

"Why, Chloe, you look no older than when you went away from here six years ago," Miss Kingston said."But how ever did you both get through the lines? We have been terribly anxious ahout you.Your brother was here only a fortnight ago, and he and your father were in a great way about you, and reproached themselves bitterly that they did not send you to us before the troubles began, which certainly would have been a wiser step, as I told them.Of course your brother said that when they left you to join the army they had no idea that matters were going so far, or that the Yankees would drive us out of Tennessee, or they would never have dreamed of leaving you alone.However, here you are, so now tell me all about it."Lucy told the story of the various visits of the Federal bushwhackers to the house, and how they had narrowly escaped death for refusing to betray the Confederate officer who had come to the house for food.Her recital was frequently interrupted by exclamations of indignation and pity from her aunts.

"Well, aunts, after that," she went on, "you see it was impossible for me to stop there any longer.No doubt they came back again a few hours afterward and burned the house, and had I been found there I should have been sure to be burned in it, so Chloe agreed with me that there was nothing to do but to try and get through the lines and come to you.There was no way of my getting my living at Nashville except by going out as a help, and there might have been some difficulties about that.""Quite right, my dear.It was clearly the best thing for you to come to us-indeed, the only thing.But how in the world did you two manage to travel alone all that distance and get through the Federal lines?""You see, we were not alone, aunts," Lucy said; "the Confederate officer and his servant were coming through, and of course they took care of us.We could never have got through alone, and as Chloe was with me we got on very nicely; hut we have been a long time getting through, for in that fight, where he saved my life and killed five of the band, he had his shoulder broken by a pistol bullet, and we had to stop in a farmhouse near Mount Pleasant, and he was very ill for some time, but the doctor who attended him was a true Southerner, and so we were quite safe till he was able to move again.""And who is this officer, Lucy?" Miss Kingston asked rather anxiously.

"He is a Virginian gentleman, auntie.His mother has large estates near Richmond.He was in the cavalry with Stuart, and was made prisoner while he was lying wounded and insensible, at Antietam;and I think, auntie, that that-" and she hesitated-" some day we are going to be married."Oh, that's it, is it?" the old lady said kindly."Well, I can't say anything about that until I see him, Lucy.Now tell us the whole story, and then we shall be better able to judge about it.I don't think, my dear, that while you were traveling under his protection he ought to have talked to you about such things.""He didn't, auntie; not until we were half a mile from the station here.I never thought he cared for me the least bit; he was just like a brother to me-just like what Jack would have been if he had been bringing me here.""That's right, my dear; I am glad to hear it.Now, let us hear all about it."Lucy told the whole story of her escape and her adventures, and when she had finished her aunts nodded to each other.

"That's all very satisfactory, Lucy.It was a difficult position to be placed in, though I don't see how it was to be avoided, and the young man really seems to have hehaved very well.Don't you think so, Ada?" The younger Miss Kingston agreed, and both were prepared to receive Vincent with cordiality when he appearedThe hour had been considerably exceeded when Vincent came to the door.He felt it rather an awkward moment when he was ushered into the presence of Lucy's aunts, who could scarcely restrain an exclamation of surprise at his youth, for although Lucy had said nothing about his age, they expected to meet an older man, the impression being gained from the recital of his bravery in attacking singlehanded twelve men, and by the manner in which he had piloted the party through their dangers.

We are very glad to see you-my sister Ada and myself," Miss Kingston said, shaking hands cordially with their visitor."Lucy has been telling us all about you; but we certainly expected from what you had gone through that you were older.""I am two or three years older than she is, Miss Kingston, and Ihave gone through so much in the last three years that I feel older than I am.She has told you, I hope, that she has been good enough to promise to be my wife some day?""Yes, she has told us that, Mr.Wingfield; and although we don't know you personally, we feel sure-my sister Ada and I-from what she has told us of your behavior while you have been together that you are an honorable gentleman, and we hope and believe that you will make her happy.""I will do my best to do so," Vincent said earnestly."As to my circumstances, I shall in another year come into possession of estates sufficient to keep her in every comfort.""I have no doubt that that is all satisfactory, Mr.Wingfield, and that her father will give his hearty approval when he hears all the circumstances of the case.Now, if you will go into the next room, Mr.Wingfield, I will call her down"-for Lucy bad run upstairs when she heard Vincent knock.

"I dare say you will like a quiet talk together," she added smiling, "for she tells me you have never been alone together since you started."Lucy required several calls before she came down.A new shyness such as she had never before felt bad seized her, and it was with flushed cheeks and timid steps that she at last came downstairs, and it needed an encouraging-" Go in, you silly child, your lover will not eat you," before she turned the handle and went into the room where Vincent was expecting her.

  • 佛说大乘圣吉祥持世陀罗尼经


  • 清史稿


  • Under the Greenwood Tree

    Under the Greenwood Tree

  • 金刚经感应传


  • 乡言解颐


  • 著名外交家成才故事(世界名人成才故事)


  • 好医生


  • 观察记录:母爱与死亡


  • 非常道(实体版)


  • 百位世界杰出的谋略家(上)(世界名人成功启示录)


  • 中国人一定要知道的历史常识


  • 烽火峥嵘


  • 哀江南赋


  • 把星星都点亮


  • 神奇宝贝之虎跃山林

