

"Now," he said, "no one but Dan knew of the intended escape, no one knew what clothes he had purchased, no one could possibly have known that I was to be disguised as a preacher and Dan as my servant.Therefore the information must have been given by Jackson.""I have not the least doubt but that the blackguard did give it, Wingfield; but there is no proof.""I consider that there is a proof-an absolute and positive proof,"Vincent asserted, "because no one else could have known it.""Well, you see that as a matter of fact the other officer did know it, and might possibly have given the information.""But why should he? The idea is absurd.He had never had a quarrel with me, and he owed his liberty to me.""Just so, Wingfield.I am as certain that it was Jackson as you arc, because I know the circumstances; but you see there is no more absolute proof against one man than against the other.It is true that you had had a quarrel with Jackson some two years before, but you see you had made it up and had become friends in prison-so much so that you selected him from among a score of others in the same room to be the companion of your flight.You and I, who know Jackson, can well believe him guilty of an act of gross ingratitude-of ingratitude and treachery; but people who do not know would hardly credit it as possible - that a man could be such a villain.The defense he would set up would be that in the first place there is no shadow of evidence that he more than the other turned traitor.Tn the second place he would be sure to say that such an accusation against a Confederate officer is too monstrous and preposterous to be entertained for a moment; and that doubtless your negro, although he denies the fact, really chattered about his doings to the negroes he was lodging with, and that it was through them that some one got to know of the disguise you would wear.We know that it wasn't so, Wingfield; but ninety-nine out of every hundred white men in the South would rather believe that a negro bad chattered than that a Confederate officer had been guilty of a gross act of treachery and ingratitude."Vincent was silent.He felt that what his companion said was the truth; and that a weapon by which he had hoped to force the elder Jackson into saying what he had done with Dinah would probably fail in its purpose.The old man was too astute not to perceive that there was no real proof against his son, and would therefore be unlikely at once to admit that he had committed a serious crime, and to forego his revenge.

"I will try at any rate," he said at last; "and if he refuses I will publish the story in the papers.When the fellow gets back from Yankee-land he may either call me out or demand a court of inquiry.I may not succeed in getting a verdict from twelve white men, but I think I can convince every one of our own class that the fellow did it; and when this battle that is expected is over I have got three months' leave, and I will move heaven and earth to find the woman; and if I do, Jackson will either have to bolt or stand a trial, with the prospect of ten years' imprisonment if he is convicted.In either case we are not likely to have his son about here again; and if he did venture back and brought an action against me, his chance of getting damages would be a small one."Another half-hour's ride brought them to the Cedars.They dismounted at the house, and fastening their horses to the portico knocked at the door.It was opened by a negro.

"Tell your master," Vincent said, "that Mr.Wingfield wishes to speak to him."Andrew Jackson himself came to the door.

"To what do I owe the very great pleasure of this visit, Mr.

Wingfield?" he said grimly.

"I have come to ask you what you have done with Dinah Morris, whom, I have every ground for believing, you have caused to be kidnaped from my mother's house.""This is a serious charge, young gentleman," Andrew Jackson said, "and one that I shall call upon you to justify in the law-courts.

Men are not to be charged with criminal actions even by young gentlemen of good Virginian families.""I shall be quite ready to meet you there, Mr.Jackson, whenever you choose; but my visit here is rather to give you an opportunity of escaping the consequences that will follow your detection as the author of the crime; for I warn you that I will bring the crime home to you, whatever it costs me in time and money.My offer is this:

produce the woman and her child, and not only shall no prosecution take place, but I will remain silent concerning a fact which affects the honor of your son."Andrew Jackson's face had been perfectly unmoved during this conversation until he heard the allusion to his son.Then his face changed visibly.

"I know nothing concerning which you can attack the honor of my son, Mr.Wingfield," he said, with an effort to speak as unconcernedly as before.

"My charge is as follows," Vincent said quietly: "I was imprisoned at Elmira with a number of other officers, among them your son.

Thinking that it was time for the unpleasantness that had been existing between us to come to an end, I offered him my hand.

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