Vincent Wingfield was not with the army that retired across the Rappahannock.A portion of the cavalry had followed the broken Federals to the very edge of the stream, and just as they reined in their horses a round shot from one of the Federal batteries carried away his cap, and he fell as if dead from his horse.During the night some of the Northerners crossed the stream to collect and bring back their own wounded who had fallen near it, and coming across Vincent, and finding that he still breathed, and was apparently without a wound, they carried him back with them across the river as a prisoner.
Vincent had indeed escaped without a wound, having been only stunned by the passage of the shot that had carried away his cap, and missed him but by the fraction of an inch.He had begun to recover consciousness just as his captors caine up, and the action of carrying him completely restored him.That he had fallen into the hands of the Northerners he was well aware; but he was unable to imagine how this, had happened.He remembered that the Confederates had been, up to the moment when he fell, completely successful, and he could only imagine that in a subsequent attack the Federals had turned the tables upon them.
How he himself had fallen, or what had happened to him, he had no idea.Beyond a strange feeling of numbness in the head he was conscious of no injury, and he could only imagine that his horse had been shot under him, and that he must have fallen upon his head.The thought that his favorite horse was killed afflicted him almost as much as his own capture.As soon as his captors perceived that their prisoner's consciousness had returned they at once reported that an officer of Stuart's cavalry had been taken, and at daybreak next morning General McClellan on rising was acquainted with the fact, and Vincent was conducted to his tent.
"You are unwounded, sir?" the general said in some surprise.
"I am, general," Vincent replied."I do not know how it happened, but I believe that my horse must have been shot under me, and that I must have been thrown and stunned; however, I remember nothing from the moment when I heard the word halt, just as we reached the side of the stream, to that when I found myself being carried here.""You belong to the cavalry?"Yes, sir."
Was Lee's force all engaged yesterday?"
"I do not know," Vincent said."I only came up with Jackson's division from Harper's Ferry the evening before.""I need not have questioned you," McClellan said."I know that Lee's whole army, 100,000 strong, opposed me yesterday."Vincent was silent.He was glad to see that the Federal general, as usual, enormously overrated the strength of the force opposed to him.
"I hear that the whole of the garrison of Harper's Ferry were released on parole not to serve again during the war.If you are ready to give me your promise to the same effect I will allow you to return to your friends; if not, you must remain a prisoner until you are regularly exchanged.""I must do so, then, general," Vincent said quietly."I could not return home and remain inactive while every man in the South is fighting for the defense of his country, so I will take my chance of being exchanged.""I am sorry you choose that alternative," McClellan said."I hate to see brave men imprisoned if only for a day; and braver men than those across yonder stream are not to be found.My officers and men are astonished.They seem so thin and worn as to be scarce able to lift a musket, their clothes are fit only for a scarecrow, they are indeed pitiful objects to look at; but the way in which they fight is wonderful.I could not have believed had I not seen it, that men could have charged as they did again and again across ground swept by a tremendous artillery and musketry fire; it was wonderful! I can tell you, young sir, that even though you beat us we are proud of you as our countrymen; and I believe that if your General Jackson were to ride through our camp he would be cheered as lustily and heartily by our men as he is by his own."Some fifty or sixty other prisoners had been taken; they had been captured in the hand-to-hand struggle that had taken place on some parts of the field, having got separated from their corps and mixed up with the enemy, and carried off the field with them as they retired.These for the most part accepted the offered parole; but some fifteen, like Vincent, preferred a Northern prison to promising to abstain from fighting in defense of their country, and in the middle of the day they were placed together in a tent under a guard at the rear of the camp.
The next morning came the news that Lee had fallen back.There was exultation among the Federals, not unmingled with a strong sense of relief; for the heavy losses inflicted in the previous fighting had taken all the ardor of attack out of McClellan's army, and they were glad indeed that they were not to be called upon to make another attempt to drive the Confederates from their position.Vincent was no less pleased at the news.He knew how thin were the ranks of the Confederate fighting men, and how greatly they were worn and exhausted by fatigue and want of food, and that, although they had the day before repulsed the attacks of the masses of well-fed Northerners, such tremendous exertions could not often be repeated, and a defeat, with the river in their rear, approachable only by one rough and narrow road, would have meant a total destruction of the army.