

The steam launch was fussing in, all its music jingling, people calling excitedly from on board.Gerald went to see to the debarkation, Birkin was getting tea for Mrs Brangwen, Brangwen had joined a Grammar-School group, Hermione was sitting down by their mother, the girls went to the landing-stage to watch the launch come in.

She hooted and tooted gaily, then her paddles were silent, the ropes were thrown ashore, she drifted in with a little bump.Immediately the passengers crowded excitedly to come ashore.

`Wait a minute, wait a minute,' shouted Gerald in sharp command.

They must wait till the boat was tight on the ropes, till the small gangway was put out.Then they streamed ashore, clamouring as if they had come from America.

`Oh it's so nice!' the young girls were crying.`It's quite lovely.'

The waiters from on board ran out to the boat-house with baskets, the captain lounged on the little bridge.Seeing all safe, Gerald came to Gudrun and Ursula.

`You wouldn't care to go on board for the next trip, and have tea there?'

he asked.

`No thanks,' said Gudrun coldly.

`You don't care for the water?'

`For the water? Yes, I like it very much.'

He looked at her, his eyes searching.

`You don't care for going on a launch, then?'

She was slow in answering, and then she spoke slowly.

`No,' she said.`I can't say that I do.' Her colour was high, she seemed angry about something.

`Un peu trop de monde,' said Ursula, explaining.

`Eh? Trop de monde! ' He laughed shortly.`Yes there's a fair number of 'em.'

Gudrun turned on him brilliantly.

`Have you ever been from Westminster Bridge to Richmond on one of the Thames steamers?' she cried.

`No,' he said, `I can't say I have.'

`Well, it's one of the most vile experiences I've ever had.'

She spoke rapidly and excitedly, the colour high in her cheeks.`There was absolutely nowhere to sit down, nowhere, a man just above sang "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep" the whole way; he was blind and he had a small organ, one of those portable organs, and he expected money; so you can imagine what that was like; there came a constant smell of luncheon from below, and puffs of hot oily machinery; the journey took hours and hours and hours; and for miles, literally for miles, dreadful boys ran with us on the shore, in that awful Thames mud, going in up to the waist -- they had their trousers turned back, and they went up to their hips in that indescribable Thames mud, their faces always turned to us, and screaming, exactly like carrion creatures, screaming "'Ere y'are sir, 'ere y'are sir, 'ere y'are sir," exactly like some foul carrion objects, perfectly obscene; and paterfamilias on board, laughing when the boys went right down in that awful mud, occasionally throwing them a ha'penny.And if you'd seen the intent look on the faces of these boys, and the way they darted in the filth when a coin was flung -- really, no vulture or jackal could dream of approaching them, for foulness.I never would go on a pleasure boat again -- never.'

Gerald watched her all the time she spoke, his eyes glittering with faint rousedness.It was not so much what she said; it was she herself who roused him, roused him with a small, vivid pricking.

`Of course,' he said, `every civilised body is bound to have its vermin.'

`Why?' cried Ursula.` I don't have vermin.'

`And it's not that -- it's the quality of the whole thing --paterfamilias laughing and thinking it sport, and throwing the ha'pennies, and materfamilias spreading her fat little knees and eating, continually eating --' replied Gudrun.

`Yes,' said Ursula.`It isn't the boys so much who are vermin; it's the people themselves, the whole body politic, as you call it.'

Gerald laughed.

`Never mind,' he said.`You shan't go on the launch.'

Gudrun flushed quickly at his rebuke.

There were a few moments of silence.Gerald, like a sentinel, was watching the people who were going on to the boat.He was very good-looking and self-contained, but his air of soldierly alertness was rather irritating.

`Will you have tea here then, or go across to the house, where there's a tent on the lawn?' he asked.

`Can't we have a rowing boat, and get out?' asked Ursula, who was always rushing in too fast.

`To get out?' smiled Gerald.

`You see,' cried Gudrun, flushing at Ursula's outspoken rudeness, `we don't know the people, we are almost complete strangers here.'

`Oh, I can soon set you up with a few acquaintances,' he said easily.

Gudrun looked at him, to see if it were ill-meant.Then she smiled at him.

`Ah,' she said, `you know what we mean.Can't we go up there, and explore that coast?' She pointed to a grove on the hillock of the meadow-side, near the shore half way down the lake.`That looks perfectly lovely.We might even bathe.Isn't it beautiful in this light.Really, it's like one of the reaches of the Nile -- as one imagines the Nile.'

Gerald smiled at her factitious enthusiasm for the distant spot.

`You're sure it's far enough off?' he asked ironically, adding at once:

`Yes, you might go there, if we could get a boat.They seem to be all out.'

He looked round the lake and counted the rowing boats on its surface.

`How lovely it would be!' cried Ursula wistfully.

`And don't you want tea?' he said.

`Oh,' said Gudrun, `we could just drink a cup, and be off.'

He looked from one to the other, smiling.He was somewhat offended --yet sporting.

`Can you manage a boat pretty well?' he asked.

`Yes,' replied Gudrun, coldly, `pretty well.'

`Oh yes,' cried Ursula.`We can both of us row like water-spiders.'

`You can? There's light little canoe of mine, that I didn't take out for fear somebody should drown themselves.Do you think you'd be safe in that?'

`Oh perfectly,' said Gudrun.

`What an angel!' cried Ursula.

`Don't, for my sake, have an accident -- because I'm responsible for the water.'

`Sure,' pledged Gudrun.

`Besides, we can both swim quite well,' said Ursula.

`Well -- then I'll get them to put you up a tea-basket, and you can picnic all to yourselves, -- that's the idea, isn't it?'

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