

`Oh no.It is a real project.There is a good room under the roof of the stables -- with sloping rafters.We had thought of converting it into a studio.'

`How very nice that would be!' cried Gudrun, with excited warmth.

The thought of the rafters stirred her.

`You think it would? Well, it can be done.'

`But how perfectly splendid for Winifred! Of course, it is just what is needed, if she is to work at all seriously.One must have one's workshop, otherwise one never ceases to be an amateur.'

`Is that so? Yes.Of course, I should like you to share it with Winifred.'

`Thank you so much.'

Gudrun knew all these things already, but she must look shy and very grateful, as if overcome.

`Of course, what I should like best, would be if you could give up your work at the Grammar School, and just avail yourself of the studio, and work there -- well, as much or as little as you liked --'

He looked at Gudrun with dark, vacant eyes.She looked back at him as if full of gratitude.These phrases of a dying man were so complete and natural, coming like echoes through his dead mouth.

`And as to your earnings -- you don't mind taking from me what you have taken from the Education Committee, do you? I don't want you to be a loser.'

`Oh,' said Gudrun, `if I can have the studio and work there, I can earn money enough, really I can.'

`Well,' he said, pleased to be the benefactor, `we can see about all that.You wouldn't mind spending your days here?'

`If there were a studio to work in,' said Gudrun, `I could ask for nothing better.'

`Is that so?'

He was really very pleased.But already he was getting tired.She could see the grey, awful semi-consciousness of mere pain and dissolution coming over him again, the torture coming into the vacancy of his darkened eyes.

It was not over yet, this process of death.She rose softly saying:

`Perhaps you will sleep.I must look for Winifred.'

She went out, telling the nurse that she had left him.Day by day the tissue of the sick man was further and further reduced, nearer and nearer the process came, towards the last knot which held the human being in its unity.But this knot was hard and unrelaxed, the will of the dying man never gave way.He might be dead in nine-tenths, yet the remaining tenth remained unchanged, till it too was torn apart.With his will he held the unit of himself firm, but the circle of his power was ever and ever reduced, it would be reduced to a point at last, then swept away.

To adhere to life, he must adhere to human relationships, and he caught at every straw.Winifred, the butler, the nurse, Gudrun, these were the people who meant all to him, in these last resources.Gerald, in his father's presence, stiffened with repulsion.It was so, to a less degree, with all the other children except Winifred.They could not see anything but the death, when they looked at their father.It was as if some subterranean dislike overcame them.They could not see the familiar face, hear the familiar voice.They were overwhelmed by the antipathy of visible and audible death.

Gerald could not breathe in his father's presence.He must get out at once.

And so, in the same way, the father could not bear the presence of his son.It sent a final irritation through the soul of the dying man.

The studio was made ready, Gudrun and Winifred moved in.They enjoyed so much the ordering and the appointing of it.And now they need hardly be in the house at all.They had their meals in the studio, they lived there safely.For the house was becoming dreadful.There were two nurses in white, flitting silently about, like heralds of death.The father was confined to his bed, there was a come and go of sotto-voce sisters and brothers and children.

Winifred was her father's constant visitor.Every morning, after breakfast, she went into his room when he was washed and propped up in bed, to spend half an hour with him.

`Are you better, Daddie?' she asked him invariably.

And invariably he answered:

`Yes, I think I'm a little better, pet.'

She held his hand in both her own, lovingly and protectively.And this was very dear to him.

She ran in again as a rule at lunch time, to tell him the course of events, and every evening, when the curtains were drawn, and his room was cosy, she spent a long time with him.Gudrun was gone home, Winifred was alone in the house: she liked best to be with her father.They talked and prattled at random, he always as if he were well, just the same as when he was going about.So that Winifred, with a child's subtle instinct for avoiding the painful things, behaved as if nothing serious was the matter.

Instinctively, she withheld her attention, and was happy.Yet in her remoter soul, she knew as well as the adults knew: perhaps better.

Her father was quite well in his make-belief with her.But when she went away, he relapsed under the misery of his dissolution.But still there were these bright moments, though as his strength waned, his faculty for attention grew weaker, and the nurse had to send Winifred away, to save him from exhaustion.

He never admitted that he was going to die.He knew it was so, he knew it was the end.Yet even to himself he did not admit it.He hated the fact, mortally.His will was rigid.He could not bear being overcome by death.

For him, there was no death.And yet, at times, he felt a great need to cry out and to wail and complain.He would have liked to cry aloud to Gerald, so that his son should be horrified out of his composure.Gerald was instinctively aware of this, and he recoiled, to avoid any such thing.This uncleanness of death repelled him too much.One should die quickly, like the Romans, one should be master of one's fate in dying as in living.He was convulsed in the clasp of this death of his father's, as in the coils of the great serpent of Laocoon.The great serpent had got the father, and the son was dragged into the embrace of horrifying death along with him.He resisted always.And in some strange way, he was a tower of strength to his father.

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