MIRA. Sirrah, Waitwell, why, sure, you think you were married for your own recreation and not for my conveniency.
WAIT. Your pardon, sir. With submission, we have indeed been solacing in lawful delights; but still with an eye to business, sir. I have instructed her as well as I could. If she can take your directions as readily as my instructions, sir, your affairs are in a prosperous way.
MIRA. Give you joy, Mrs. Foible.
FOIB. O--las, sir, I'm so ashamed.--I'm afraid my lady has been in a thousand inquietudes for me. But I protest, sir, I made as much haste as I could.
WAIT. That she did indeed, sir. It was my fault that she did not make more.
MIRA. That I believe.
FOIB. But I told my lady as you instructed me, sir, that I had a prospect of seeing Sir Rowland, your uncle, and that I would put her ladyship's picture in my pocket to show him, which I'll be sure to say has made him so enamoured of her beauty, that he burns with impatience to lie at her ladyship's feet and worship the original.
MIRA. Excellent Foible! Matrimony has made you eloquent in love. WAIT. I think she has profited, sir. I think so.
FOIB. You have seen Madam Millamant, sir? MIRA. Yes.
FOIB. I told her, sir, because I did not know that you might find an opportunity; she had so much company last night.
MIRA. Your diligence will merit more. In the meantime--[gives money]
FOIB. O dear sir, your humble servant. WAIT. Spouse -MIRA. Stand off, sir, not a penny. Go on and prosper, Foible. The lease shall be made good and the farm stocked, if we succeed.
FOIB. I don't question your generosity, sir, and you need not doubt ofsuccess. If you have no more commands, sir, I'll be gone; I'm sure my lady is at her toilet, and can't dress till I come. Oh dear, I'm sure that [looking out] was Mrs. Marwood that went by in a mask; if she has seen me with you I m sure she'll tell my lady. I'll make haste home and prevent her. Your servant, Sir.--B'w'y, Waitwell.