To the millions of God's children on this earth enthralled in darkness, for whom the solicitude of the Father is now in evidence, this book is dedicated.
May it be a beacon to light the way of weary searchers after TRUTH.One hemisphere of Mars showing the North Polar Cap and the main Canal System covering the planet.The many thousands of small lateral canals, radiating from the larger waterways, and which form an important part of the general plan, have been purposely omitted from the above to avoid confusion.The circular spots and dots are the principal reservoirs used for impounding water for use during the long Martian summer.The dark areas shown in the drawing are Mars ancient sea bottoms now covered with vegetation.It will be observed that most of the canals are double, paralleling each other at a distance of about seventy-five miles.Centers of population are not shown for the reason that space is not available on so small a drawing.The City of Urid is situated adjacent tothe reservoir in the center of drawing, just north of the equator.
as the medium must necessarily experience the atmosphere of Mars which is more rarified than that of your Earth." Writes also that the medium seemed to have some difficulty, and at first pain in breathing while in the trance condition.
Mr.Kennon also wrote in his foreword of the original book that it was not until January 4, 1920, it was decided to write the book in which the Planet Mars, its people, its form of government, its Art, Industries, Philosophy of life, etc.would for the first time in the history of this world be given.
It appears that Jesus the Christed One of God visited the planets of our Solar system, the planet Mars being one of those visited and investigated.And, as a proof of this it was Jesus Christ who functioned as chairman orpresidentat the great Peace Conference held in the vast coliseum on the first sphere of the Heavens of our Earth.That was in the year 1912, as fully reported in "World of Tomorrow," page 98.It was at that conference He stated that Universal Peace must be speeded up, as there were other planets to be investigated: and that the Earth stood in the way and was becoming a menace to neighboring planets.