We can scatter them in pairs at fire points, with instructions to forage as well as they can, and to have things in readiness to cook for whoever may come in off duty or may for the time be posted there.Henceforth every man must groom and see to his own horse, but I see no reason, military or otherwise, why we shouldn't get our food cooked for us; and it will be just as well, as long as we can, to have a few bundles of straw for us to lie on instead of sleeping on the ground.

"Another ten men we can also choose by lot to go to Winchester;which is, I imagine, the point we shall move to if the enemy advance, as I fancy they will, from the other side of the Shenandoah Valley.The rest must be sent home."Each man accordingly wrote his name on a piece of paper, and placed them in a haversack.Then were then drawn out; and their servants were to accompany the troop at once.The servants of the next ten were to proceed by train to Winchester, while the slaves of all whose names remained in the bag were to be sent home at once, provided with passes permitting them to travel.To Vincent's satisfaction his name was one of the first ten drawn, and Dan was therefore to go forward.The greater part of the men evaded the obligation to send their servants back to Richmond by despatching them to friends who had estates in the Shenandoah Valley, with letters asking them to keep the men for them until the troop happened to come into their neighborhood.

At six o'clock in the morning the troop mounted and rode to Bath, thirty miles away.It was here that Stuart bad his headquarters, whence lie sent out his patrols up and down the Potomac, between Harper's Ferry on the east and Cumberland on the west.Stuart was away when they arrived, but he rode in a few hours afterward.

"Ah! Ashley, I am glad you have arrived," he said, as he rode up to the troop, who had hastily mounted as he was seen approaching.

"There is plenty for you to do, I can tell yen; and I only wish that you had brought a thousand men instead of a hundred.I am heartily glad to see you all, gentlemen," be said to the troop."I am afraid just at first that the brightness of your gray jackets will put my men rather to shame; but we shall soon get rid of that.But dismount your men, Ashley; there is plenty for them and their horses to do without wasting time in parade work.There is very little of that here, I can tell you.I have not seen a score of my men together for the last month."Vincent gazed with admiration at the young leader, whose name was soon to be celebrated throughout America and Europe.The young Virginian-for he was not yet twenty-eight years old-was the beau ideal of a cavalry officer.He was singularly handsome, and possessed great personal strength and a constitution which enabled him to bear all hardships.He possessed unfailing good spirits, and had a joke and laugh for all he met; and while on the march at the head of his regiment he was always ready to lift up his voice and lead the songs with which the men made the woods resound.

He seemed to live in his saddle, and was present at all hours of the night and day along the line he guarded seeing that the men were watchful and on the alert, instructing the outposts in their duty, and infusing his own spirit and vigilance among them.He had been educated at West Point, and had seen much service with the cavalry against the Indians in the West.Such was the man who was to become the most famous cavalry leader of his time.So far he had not come in contact with the enemy, and his duties were confined to obtaining information regarding their strength and intentions, to watching every road by which they could advance, and to seeing that none passed north to carry information to the enemy as to the Confederate strength and positions, for even in the Shenandoah Valley there were some whose sympathies were with the Federals.

These were principally Northern men settled as traders in the towns, and it was important to prevent them from sending any news to the enemy.So well did Stuart's cavalry perform this service, and so general was the hostility of the population against the North, that throughout the whole of the war in Virginia it was very seldom that the Northern generals could obtain any trustworthy information as to the movements and strength of the Confederates, while the latter were perfectly informed of every detail connected with the intentions of the invaders.

The next morning Ashley's troop took up their share of the work at the front.They were broken up into parties of ten, each of which was stationed at a village near the river, five men being on duty night and day.As it happened that none of the other men in his squad had a servant at the front, Vincent was able without difficulty te have Dan assigned to his party.A house in the village was placed at their disposal, and here the five off duty slept and took their meals while the others were in the saddle.Dan was quite in his element, and turned out an excellent cook, and was soon a general favorite among the mess.

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