The people of Mars have a spoken and written language, but not so filled with complexities as yours, for the reason that owing to the high development of the mental faculties thoughts are almost as audible as words.Hence, converse between individuals on our planet is not altogether a series of vocal ejaculations.On the contrary, among the older members of the race, communication between individuals is in some cases audibly imperceptible.
Printed books are used, but mostly for the very young, as information is usually transmitted impressionally.
Education on Mars begins at the mother's knee.The first knowledge imparted to the young is Spiritual.The first lessons given to the child are: One's absolute dependence on God, and that the few years before the individual are but an unfoldment, or an individualizing of the entity into a separate and distinct unit.
The Spiritual lessons are amplified as the child grows and grasps these truths.This procedure continues until the pupil is ready to enter an institution of learning.
The primary education consists, as already said, in lessons on the necessity of expressing God in our lives in truth and righteousness in order that the mind of the individual be so moulded and fashioned that absolute faith is placed in God's promises through the Master, Christ.
The keynote to the education of the individual is that one must first seek God's Kingdom, and that all knowledge and wisdom, which is the Divine Heritage of all, will be easily attained: and that coming into a knowledge of God means health, happiness and wisdom.
After the individual has grasped the primary lessons, which result inan unfoldment of the spirit within, he is then sent to a school; but a school system different from anything you have on your Earth.The task of the teacher is, not to teach knowledge but to assist in bringing out what is already latent in the soul, rather than a set routine, for every individual is considered a master in some line of thought and activity.The pupil is led into knowledge instead of being taught directly.
The individual is left to his own tastes and volition.The harmony of music of God's laws, which embrace Astronomy, Physics and of Life, together with a knowledge of the laws of Electricity, is especially brought to the attention of the individual.You of the Earth know as yet very little concerning the true nature of Electricity.Your methods of handling and generating this wonderful force are crude indeed, by comparison with the deep knowledge attained on Mars with the subject.
And so with the study and development of the Harmony of Music, we of Mars have developed a high spiritual sense, and are able to hear and see many intermediate degrees of vibration that do not exist at all for you.Of course there are some exceptions among the few of your Earth who, after having striven hard for light have been favored by God's angels in the development of a higher Spirituality.
Our teachers are guides who look after their charges in an atmosphere of Love and, as a result, right conceptions of Truth are acquired by the pupil.
Thought is the expression or fruit of the Spirit, and Martian children are never allowed to forget their Spiritual growth.As a consequence of this they are easily led into true knowledge, and having a broad vision are able to see all things in their true relations.They begin at the cause and work towards the effect, which is the opposite of your system.
No set rules of discipline are used in the schools.Indeed they are not necessary for the reason that the one ideal: the one goal impressed on the mind of the pupil is the complete expression of the Father Within, for to express the Father is to have perfect life, life in abundance.
Concentration of mind, economy of time and energy are studied and learned by the child in the early part of his career.
Astronomy on our planet offers an ideal field in seeking an understanding of the reign of immutable law through the Infinite Universe of God, and owing to the clear rarified atmosphere of Mars, unusual opportunity is presented to students in visual observations of the Heavens.
Entire classes of advanced students, accompanied by their teacher guides repair to the open at night when the canopy of God's Heavens is ablaze with scintillating points of light.The different constellations as viewed from our planet present the same general appearance as to configuration as they do to the dwellers on your Earth; but the view is decidedly more vivid by reason of a more advantageous viewpoint.
The so-called Superior planets, such as Saturn, Jupiter, some of the larger asteroids, and Uranus and Neptune, are nearer to Mars than to Earth, and for that reason are more easily discerned from this vantage point.Some of the satellites of Jupiter are easily seen with the naked eye.
Your Earth appears to us about as Jupiter does to you, and with our observing instruments we are able to see your continent and oceans when not covered by a cloud canopy.
As to the so-called Inferior planets Venus and Mercury, the former presents the appearance of a star of the first magnitude, but being so near the sun it is only visible an hour before or after sunset, depending upon its position.But Mercury, being so near the Solar Orb, it is rarely its position is favorable for observation from our planet, and then only with our more perfect telescopes.
Our students view the phenomena of eclipses of the sun and our planet with the greatest interest, just as your astronomers do.