


Denudation aided by recently ejected castings flowing down inclined grass-covered surfaces--The amount of earth which annually flows downwards--The effect of tropical rain on worm castings--The finest particles of earth washed completely away from castings--The disintegration of dried castings into pellets, and their rolling down inclined surfaces--The formation of little ledges on hill- sides, in part due to the accumulation of disintegrated castings-- Castings blown to leeward over level land--An attempt to estimate the amount thus blown--The degradation of ancient encampments and tumuli--The preservation of the crowns and furrows on land anciently ploughed--The formation and amount of mould over the Chalk formation.

We are now prepared to consider the more direct part which worms take in the denudation of the land.When reflecting on sub-aerial denudation, it formerly appeared to me, as it has to others, that a nearly level or very gently inclined surface, covered with turf, could suffer no loss during even a long lapse of time.It may, however, be urged that at long intervals, debacles of rain or water-spouts would remove all the mould from a very gentle slope; but when examining the steep, turf- covered slopes in Glen Roy, I was struck with the fact how rarely any such event could have happened since the Glacial period, as was plain from the well- preserved state of the three successive "roads" or lake-margins.But the difficulty in believing that earth in any appreciable quantity can be removed from a gently inclined surface, covered with vegetation and matted with roots, is removed through the agency of worms.For the many castings which are thrown up during rain, and those thrown up some little time before heavy rain, flow for a short distance down an inclined surface.Moreover much of the finest levigated earth is washed completely away from the castings.During dry weather castings often disintegrate intosmall rounded pellets, and these from their weight often roll down any slope.This is more especially apt to occur when they are started by the wind, and probably when started by the touch of an animal, however small.We shall also see that a strong wind blows all the castings, even on a level field, to leeward, whilst they are soft; and in like manner the pellets when they are dry.If the wind blows in nearly the direction of an inclined surface, the flowing down of the castings is much aided.

The observations on which these several statements are founded must now be given in some detail.Castings when first ejected are viscid and soft; during rain, at which time worms apparently prefer to eject them, they are still softer; so that I have sometimes thought that worms must swallow much water at such times.However this may be, rain, even when not very heavy, if long continued, renders recently-ejected castings semi- fluid; and on level ground they then spread out into thin, circular, flat discs, exactly as would so much honey or very soft mortar, with all traces of their vermiform structure lost.This latter fact was sometimes made evident, when a worm had subsequently bored through a flat circular disc of this kind, and heaped up a fresh vermiform mass in the centre.These flat subsided discs have been repeatedly seen by me after heavy rain, in many places on land of all kinds.

On the flowing of wet castings, and the rolling of dry disintegrated castings down inclined surfaces.--When castings are ejected on an inclined surface during or shortly before heavy rain, they cannot fail to flow a little down the slope.Thus, on some steep slopes in Knole Park, which were covered with coarse grass and had apparently existed in this state from time immemorial, I found (Oct.22, 1872) after several wet days that almost all the many castings were considerably elongated in the line of the slope; and that they now consisted of smooth, only slightly conical masses.Whenever the mouths of the burrows could be found from which the earth had been ejected, there was more earth below than above them.After some heavy storms of rain (Jan.25, 1872) two rather steeply inclined fields near Down, which had formerly been ploughed and were now rather sparsely clothed with poor grass, were visited, and many castings extended down the slopes for a length of 5 inches, which was twice or thrice the usualdiameter of the castings thrown up on the level parts of these same fields.On some fine grassy slopes in Holwood Park, inclined at angles between 8 degrees and 11 degrees 30 seconds with the horizon, where the surface apparently had never been disturbed by the hand of man, castings abounded in extraordinary numbers: and a space 16 inches in length transversely to the slope and 6 inches in the line of the slope, was completely coated, between the blades of grass, with a uniform sheet of confluent and subsided castings.Here also in many places the castings had flowed down the slope, and now formed smooth narrow patches of earth, 6, 7, and 7.5 inches in length.Some of these consisted of two castings, one above the other, which had become so completely confluent that they could hardly be distinguished.On my lawn, clothed with very fine grass, most of the castings are black, but some are yellowish from earth having been brought up from a greater depth than usual, and the flowing- down of these yellow castings after heavy rain, could be clearly seen where the slope was 5 degrees; and where it was less than 1 degree some evidence of their flowing down could still be detected.On another occasion, after rain which was never heavy, but which lasted for 18 hours, all the castings on this same gently inclined lawn had lost their vermiform structure; and they had flowed, so that fully two-thirds of the ejected earth lay below the mouths of the burrows.

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  • 三论玄义


  • 王牌得分手


  • 网游之啸傲江湖


  • 曾国藩的藏与露


  • 每天给自己一杯心灵安慰


  • 气质改变人生


    气质,可谓是现代人最关心的话题之一,然而,气质又是如此的令人难以琢磨,究竟什么样的气质是最好的?具有什么样的气质才会获得成功呢?尽管我们常常会向自己提出种种疑问,但却始终不能得到一个满意的答案。其实,气质并没有好坏之分,只要在认识了自身气质的基础之上,采取适宜的方法善用气质就一定会获得成功的。 本书将在清晰的阐述气质的同时,教会读者如何去分析自己的气质特点和判断气质的类型,并针对不同的特点和类型,使读者得到有效的善用自身气质的方法,以获得更大的成功。
  • 魏宫二三事

