

"Surest thing you know.It's great to fly through a storm.You can just ride on its wings.Throw on your raincoat and come on quick! I'm going to run down to the Beach.Who's afraid of an old storm with this thing under us?"Her heart gave a bound.Her longing had reached her lover andbrought him through the storm to do her bidding.It was wonderful--this oneness of soul and body.

She was happy again--supremely, divinely happy.The man by her side knew and understood.She knew and understood.She loved this daring spirit that rose to the wind--this iron will that brooked no interference with his plans, even from Nature, when it crossed his love.

The sting of the raindrops against her cheek was exhilarating.The car glided over the swimming roadway like a great gray gull skimming the beach at low tide.Her soul rose.The sun of a perfect faith and love was shining now behind the clouds.

She nestled close to his side and watched him tenderly from the corners of her half-closed eyes, her whole being content in his strength.The idea of dashing through a blinding rain to the Beach on such a day would have been to her mind an unthinkable piece of madness.She was proud of his daring.It would be hers to shield from the storms of life.She loved the rugged lines of his massive jaw in profile.How could Jane be such a fool as to call him ugly!

The weather, of course, prevented them from walking up the Beach to their sand-dune.The walk would have been all right--but it was out of the question to sit down there and give her the ring in the pouring rain.She knew this as well as he.She knew, too, that he had the ring in his pocket, though he had carefully refrained from referring to it in any way.

He led her to a secluded nook behind a pillar in the little parlor.The hotel was deserted.They had the building almost to themselves.A log fire crackled in the open fireplace, and he drew a settee close.The wind had moderated and the rain was pouring down in straight streams, rolling in soft music on the roof.

He drew the ring from his pocket."Well, Kiddo, I got it.The fellow said this was all right."He held the tiny gold band before her shining eyes."Slip it on!" she whispered.

"Which one?" "This one, silly!"

She extended her third finger, as he pressed the ring slowly on.

"Seems to me a mighty little one and a mighty cheap one, but he said it was the thing.""It's all right, dear," she whispered."Kiss me!"He pressed his lips to hers and held them until she sank back and lifted her hand in warning.

"Be careful!"

"Whose afraid?" Jim muttered, glancing over his shoulder toward the door."Now tell me what day-- tomorrow?""Nonsense, man!" she cried."Give me time to breathe----" "What for?""Just to realize that I'm engaged--to plan and think and dream of the wonderful day.""We're losing time----"

"We'll never live these wonderful hours over again, dear."Jim's face fell and his voice was pitiful in its funereal notes: "Lord, I thought the ring settled it.""And so it does, dear--it does-----"

"Not if that long-legged spider that took dinner with us the other night gets in her fine work.I'll bet that she handed me a few when you got home?"Mary was silent."Now didn't she?"

"To the best of her ability--yes--but I didn't mind her silly talk." "Gee, but I'd love to give her a bouquet of poison ivy!""We had an awful quarrel----" "And you stood up for me?" "You know I did!""All right, I don't give a tinker's damn what anybody says if you stand by me! In all this world there's just you--for me.There's never been anybody else--and there never will be.I'm that kind.""And I love you for it!" she cried, with rapture pressing his hand in both of hers.

"What did she say about me, anyhow?" "Nothing worth repeating.I've forgotten it." Jim held her gaze.

"It's funny how you love anybody the minute you lay eyes on 'em--or hate 'em the same way.I wanted to choke her the minute she opened her yap to me.""Forget it, dear," she broke in briskly."I want you to take me to see your workshop tomorrow--will you?"A flash of suspicion shot from the depths of his eyes."Did she tell you to ask me that?""Of course not! I'm just interested in everything you do.I want to see where you work.""It's no place for a sweet girl to go--that part of town." "But I'll be with you.""I don't want you to go down there," he sullenly maintained."But why, dear?""It's a low, dirty place.I had to locate the shop there to get the room I needed for the rent I could pay.It's not fit for you.I'm going to move uptown in a little while.""Please let me go," she pleaded.He shook his head emphatically."No."She turned away to hide the tears.The first real, hideous fear she had ever had about him caught her heart in spite of every effort to fight it down.His workshop might be a myth after all.He had failed in the first test to which she had put him.It was horrible.All the vile suggestions of Jane Anderson rushed now into her memory.

She struggled bravely to keep her head and not break down.It was beyond her strength.A sob strangled her, and she buried her face in her hands.

Jim looked at her in helpless anguish for a moment, started to gather her in his arms and looked around the room in terror.

He leaned over her and whispered tensely:

"For God's sake, Kiddo--don't--don't do that! I didn't mean to hurt you--honest, I didn't.Don't cry any more and I'll take you right down to the black hole, and let you sleep on the floor if you want to.Gee! I'll give you the whole place, tools, junk and all----"She lifted her head."Will you, Jim?"

"Sure I will!We start this minute if you want to go."She glanced over his shoulder to see that no one was looking, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him again and again.

  • 张苍水诗文集


  • 昌吉县呼图壁乡土志


  • 诸子辩


  • 太上洞玄灵宝真一劝诫法 轮妙经

    太上洞玄灵宝真一劝诫法 轮妙经

  • 婴童百问


  • 七世王绝


  • 五月菖蒲


  • 千金惹到爱


  • 每天一堂责任课


  • 不喜欢我,是病得治


    本公主上有君临天下爱女成痴的皇帝爹惯着,下有六位文武双全妹控哥哥们护着,谁敢惹本公主不快。如今还真冒出个不怕死的,本公主向他表达心意,他竟说不喜欢本公主。不喜欢本公主是病,得治,治不好得死知道吗,而本公主喜欢你,这也是病,且没得治。 他毅然选择赴死扬言:“死也不娶。”哼,少年郎,你成功的引起了本公主的注意。 不过,为啥少年郎你变成了本公主,而本公主却成了斗篷,玉佩,砧板……
  • 血逆苍穹


  • 假小子的隐爱


  • 爹地,妈咪在相亲


  • 今天殿下也很忙


  • 微微一笑很倾城

