

But soon Fritz cried: "The door down there is open! See, there is light!"So they went on boldly, and found none to oppose them.And when they came to the outer room and saw the Belgian, Bersonin, lying dead, they thanked God, Sapt saying: "Ay, he has been here." Then rushing into the King's cell, they found Detchard lying dead across the dead physician, and the King on his back with his chair by him.

And Fritz cried: "He's dead!" and Sapt drove all out of the room except Fritz, and knelt down by the King; and, having learnt more of wounds and the sign of death than I, he soon knew that the King was not dead, nor, if properly attended, would die.And they covered his face and carried him to Duke Michael's room, and laid him there;and Antoinette rose from praying by the body of the duke and went to bathe the King's head and dress his wounds, till a doctor came.

And Sapt, seeing I had been there, and having heard Antoinette's story, sent Fritz to search the moat and then the forest.He dared send no one else.

And Fritz found my horse, and feared the worst.Then, as I have told, he found me, guided by the shout with which I had called on Rupert to stop and face me.And I think a man has never been more glad to find his own brother alive than was Fritz to come on me; so that, in love and anxiety for me, he thought nothing of a thing so great as would have been the death of Rupert Hentzau.Yet, had Fritz killed him, I should have grudged it.

The enterprise of the King's rescue being thus prosperously concluded, it lay on Colonel Sapt to secure secrecy as to the King ever having been in need of rescue.Antoinette de Mauban and Johann the keeper (who, indeed, was too much hurt to be wagging his tongue just now) were sworn to reveal nothing;and Fritz went forth to find--not the King, but the unnamed friend of the King, who had lain in Zenda and flashed for a moment before the dazed eyes of Duke Michael's servants on the drawbridge.The metamorphosis had happened; and the King, wounded almost to death by the attacks of the gaolers who guarded his friend, had at last overcome them, and rested now, wounded but alive, in Black Michael's own room in the Castle.

There he had been carried, his face covered with a cloak, from the cell; and thence orders issued, that if his friend were found, he should be brought directly and privately to the King, and that meanwhile messengers should ride at full speed to Tarlenheim, to tell Marshall Strakencz to assure the princess of the King's safety and to come himself with all speed to greet the King.The princess was enjoined to remain at Tarlenheim, and there await her cousin's coming or his further injunctions.

Thus the King would come to his own again, having wrought brave deeds, and escaped, almost by a miracle, the treacherous assault of his unnatural brother.

This ingenious arrangement of my long-headed old friend prospered in every way, save where it encountered a force that often defeats the most cunning schemes.I mean nothing else than the pleasure of a woman.For, let her cousin and sovereign send what command he chose (or Colonel Sapt chose for him), and let Marshal Strakencz insist as he would, the Princess Flavia was in no way minded to rest at Tarlenheim while her lover lay wounded at Zenda; and when the Marshal, with a small suite, rode forth from Tarlenheim on the way to Zenda, the princess's carriage followed immediately behind, and in this order they passed through the town, where the report was already rife that the King, going the night before to remonstrate with his brother, in all friendliness, for that he held one of the King's friends in confinement in the Castle, had been most traitorously set upon; that there had been a desperate conflict;that the duke was slain with several of his gentlemen; and that the King, wounded as he was, had seized and held the Castle of Zenda.All of which talk made, as may be supposed, a mighty excitement: and the wires were set in motion, and the tidings came to Strelsau only just after orders had been sent thither to parade the troops and overawe the dissatisfied quarters of the town with a display of force.

  • 李秀成供状


  • 古文小品咀华


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  • 伤寒论辩证广注


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  • 再不相遇就老了:听席慕蓉谈爱情


    真正的爱情不用太过浓郁,更不用每天都将山盟海誓挂在嘴边。只需在我最美丽的年纪,没有错过你。只是在我这一生的长路中,你从不曾缺席。有时候,甚至于你我真的擦肩而过,我们仍然能微笑着回忆对方,这也是爱情。 本书通过席慕蓉对爱与青春的阐释,带给人们无尽的禅思:青春短暂倏忽易逝,可能我们刚害羞而欣喜地牵了手就要说再见,可能你就要长久地埋葬在我的过去。可是离开的两个人仍然能够坦然的去迎接新的爱情,甚至更加学会珍惜新的人。这便是不完美的青春所赋予我们的爱情宝藏。
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