

"Put out that light," he commanded." Go to your home and tell no one what you have seen.If you attempt to give an alarm you will be shot.Our sentries are placed every fifty yards along this road."The soldier disappeared from in front of the ray of light and followed his comrades, and an instant later young Bradshaw heard them sliding over the cliff's edge and the pebbles clattering to the beach below.Young Bradshaw stood quite still.In his heart was much fear--fear of laughter, of ridicule, of failure.But of no other kind of fear.Softly, silently he turned his bicycle so that it faced down the long hill he had just climbed.Then he snapped off the light.He had been reliably informed that in ambush at every fifty yards along the road to Blakeney, sentries were waiting to fire on him.And he proposed to run the gauntlet.He saw that it was for this moment that, first as a volunteer and later as a Territorial, he had drilled in the town hall, practiced on the rifle range, and in mixed manoeuvres slept in six inches of mud.As he threw his leg across his bicycle, Herbert, from the motor-car farther up the hill, fired two shots over his head.These, he explained to Ford, were intended to give " verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative." And the sighing of the bullets gave young Bradshaw exactly what he wanted--the assurance that he was not the victim of a practical joke.He threw his weight forward and, lifting his feet, coasted downhill at forty miles an hour into the main street of Blakeney.Ten minutes later, when the car followed, a mob of men so completely blocked the water-front that Ford was forced to stop.His head-lights illuminated hundreds of faces, anxious, sceptical, eager.A gentleman with a white mustache and a look of a retired army officer pushed his way toward Ford, the crowd making room for him, and then closing in his wake.

"Have you seen any--any soldiers?" he demanded.

"German soldiers!" Ford answered."They tried to catch us, but when I saw who they were, I ran through them to warn you.

They fired and--"

"How many--and where?"

"A half-company at Stiffkey and a half-mile farther on a regiment.We didn't know then they were Germans, not until they stopped us.You'd better telephone the garrison, and--""Thank you!" snapped the elderly gentleman."I happen to be in command of this district.What are your names?"Ford pushed the car forward, parting the crowd.

"I've no time for that!" he called."We've got to warn every coast town in Norfolk.You take my tip and get London on the long distance!"As they ran through the night Ford spoke over his shoulder.

"We've got them guessing," he said."Now, what we want is a live wire, some one with imagination, some one with authority who will wake the countryside.""Looks ahead there," said Birrell, "as though it hadn't gone to bed."Before them, as on a Mafeking night, every window in Cley shone with lights.In the main street were fishermen, shopkeepers, "trippers" in flannels, summer residents.The women had turned out as though to witness a display of fireworks.Girls were clinging to the arms of their escorts, shivering in delighted terror.The proprietor of the Red Lion sprang in front of the car and waved his arms.

"What's this tale about Germans?" he demanded jocularly.

"You can see their lights from the beach," said Ford.

"They've landed two regiments between here and Wells.

Stiffkey is taken, and they've cut all the wires south."The proprietor refused to be "had."

"Let 'em all come!" he mocked.

"All right," returned Ford."Let 'em come, but don't take it lying down! Get those women off the streets, and go down to the beach, and drive the Germans back! Gangway," he shouted, and the car shot forward."We warned you," he called, "And it's up to you to--"His words were lost in the distance.But behind him a man's voice rose with a roar like a rocket and was met with a savage, deep-throated cheer.

Outside the village Ford brought the car to a halt and swung in his seat.

"This thing is going to fail!" he cried petulantly."They don't believe us.We've got to show ourselves--many times--in a dozen places."

"The British mind moves slowly," said Birrell, the Irishman.

"Now, if this had happened in my native land--"He was interrupted by the screech of a siren, and a demon car that spurned the road, that splattered them with pebbles, tore past and disappeared in the darkness.As it fled down the lane of their head-lights, they saw that men in khaki clung to its sides, were packed in its tonneau, were swaying from its running boards.Before they could find their voices a motor cycle, driven as though the angel of death were at the wheel, shaved their mud-guard and, in its turn, vanished into the night.

"Things are looking up!" said Ford."Where is our next stop?

As I said before, what we want is a live one."Herbert pressed his electric torch against his road map.

"We are next billed to appear," he said, "about a quarter of a mile from here, at the signal-tower of the Great Eastern Railroad, where we visit the night telegraph operator and give him the surprise party of his life."The three men had mounted the steps of the signal-tower so quietly that, when the operator heard them, they already surrounded him.He saw three German soldiers with fierce upturned mustaches, with flat, squat helmets, with long brown rifles.They saw an an鎚ic, pale-faced youth without a coat or collar, for the night was warm, who sank back limply in his chair and gazed speechless with wide-bulging eyes.

In harsh, guttural tones Ford addressed him."You are a prisoner," he said."We take over this office in the name of the German Emperor.Get out!"As though instinctively seeking his only weapon of defence, the hand of the boy operator moved across the table to the key of his instrument.Ford flung his rifle upon it.

"No, you don't!" he growled."Get out!"

With eyes still bulging, the boy lifted himself into a sitting posture.

  • 快穿之抱歉我在等人


  • 不良婚约(全本)


  • 进旨


  • 隐婚别低调


    他是C国的暗夜帝王,杀伐果断,冷酷无情,唯独遇上她,爱入魔,宠上瘾.“亲爱的,我想要喝粥了!”“好,我马上去做。”高层会议上,总裁接完电话就大步离开了。“亲爱的,我想要礼物了。”“好,马上去买”飞机,豪宅,整条街……“亲爱的,我又被人欺负啦!”下一秒总裁大人带着十队保镖,风尘仆仆的赶来,推着她去了手术台,“不要啦,夜墨辰,你这个疯子。”某男狡黠一笑,将手术台上急得眼泪汪汪的人儿抱了起来,贴心表白“宝宝,乖,不哭,谁也不准欺负你,就算是我儿子也不行。”夏凌雪终于缓过了一口气,小拳捶打他胸膛,“幸好孩子保住了”,这个男人的爱太可怕了。 新书续缘《寒少你老婆又仗势欺人了》,欢迎入坑!
  • 拿起来就放不下的80个自然地理之谜


  • 破圣而立


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  • 豪门婚契:爱妻,求续约

