

"I had supposed," said he, "that men of sense had much the same behaviour in all countries, and that, here as elsewhere, a gentleman would be taken at his word.I solemnly affirm that the letter I was seen to read reflects in no way on the honour of this young lady, and has in fact nothing to do with what you suppose."As he had himself no notion what the letter was about, this was as far as he dared commit himself.

There was another brief consultation in the opposing camp, and the Count then said:--"We all know, sir, that a gentleman is obliged to meet certain enquiries by a denial; but you have at your command the means of immediately clearing the lady.Will you show the letter to her father?"There was a perceptible pause, during which Tony, while appearing to look straight before him, managed to deflect an interrogatory glancetoward Polixena.Her reply was a faint negative motion, accompanied by unmistakable signs of apprehension.

"Poor girl!" he thought, "she is in a worse case than I imagined, and whatever happens I must keep her secret."He turned to the Senator with a deep bow."I am not," said he, "in the habit of showing my private correspondence to strangers."The Count interpreted these words, and Donna Polixena's father, dashing his hand on his hilt, broke into furious invective, while the Marquess continued to nurse his outraged feelings aloof.

The Count shook his head funereally."Alas, sir, it is as I feared.This is not the first time that youth and propinquity have led to fatal imprudence.But I need hardly, I suppose, point out the obligation incumbent upon you as a man of honour."Tony stared at him haughtily, with a look which was meant for the Marquess."And what obligation is that?""To repair the wrong you have done--in other words, to marry the lady."Polixena at this burst into tears, and Tony said to himself: "Why in heaven does she not bid me show the letter?" Then he remembered that it had no superscription, and that the words it contained, supposing them to have been addressed to himself, were hardly of a nature to disarm suspicion.The sense of the girl's grave plight effaced all thought of his own risk, but the Count's last words struck him as so preposterous that he could not repress a smile.

"I cannot flatter myself," said he, "that the lady would welcome this solution."The Count's manner became increasingly ceremonious."Such modesty," he said, "becomes your youth and inexperience; but even if it were justified it would scarcely alter the case, as it is always assumed in this country that a young lady wishes to marry the man whom her father has selected.""But I understood just now," Tony interposed, "that the gentleman yonder was in that enviable position.""So he was, till circumstances obliged him to waive the privilege inyour favour."

"He does me too much honour; but if a deep sense of my unworthiness obliges me to decline--""You are still," interrupted the Count, "labouring under a misapprehension.Your choice in the matter is no more to be consulted than the lady's.Not to put too fine a point on it, it is necessary that you should marry her within the hour."Tony, at this, for all his spirit, felt the blood run thin in his veins.He looked in silence at the threatening visages between himself and the door, stole a side-glance at the high barred windows of the apartment, and then turned to Polixena, who had fallen sobbing at her father's feet.

"And if I refuse?" said he.

The Count made a significant gesture."I am not so foolish as to threaten a man of your mettle.But perhaps you are unaware what the consequences would be to the lady."Polixena, at this, struggling to her feet, addressed a few impassioned words to the Count and her father; but the latter put her aside with an obdurate gesture.

The Count turned to Tony."The lady herself pleads for you--at what cost you do not guess--but as you see it is vain.In an hour his Illustriousness's chaplain will be here.Meanwhile his Illustriousness consents to leave you in the custody of your betrothed."He stepped back, and the other gentlemen, bowing with deep ceremony to Tony, stalked out one by one from the room.Tony heard the key turn in the lock, and found himself alone with Polixena.


The girl had sunk into a chair, her face hidden, a picture of shame and agony.So moving was the sight that Tony once again forgot his own extremity in the view of her distress.He went and kneeled beside her, drawing her hands from her face.

"Oh, don't make me look at you!" she sobbed; but it was on his bosom that she hid from his gaze.He held her there a breathing- space, as hemight have clasped a weeping child; then she drew back and put him gently from her.

"What humiliation!" she lamented.

"Do you think I blame you for what has happened?""Alas, was it not my foolish letter that brought you to this plight? And how nobly you defended me! How generous it was of you not to show the letter! If my father knew I had written to the Ambassador to save me from this dreadful marriage his anger against me would be even greater.""Ah--it was that you wrote for?" cried Tony with unaccountable relief."Of course--what else did you think?""But is it too late for the Ambassador to save you?""From YOU?" A smile flashed through her tears."Alas, yes." She drew back and hid her face again, as though overcome by a fresh wave of shame.

Tony glanced about him."If I could wrench a bar out of that window-- " he muttered.

"Impossible! The court is guarded.You are a prisoner, alas.-- Oh, I must speak!" She sprang up and paced the room."But indeed you can scarce think worse of me than you do already--""I think ill of you?"

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