

Now, Dan, you keep watch, and let me know if you see any signs of their returning.I think they are too shaken up to want any more fighting; but as there are seven of them, and they may guess there are only two or three of us, it is possible they may try again.""Me don't tink dey try any more, sah.Anyhow, I look out sharp."So saying, Dan, fastening up one of the horses, rode the other in a circle round and round the house and little plantation, so that it would not be possible for any one to cross the clearing without being seen.Vincent returned to the house, and found Miss Kingston just recovering consciousness.She sat upon the ground in a confused way.

"What has happened, nurse?"

"Never mind at present, deane.Juss you keep yourself quiet, and drink a little water."The girl mechanically obeyed.The minute she put down the glass her eye fell upon Vincent, who was standing near the door.

"Oh! I remember now!" she said, starting up."Those men were here and they were going to shoot me.One-two-and then he fired, and it seemed that I fell dead.Am I not wounded?""He never fired at all, Miss Kingston; he will never fire again.Ishot him as he said 'two,' and no doubt the shock of the sudden shot caused you to faint dead away.You fell the same instant that he did.""But where are the others?" the girl said with a shudder."How imprudent of you to come here! I hoped you had seen them coming toward the house.""I did see them, Miss Kingston, and that was the reason I came.Iwas afraid they might try rough measures to learn from you where I was hidden.I arrived at the window just as the scoundrel was pointing his pistol toward you, and then there was no time to give myself up, and I had nothing to do for it but to put a bullet through his head in order to save you.Then I opened fire upon the rest, and my boy drove off their horses.They were seized with a panic and bolted, thinking they were surrounded.Of course I kept up my fire, and there are four of them in the next room besides their captain.And now, if you please, I will get you, in the first place, to bind my arm tightly across my chest, for one of their bullets hit me the left shoulder, and has, I fancy, broken it."The girl gave an exclamation of dismay.

Do not be alarmed, Miss Kingston; a broken shoulder is not a very serious matter, only I would rather it had not happened just at the present moment; there are more important affairs in hand.The question is, What is to become of you? It is quite impossible that you should stay here after what has happened.Those scoundrels are sure to come back again.""What am I to do, Chloe?" The girl asked in perplexity."I am sure we cannot stay here.We must find our way through the woods to Nashville, and I must try and get something to do there.""There is another way, Miss Kingston, if you like to try it," Vincent said."Of course it would be toilsome and unpleasant, but I do not think it would be dangerous, for even if we got caught there would be no fear of your receiving any injury from the Federal troops.

My proposal is that you and Chloe should go with us.If we get safely through the Federal lines I will escort you to Georgia and place you with your friends there."The girl looked doubtful for a moment, and then she shook her bead.

"I could not think of that, sir.It would be difficult enough for you to get through the enemy by yourselves It would add terribly to your danger to have us with you.""I do not think so," Vincent replied."Two men would be sure to be questioned and suspected, but a party like ours would be far less likely to excite suspicion.Every foot we get south we shall find ourselves more and more among people who are friendly to us, and although they might he afraid to give shelter to men, they would not refuse to take women in.I really think, Miss Kingston, that this plan is the best.In the first place it would be a dangerous journey for you through the woods to Nashville and if you fall into the hands of any of those ruffians who have been here you may expect no mercy.At Nashville you will have great difficulty in obtaining employment of any kind aud even suppose you went further north your position as a friendless girl would be a most painful one.As to your staying here that is plainly out of the question.I think that there is no time to lose in making a decision.

Those fellows may go to the camp at the bridge, give their account of the atlair, declare they have been attacked by a party of Confederate sympathizers, and return here with a troop of horse.""What do you say, Chloe?" Lucy asked.

"I'se ready to go wid you whereber you like, Miss Lucy; hut I do tiuk dat in times like dis dat a young gal is best wid her own folk.

It may be hard work getting across, but as to danger dar can't he much more danger than dar has been in stopping along here, so it seems to me best to do as dis young officer says.""Very well, then, I will, sir.We will go under your protection, and will give you as little trouble as we can.We will be ready in five minutes.Now, Chloe, let us put a few things together.The fewer the better.Just a small bundle which we can carrv in our hands."In a few minutes they returned to the room, Chloe carrying a large basket, and looking somewhat ruffled.

Chloe is a little upset," the girl said, smiling, " because I won't put my best things on; and the leaving her Sun-day gown behind is a sore trouble to her.""No wonder, sah," Chloo said, "why dey say dat thar am no pretty dresses in de 'Federacy, and dat blue gown wid red spots is just as good as new, and it am downright awful to tink dat dose fellows will come back and take it.""Never mind, CliIe," Vincent said, smiling."No doubt we are short of pretty dresses in the South, but I dare say we shall be able to find you something that will be almost as good.But we must not stand talking.You are sure you have got everything of value, Miss Kingston?""I have got my purse," she said, "and Chloe has got some food.Idon't think there is anything else worth taking in the house.""Very well, we will be off," Vincent said, leading the way to the door.

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