Arthur, Timothy S.An American writer, born near Newburgh, New York, in 1809.Most of his life was passed in Baltimore and Philadelphia.He wrote more than a hundred volumes, nearly all of which are now forgotten.His best-known work is a temperance tale entitled "Ten Nights in a Bar-room." He died in 1885.
Browning, Robert.An English poet, born near London in 1812.He was educated at London University, and spent most of his life in Italy.He was the author of many volumes of poetry.He died at Venice in 1889.
Bryant, William Cullen.An American poet, born at Cummington, Massachusetts, in 1794; died in New York in 1878.His poems relate for the most part to subjects connected with the woods and fields and the beauties of nature.For fifty years he was the editor of the New York Evening Post.
Burroughs, John.An American writer, born at Roxbury, New York, in 1837.His writings include many delightful essays on out-door subjects.Among his best books are "Wake-Robin," Birds and Poets," "Winter Sunshine," and "Fresh Fields."Cooke, John Esten.An American writer, born at Winchester, Virginia, in 1830.Among his works are a number of interesting stories and sketchesof life in Virginia.He died in 1886.
Cutter, George W.An American writer, whose home was in Washington, D.C.His most popular work is the short poem entitled "The Song of Steam." He was born in 1801; died in 1865.
Dickens, Charles.One of the most famous of English novelists, born at Landport, near Portsmouth, England, in 1812.His greatest novel is "David Copperfield," but some of his most pleasing work is found in the "Pickwick Papers." Among his other writings are "The Old Curiosity Shop," "Dombey and Son," "Martin Chuzzlewit," and "Nicholas Nickleby." His "Christmas Carol" and other Christmas stories are delightful reading.He died at Gadshill in 1870.
Dodge, Mary Napes.An American author, born at New York in 1838.She has been the editor of St.Nicholas since its beginning in 1875, and has written several charming stories for children.
Drummond, Henry.A Scottish clergyman, author, and naturalist.His most popular work is "Tropical Africa"; but he also wrote many sermons, essays, and religious books.He died in 1897.
Elizabeth, Charlotte.An English writer, Charlotte Elizabeth Browne Tonna, born at Norwich in 1790.She wrote some novels, and several tracts on religious subjects, and was editor of the Christian Lady's Magazine, but her works are now seldom read.She died in 1846.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo.A famous American writer and philosopher, born at Boston in 1803; died in 1882.His works are included in fourteen volumes of essays, poems, and criticisms.
Everett, Edward.An American statesman and orator, born in Massachusetts in 1794; died in 1865.
Field, Eugene.A popular American journalist and poet, born in Missouri in 1850, died at Chicago in 1896.His best poems are contained in the volumes entitled "Love Songs of Childhood" and "A Little Book of Western Verse."Fields, James T.An American publisher and author, born at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in 1817.He wrote a little poetry, and a few well-known prose works, among which his "Yesterdays with Authors" is the best.He died at Boston in 1881.
Flagg, Ellen H.An American writer of verses, whose home was in the South.Her best-known production is "The Blue and the Gray."Froude, James Anthony.An English writer, born in Devonshire in 1818.His writings relate chiefly to historical subjects, and include a "History of England" and "Short Studies on Great Subjepts," both of which are works of the highest order.He died in 1894.
Gallagher, William D.An American journalist born in Pennsylvania in 1808.The greater part of his life was spent in Kentucky, and his best poems relate to Western and Southern subjects.He died in 1894.
Gilder, Richard Watson.An American editor and poet, born at Bordentown, New Jersey, in 1844.He was for many years the editor of Lee Century Magazine.His works are collected in a volume entitled "Five Books of Song."Hawthorne, Nathaniel.One of the greatest of American prose writers, born at Salem, Massachusetts, in 1804.Besides writing some famous novels, he.was,the author of "The Wonder Book," "Tanglewood Tales," and "Grandfather's Chair," delightful books for children.He died at Plymouth, New Hampshire, in 1864.
Hughes, Thomas.An English writer, born near Newbury in 1823.He is well known in this country as the author of "Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby," an excellent book for boys.He died in 1896.