

"Could he have had an object in getting Horace Carxvell out of the way?" mused the detective."At first thought I'd say he could not, and, just because I would say so, I must keep him on my list.He also is in love with Viola, - just as much as Bartlett is.I shall list Captain Poland as a remote possibility.I can't afford to eliminate him altogether, as itmay develop that Mr.Carwell objected to his paying his attentions to Viola.Well, we shall see."The next mental index card bore the name Jean Forette; and concerning him Colonel Ashley had secured some information the day before.He had got, by adroit questioning, a certain knowledge of the French chauffeur, and this was now spread out on the card that, in fancy, Colonel Ashley could see in his filing cabinet.

"Forette? Oh, yes, I know him," the mechanician of the best garage in Lakeside had told the detective."He's a good driver, and knows more about an ignition system than I ever shall.He's a shark at it.But he's a queer Dick.""How do you mean?"

"Well, sometimes he's a regular devil at driving.Once he had a big Rilat car in here for repairs.He had to tell me what was wrong with it, as I couldn't dope it out.Then when we got it running for him, he took it out for a trial run on the road.Drive! Say, it's a wonder I have any hair on my head!""Did he go fast?"

"Fast? Say, a racing man had nothing on that Forette.And yet the next day, when he came to take the car away, after we'd charged the storage battery, he drove like a snail.One of my men went with him a little way, to see that everything was all right, for Mr.Carwell is very particular - I mean he was - and Forette didn't let her out for a cent My man was disappointed, for he's a fast devil, too, and he asked the Frenchman why he didn't kick her along.""What did the chauffeur say?"

"Well, it wasn't so much what he said as how he acted.He was as nervous as a cat.Kept looking behind to see that no other machine was coming, and when he passed anything on the road he almost went in the ditch himself to make sure there was room enough to pass.""Seemed afraid, did he?"

"That's it.And considering how bold he was the day I was out with him, I put it down that he must have had a few drinks when he took me for a "Well, I never saw him, but how else can you account for it? Drink willmake a man drive like old Nick, and get away with it, too, sometimes, though the stuff'll get `em sooner or later.But that's how I sized it up.""He might have taken something other than drink." "What do you mean?""Dope!"

"Oh, yes, I s'pose so, and him bein' French might account for it.Anyhow he was like two different men.That one day he was as bold as brass, and I guess he'd have driven one of them there airships if any one had dared him to.Then, the next day he was like a chap trying for his license with the motor inspector lookin' on.I can't account for it.That Jean Forette sure is a card !""Then he really seemed afraid to speed the Dilat car?""That's it.And he spoke of Mr.Carwell going to get a more powerful French machine.He said then he'd never driven it to the limit, and didn't want to handle it at all.And he spoke the truth, for I heard that he and the old man didn't get along at all with that red, white and blue devil Mr.Carwell imported.""So they say.Forette was to leave at the end of the month.Well, I'm much obliged to you.A friend of mine was going to engage him, but if he has such a reputation - not reliable, you know, I guess I'll look farther.Much obliged," and the colonel, who, it is needless to say, had not revealed his true character to the garage owner, turned aside.

"Oh, I wouldn't want what I said to keep Forette out of a place!" protested the man quickly."If I'd thought that - ""You needn't worry.You haven't done him any harm.He's out of a place anyhow, since Mr.Carwell died, and I'll treat what you told me in strict confidence.""I wish you would.You know we have to be careful." "I understand."And this information passed again in review before the mind of the fisherman as he took Jean Forette's card from the pack.

"I wonder if he can be a dope fiend?" mused the colonel."It's worth looking up, at any rate.He'd be a bad kind to drive a car.I'm glad he isn't in my employ, and I'm better pleased that he won't take Viola out.

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