

THE roarings that had stretched in a long line of sound across the face of the forest began to grow intermittent and weaker.The stentorian speeches of the artillery continued in some dis-tant encounter, but the crashes of the musketry had almost ceased.The youth and his friend of a sudden looked up, feeling a deadened form of distress at the waning of these noises, which had become a part of life.They could see changes going on among the troops.There were march-ings this way and that way.A battery wheeled leisurely.On the crest of a small hill was the thick gleam of many departing muskets.

The youth arose."Well, what now, I won-der?" he said.By his tone he seemed to be preparing to resent some new monstrosity in the way of dins and smashes.He shaded his eyes with his grimy hand and gazed over the field.

His friend also arose and stared."I bet 226we're goin' t' git along out of this an' back over th' river," said he.

"Well, I swan!" said the youth.

They waited, watching.Within a little while the regiment received orders to retrace its way.

The men got up grunting from the grass, regret-ting the soft repose.They jerked their stiffened legs, and stretched their arms over their heads.

One man swore as he rubbed his eyes.They all groaned "O Lord!" They had as many objec-tions to this change as they would have had to a proposal for a new battle.

They trampled slowly back over the field across which they had run in a mad scamper.

The regiment marched until it had joined its fellows.The reformed brigade, in column, aimed through a wood at the road.Directly they were in a mass of dust-covered troops, and were trudging along in a way parallel to the enemy's lines as these had been defined by the previous turmoil.

They passed within view of a stolid white house, and saw in front of it groups of their com-rades lying in wait behind a neat breastwork.Arow of guns were booming at a distant enemy.

Shells thrown in reply were raising clouds of dust and splinters.Horsemen dashed along the line of intrenchments.

At this point of its march the division curved away from the field and went winding off in the direction of the river.When the significance of this movement had impressed itself upon the youth he turned his head and looked over his shoulder toward the trampled and debris-strewed ground.He breathed a breath of new satisfac-tion.He finally nudged his friend."Well, it's all over," he said to him.

His friend gazed backward."B'Gawd, it is," he assented.They mused.

For a time the youth was obliged to reflect in a puzzled and uncertain way.His mind was undergoing a subtle change.It took moments for it to cast off its battleful ways and resume its accustomed course of thought.Gradually his brain emerged from the clogged clouds, and at last he was enabled to more closely compre-hend himself and circumstance.

He understood then that the existence of shot and counter-shot was in the past.He had dwelt in a land of strange, squalling upheavals and had come forth.He had been where there was red of blood and black of passion, and he was es-caped.His first thoughts were given to rejoic-ings at this fact.

Later he began to study his deeds, his fail-ures, and his achievements.Thus, fresh from scenes where many of his usual machines of re-flection had been idle, from where he had pro-ceeded sheeplike, he struggled to marshal all his acts.

At last they marched before him clearly.

From this present view point he was enabled to look upon them in spectator fashion and to criticise them with some correctness, for his new condition had already defeated certain sym-pathies.

Regarding his procession of memory he felt gleeful and unregretting, for in it his public deeds were paraded in great and shining prominence.

Those performances which had been witnessed by his fellows marched now in wide purple and gold, having various deflections.They went gayly with music.It was pleasure to watch these things.He spent delightful minutes viewing the gilded images of memory.

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