

At the Athens broadcasting station transmitter site at Liosia my unit erected a small temporary 'T' antenna which allowed the station to come on the air again, but a short time later, when the ELAS guerrillas overran the area they began using the transmitter to broadcast their own view of events.We provided the broadcasting authority with a BC 610 mobile transmitter installed next to the Parliament building in the centre of town,using the same frequency of 610 KHz.Listeners in Cairo couldn't understand what was going on when one moment they heard an official government announcement and a little later a war communique issued by the Communist guerrillas.

8.Over-the-horizon or Ionospheric HF Radar - OTHRAs mentioned briefly in Chapter 1, it was in April 1976 that the then Soviet Union first unleashed a diabolical noise on the HF bands which caused widespread interference to all broadcasting and telecommunication services between 6 and 20 MHz.On the first day the "knock-knock- knock" went on continuously for over ten hours.Radio amateurs, who were among the services that suffered from the interference, soon came to call this noise "the woodpecker".By rotating their beams when tuned to the 14 MHz band they established that the transmissions appeared to originate from the vicinity of the town of Gomel in the U.S.S.R.

The governments of many countries world-wide immediately protested to Moscow, and all they got in reply was a brief statement that the U.S.S.R.was carrying out "an experiment".

The reason for the very strong on/off pulses was probably because, at first, the Russians were using existing radar antennas which permit the transmitting and receiving functions to share the same antenna.Modern OTHR installations have different transmitting and receiving sites, often located many miles apart.

From the early 1950s pulsed oblique ionosphere sounders had shown that the normal ionosphere is much more stable than had previously been thought to be.The physical reason for this is that the incredibly tenuous ionized gas which does the reflecting has a molasses-like viscosity.Of course, there are daily and seasonal changes, but over limited periods of half an hour or so, the F layer at a given location is actually quite well- behaved.It bounces back signals in a nearly constant direction and with nearly constant amplitude -- just what is required for good radar performance.

Over-the-horizon HF radars use the ionosphere as a kind of mirror to "see" around the curvature of the earth.They have a variety of uses, bothmilitary and civilian.And they have the advantage over line-of-sight microwave radars of being able to cover enormous areas with much less power and at a fraction of the cost of the latter.

A "relocatable" OTHR system can track aircraft targets right down to ground level.In an early experiment operators were puzzled by the sudden disappearance from their screen of an aircraft they had been tracking as it taxied along the ground.They found out later that the reason for the disappearance was that the aircraft had gone into a metal hangar which did not show on the screen because it was not in motion, as explained below.

In 1979 the United States Air Force began experimenting with an OTHR system at a site near Bangor, Maine.Because HF frequencies were being used the power was kept very low to minimize interference to other services during the early tests.At the time of writing (1989) it is believed that a full-power relocatable OTHR system situated in Virginia is being used in the anti-drug war.

As can be seen from the map this ROTHR can cover a vast area of1.6 million nautical miles, straddling the whole Caribbean.The scan area stretches from the coast of Colombia in South America up through Nicaragua and Honduras to Florida (on its west boundary) and then southwards through Puerto Rico, to Trinidad & Tobago and the northern coast of Venezuela.

But this vast area is not covered continuously; the system operator can provide surveillance in a number of sectors known as DIRs (dwell information regions).Each one of the 176 DIRs can be "illuminated" for only a few seconds at a time.Small aircraft and small vessels can be detected by an ingenious method, only when they move.This is how it is done:

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    「新书绯川景《快穿全能特工:男神,听话!》求点击求收藏」 十八线小明星景眠,一朝醒来,捡了个蛇精病系统。不仅要攒够经验值才能回家,还摊上个冷面小正太? 三千世界走一遭,脚踩恶毒女配,手撕圣母白莲,老娘专业打脸一百年! 将剧情拨回正轨,景眠表示,狗粮都吃了,能让她牵走一只忠犬吗? ——攻略男配? 听起来不错,不过这只男配好像有点了不得。 只好三十六般撩人技术,样样祭出!系统:勇敢的少女,快去创造奇迹吧!景眠:你不抽风,一切好说!「身心干净,一对一。甜甜甜!男主始终一人。」 「作者有点玻璃心,拒绝恶意差评么么哒~」