Barter and trade are unknown on Mars.The entire race of Martians is cooperative, and the production of all necessities is based on the needs of the Commonwealth.
Specialization in different branches of industrial activity is centralized, as is the case of your Earth.That is, some particular parts of the planet, owing to climatic and other conditions, are better adapted for the production of some special kind of raw material used in the manufacture of clothes or other necessities of life, or the production of some particular foodstuff.But in every case the incentive for industrial activity is not material profit.On the contrary the real incentive is compliance with the Father's will.
Transportation is effected by means of flying ships actuated by the control of gravitational attraction.These vehicles of the air, beside your crude affairs[1] are most perfect, and the amount of freight carried is unlimited, for the reason that the gravitational attraction of the cargo is nullified as well as that of the ship.(A more extended explanation concerning this matter is given in another section of this book.) Another motive power used is Cosmic, or Universal Energy.(We shall refer to this later.)[1] NOTE--Yes, 35 years ago, but not today, 1955.
Immense warehouses and depots are scattered throughout the entire planet.These are centers of distribution.These warehouses are filled with what all the people of the entire planet need in the way of food, clothing and other necessities of life.These depots are in charge of trained and competent workers who attend to the issuance and distribution of all commodities.
When a Martian is in need of any particular commodity he makes application to have his want supplied to the depot nearest to his habitation.He immediately receives the needed article. If the quantity and nature ofhis requisition is too large for him to carry personally, the same is delivered at his domicile by the Commonwealth's Transportation Department.