

There was a darkness over his mind.The terrible knot of consciousness that had persisted there like an obsession was broken, gone, his life was dissolved in darkness over his limbs and his body.But there was a point of anxiety in his heart now.He wanted her to come back.He breathed lightly and regularly like an infant, that breathes innocently, beyond the touch of responsibility.

She was coming back.He saw her drifting desultorily under the high hedge, advancing towards him slowly.He did not move, he did not look again.

He was as if asleep, at peace, slumbering and utterly relaxed.

She came up and stood before him, hanging her head.

`See what a flower I found you,' she said, wistfully holding a piece of purple-red bell-heather under his face.He saw the clump of coloured bells, and the tree-like, tiny branch: also her hands, with their over-fine, over-sensitive skin.

`Pretty!' he said, looking up at her with a smile, taking the flower.

Everything had become simple again, quite simple, the complexity gone into nowhere.But he badly wanted to cry: except that he was weary and bored by emotion.

Then a hot passion of tenderness for her filled his heart.He stood up and looked into her face.It was new and oh, so delicate in its luminous wonder and fear.He put his arms round her, and she hid her face on his shoulder.

It was peace, just simple peace, as he stood folding her quietly there on the open lane.It was peace at last.The old, detestable world of tension had passed away at last, his soul was strong and at ease.

She looked up at him.The wonderful yellow light in her eyes now was soft and yielded, they were at peace with each other.He kissed her, softly, many, many times.A laugh came into her eyes.

`Did I abuse you?' she asked.

He smiled too, and took her hand, that was so soft and given.

`Never mind,' she said, `it is all for the good.' He kissed her again, softly, many times.

`Isn't it?' she said.

`Certainly,' he replied.`Wait! I shall have my own back.'

She laughed suddenly, with a wild catch in her voice, and flung her arms around him.

`You are mine, my love, aren't you?' she cried straining him close.

`Yes,' he said, softly.

His voice was so soft and final, she went very still, as if under a fate which had taken her.Yes, she acquiesced -- but it was accomplished without her acquiescence.He was kissing her quietly, repeatedly, with a soft, still happiness that almost made her heart stop beating.

`My love!' she cried, lifting her face and looking with frightened, gentle wonder of bliss.Was it all real? But his eyes were beautiful and soft and immune from stress or excitement, beautiful and smiling lightly to her, smiling with her.She hid her face on his shoulder, hiding before him, because he could see her so completely.She knew he loved her, and she was afraid, she was in a strange element, a new heaven round about her.She wished he were passionate, because in passion she was at home.

But this was so still and frail, as space is more frightening than force.

Again, quickly, she lifted her head.

`Do you love me?' she said, quickly, impulsively.

`Yes,' he replied, not heeding her motion, only her stillness.

She knew it was true.She broke away.

`So you ought,' she said, turning round to look at the road.`Did you find the rings?'


`Where are they?'

`In my pocket.'

She put her hand into his pocket and took them out.

She was restless.

`Shall we go?' she said.

`Yes,' he answered.And they mounted to the car once more, and left behind them this memorable battle-field.

They drifted through the wild, late afternoon, in a beautiful motion that was smiling and transcendent.His mind was sweetly at ease, the life flowed through him as from some new fountain, he was as if born out of the cramp of a womb.

`Are you happy?' she asked him, in her strange, delighted way.

`Yes,' he said.

`So am I,' she cried in sudden ecstacy, putting her arm round him and clutching him violently against her, as he steered the motor-car.

`Don't drive much more,' she said.`I don't want you to be always doing something.'

`No,' he said.`We'll finish this little trip, and then we'll be free.'

`We will, my love, we will,' she cried in delight, kissing him as he turned to her.

He drove on in a strange new wakefulness, the tension of his consciousness broken.He seemed to be conscious all over, all his body awake with a simple, glimmering awareness, as if he had just come awake, like a thing that is born, like a bird when it comes out of an egg, into a new universe.

They dropped down a long hill in the dusk, and suddenly Ursula recognised on her right hand, below in the hollow, the form of Southwell Minster.

`Are we here!' she cried with pleasure.

The rigid, sombre, ugly cathedral was settling under the gloom of the coming night, as they entered the narrow town, the golden lights showed like slabs of revelation, in the shop-windows.

`Father came here with mother,' she said, `when they first knew each other.He loves it -- he loves the Minster.Do you?'

`Yes.It looks like quartz crystals sticking up out of the dark hollow.

We'll have our high tea at the Saracen's Head.'

As they descended, they heard the Minster bells playing a hymn, when the hour had struck six.Glory to thee my God this night For all the blessings of the light -- So, to Ursula's ear, the tune fell out, drop by drop, from the unseen sky on to the dusky town.It was like dim, bygone centuries sounding.It was all so far off.She stood in the old yard of the inn, smelling of straw and stables and petrol.Above, she could see the first stars.What was it all?

This was no actual world, it was the dream-world of one's childhood --a great circumscribed reminiscence.The world had become unreal.She herself was a strange, transcendent reality.

They sat together in a little parlour by the fire.

`Is it true?' she said, wondering.


`Everything -- is everything true?'

`The best is true,' he said, grimacing at her.

`Is it?' she replied, laughing, but unassured.

  • The Sea-Gull

    The Sea-Gull

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