

Osborne cast a furtive glance at Gwen, and then continued: "We learned on inquiry that certain recent investments of Mr.Darrow's had turned out badly.In addition to this he had been dealing somewhat extensively in certain electric and sugar stocks, and when the recent financial crash came, he found himself unable to cover his margins, and was so swept clean of everything.Nor is this all; he had lost a considerable sum of money in yet another way - just how my informant would not disclose - and all of these losses combined made his speedy failure inevitable.Under such conditions many another man has committed suicide, unable to face financial ruin.But this man had a daughter to consider, and, as I have already said, he would wish to spare her the disgrace which the taking of his own life would visit upon her, and, more than all, would desire that she should not be left penniless.The creditors would make away with his estate, and his daughter be left a beggar.We could see but one way of his preventing this, and that was to insure his life in his daughter's favour.We instituted inquiries at the insurance offices, and found that less than a month ago he had taken out policies in various companies aggregating nearly fifty thousand dollars, whereas, up to that time, he had been carrying only two thousand dollars insurance.Why this sudden and tremendous increase? Clearly to provide for his daughter after his act should have deprived her of his own watchful care.And now we can plainly see why he wished his suicide to pass for murder.He had been insured but a month, and immediate ruin stared him in the face.His death must be consummated at once, and yet, by our law, a man who takes his life before the payment of his second annual insurance premium relieves the company issuing his policy of all liability thereunder, and robs his beneficiary of the fund intended for her.Here, then, is a sufficient motive, and nothing more is required to make the whole case perfectly clear.Of course, it would be a little more complete if we could find the weapon, but even without it, there can be nodoubt, in the light of our work, that John Darrow took his own life with the intentions, and for the purposes, I have already set forth.""Upon my soul, gentlemen," exclaimed Maitland, "you have reasoned that out well! Did you carefully read the copies of the various policies when interrogating the companies insuring Mr.Darrow?" "Hardly," Osborne replied."We learned from the officials all we needed to know, and didn't waste any time in gratifying idle curiosity." A long-drawn "hm-m" was the only reply Maitland vouchsafed to this."We regret," said Osborne, addressing Gwen, "that our duty, which has compelled us to establish the truth in this matter, has been the means of depriving you of the insurance money which your father intended for you." Gwen bowed, and a slight enigmatical smile played for a moment about her lips, but she made no other reply, and, as neither Maitland nor I encouraged conversation, the two officers wished us a good-morning, and left the house without further remark.

"I wish to ask you a few questions," Maitland said to Gwen as soon as the door had closed behind Osborne and his companion, 'and I beg you will remember that in doing so, however personal my inquiries may seem, they have but one object in view - the solution of this mystery." "I have already had good proof of your singleness of purpose," she replied."Only too gladly will I give you any information in my possession.Until this assassin is found, and my father's good name freed from the obloquy which has been cast upon it, my existence will be but a blank, - yes, worse, it will be an unceasing torment; for I know my father's spirit - if the dead have power to return to this earth - can never rest with this weight of shame upon it." As she spoke these words the depth of grief she had hitherto so well concealed became visible for a moment, and her whole frame shook as the expression of her emotion reacted upon her.The next instant she regained her old composure, and said calmly:

"You see I have every reason to shed whatever light I can upon this dark subject.""Please, then, to answer my questions methodically, and do not permit yourself to reason why I have asked them.What was your father's age?""Sixty-two."

"Did he drink?" "No."

"Did he play cards?" "Yes."


"Yes, and several other games."

"Was he as fond of them as of croquet?"

"No; nothing pleased him as croquet did - nothing, unless it were chess.""Hum!Do you play chess?"

"Yes; I played a good deal with father." "What kind of a game did he play?""I do not understand you.He played a good game; my father did not enjoy doing anything that he could not do well.""I mean to ask if his positions were steadily sustained - or if, on the other hand, his manoeuvres were swift, and what you might call brilliant.""I think you would call them brilliant." "Hum!How old are you?""Twenty-two."

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