

"The Canal quickening on Mars occupied 52 days, as evidenced by the successive vegetal darkenings which descend from latitude 72 degrees North and latitude 0, a journey of 2,650 miles.The rate of progression is remarkably uniform, and this fact that it is carried from near the Pole to the Equator is sufficient tell-tale of extrinsic aid, and the uniformity of the action increases its significance."On the morning of January 21 I witnessed another interesting Martian scene, which was almost identical with the previous vision of the Arctic regions of this planet, except that the warm season was more advanced, and I was permitted to see the country from another angle.I was facing East. Most of the Polar snow had disappeared, and the low-lying hillswere now covered with a growth of dark green vegetation, except at a few isolated points which showed small patches of snow.The sky was less misty than on the previous occasion.

On the evening of January 21 I was shown a flock of Martian sheep.The herd was small and I observed five of the animals at close range.I call them sheep for the reason that the animals resembled our sheep in every particular.The wool was very long and of a dark reddish-brown color, except underneath their bellies which was yellowish.

On the evening of January 29 I had a vision of a beautiful woman with a child kneeling at her feet.She was seated on a chair and held a book on her lap.The symbolism of the vision was later explained to me by the controls.who said: "Verily I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein." God's truths are perceived only by those who can acquire the simple faith of a child.

It was about the same time I had a vision in which I saw Sergius for the first time distinctly.He is the principal control dominating the writing of this book.He appeared very patriarchal with a long beard.His features were decidedly semitic.His countenance was most spiritual and beautiful.

On February 10 I had my first vision of Mars' two moons, known to our astronomers as Diemos and Phobos.The latter appeared as a satellite about half as large as our full moon, and the former like a star brighter than the first magnitude, and could be compared with Jupiter as seen from our Earth during a favorable opposition of that planet.The latter satellite sheds considerable light on her primary.An interesting explanation of these two moons will be found in a laterCHAPTER of this book.

On February 17 I was shown the actual appearance of our sun from the planet Mars.What I saw disproves the theory that owing to the distance of Mars from the sun the latter would be viewed by the Martians as a disk about half the size as seen from our Earth.The Solar Orb appeared as to size and brightness, about the same as viewed from our Earth, and seemed to give forth its heat with the same intensity. I was facing the sun and itsbrilliance blinded my eyes for an instant.

On the evening of February 29 I had a vision of a strange looking creature ape-like in appearance.The form was about five feet tall, very hairy, his body being covered with a thick coat of woolly hair of a grayish color.He was smoking what appeared to be a cigar-like roll of something, probably some sort of leaves rolled up into a convenient form for smoking.On the tips of his pointed ears were little tufts of long hair, which gave his head a lynx-like appearance.There were quite a number of large yellow spots on his hairy chest.His nose was very stubby, and his entire face was decidedly apelike.

I was later informed that I had seen an inhabitant of the planet Mercury, where life has not yet evolved to a very high degree, and where man has not yet wholly emerged from his primary beast-like state.

Concerning the flora of Mars I have on various occasions viewed orchards of growing fruit trees.The trees were set out in rows similar to the methods adopted in our own orchards.The trees were dwarf-like, being not over five or six feet high.I was informed that this particular species of tree was cultivated for its fruit and for the fiber obtained from its large leaves, which is made into cloth, thread and cordage.

On one occasion a short time after theCHAPTER dealing with the transmission of Electro-magnetic energy by wireless was received, I was shown two immense towers on the planet Mars which are used for the purpose of distributing power throughout the planet.The two towers were very close together, probably 100 yards apart and 100 feet high.They resembled two immense round smoke-stacks, such as are common in our factory districts.The tops of the towers were surmounted by oval caps, transparent as if made from glass, and protected by a system of grill work.While I was intently observing the towers there occurred a blinding flash of light simultaneously from the two oval caps.

The surrounding country was covered with high trees, and it was impossible for me to observe the base of the two structures.

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    Letters to Dead Authors

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  • 花园坟传奇


    江南蚬江畔,有个花园坟,青冢秀木,浮翠滴碧。多少年来,流传着一个凄美的故事。北洋政府时期,军阀割据,战乱不断。民国十三年(公元1924年)秋天,直系江苏督军齐燮元为争夺上海鸦片市场,同皖系浙江督军卢永祥开了仗,世称齐卢交战。战场摆在沪西嘉定昆山之间,双方交战,苏军吃了败仗。苏军本是乌合之众,军纪极坏,败兵所到之处,奸淫掳掠,无恶不作,从此,平静的江南,卷入了兵匪横行的多事之秋。 却说昆山城西20多里,有个万顷大湖,因产蚬著名,叫做蚬湖。蚬湖中有座岛屿,叫蚬山。
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