

"I'm looking for my sister," he said, half awkwardly, half defiantly; "she's here, somewhere.""Yes--and perfectly safe, Mr.Culpepper, I think," said the arch- hypocrite with dazzling sweetness; "and we're all so delighted.And so brave and plucky and skillful in her to come all that way-- and for such a purpose.""Then--you know--all about it"--stammered Jim, more relieved than he had imagined--"and that I"--"That you were quite ignorant of your sister helping the deserter.Oh yes, of course," said Cicely, with bewildering promptitude."You see, Mr.Culpepper, we girls are SO foolish.I dare say I should have done the same thing in her place, only I should never have had the courage to do what she did afterwards.You really must forgive her.But won't you come in--DO." She stepped back, holding the window open with the half-coaxing air of a spoiled child."This way is quickest.DO come." As he still hesitated, glancing from her to the house, she added, with a demure little laugh, "Oh, I forget--this is Colonel Preston's quarters, and I'm his daughter."And this dainty little fairy, so natural in manner, so tasteful in attire,was one of the artificial over-dressed creatures that his sister had inveighed against so bitterly! Was Maggie really to be trusted? This new revelation coming so soon after the episode of the deserter staggered him.Nevertheless he hesitated, looking up with a certain boyish timidity into Cicely's dangerous eyes.

"Is--is--my sister there?"

"I'm expecting her with my mother every moment," responded this youthful but ingenious diplomatist sweetly; "she might be here now; but," she added with a sudden heart-broken flash of sympathy, "I know HOW anxious you both must be.I'LL take you to her now.Only one moment, please." The opportunity of leading this handsome savage as it were in chains across the parade, before everybody, her father, her mother, her sister, and HIS--was not to be lost.She darted into the house, and reappeared with the daintiest imaginable straw hat on the side of her head, and demurely took her place at his side."It's only over there, at Major Bromley's," she said, pointing to one of the vine-clad cottage quarters; but you are a stranger here, you know, and might get lost."Alas! he was already that.For keeping step with those fairy-like slippers, brushing awkwardly against that fresh and pretty skirt, and feeling the caress of the soft folds; looking down upon the brim of that beribboned little hat, and more often meeting the upturned blue eyes beneath it, Jim was suddenly struck with a terrible conviction of his own contrasting coarseness and deficiencies.How hideous those oiled canvas fishing-trousers and pilot jacket looked beside this perfectly fitted and delicately gowned girl! He loathed his collar, his jersey, his turned-back sou'wester, even his height, which seemed to hulk beside her-- everything, in short, that the girl had recently admired.By the time that they had reached Major Bromley's door he had so far succumbed to the fair enchantress and realized her ambition of a triumphant procession, that when she ushered him into the presence of half a dozen ladies and gentlemen he scarcely recognized his sister as the centre of attraction, or knew that Miss Cicely's effusive greeting of Maggie was her first one."I knew he was dying to see you after all you had BOTH passed through, and I brought him straight here," said the diminutive Machiavelli, meeting theastonished gaze of her father and the curious eyes of her sister with perfect calmness, while Maggie, full of gratitude and admiration of her handsome brother, forgot his momentary obliviousness, and returned her greeting warmly.Nevertheless, there was a slight movement of reserve among the gentlemen at the unlooked-for irruption of this sunburnt Adonis, until Calvert, disengaging himself from Maggie's side, came forward with his usual frank imperturbability and quiet tact, and claimed Jim as his friend and honored guest.

It then came out with that unostentatious simplicity which characterized the brother and sister, and was their secure claim to perfect equality with their entertainers, that Jim, on discovering his sister's absence, and fearing that she might be carried by the current towards the bar, had actually SWUM THE ESTUARY to Indian Island, and in an ordinary Indian canoe had braved the same tempestuous passage she had taken a few hours before.Cicely, listening to this recital with rapt attention, nevertheless managed to convey the impression of having fully expected it from the first."Of course he'd have come here; if she'd only waited," she said, sotto voce, to her sister Emily.

"He's certainly the handsomer of the two," responded that young lady."Of course," returned Cicely, with a superior air, "don't you see sheCOPIES him."

  • 百越先贤志


  • 佛说给孤长者女得度因缘经


  • 黄帝明堂灸经


  • 佛说第一义法胜经


  • 大方便佛报恩经


  • 胡适文选:演讲与时论


  • 做人要有灵性


  • 经济学的思维方式全集


  • 福尔赛世家(上)(诺贝尔文学奖文集)


  • 冥妃在上,至尊绝宠


  • 傲月传


  • 我的极品任性美女总裁


  • 女权世界的全能男主


    楚轩穿越了,在这个女权世界,他被称为百万年一遇的美男子,他被称为古风风格歌曲创始人,他带着这个世界的文娱发展速度提升了几十年 在这里男人只需貌美如花,女人需要赚钱养家。楚轩作为钢铁直男表示难以接受这个设定。 带着前世的经典小说、漫画、歌曲,楚轩一步步成为这个世界的国民男神。
  • 爸妈不是我的佣人


  • 云说仙


    新书发布,《女君纪》,谢谢大家支持!! 作者的第二部作品了。 多年后,人们回忆起女君慕青,只对她的丰功伟绩津津乐道。 她惊才绝艳,如凤翱九霄,如苍龙入海,更如那归墟,海纳百川! 但,却无人知一开始的她也只是一个本性洒脱,只想体会人世风流的女子。 天道不公,人如蝼蚁。她在经历了跌宕起伏之后,为自保,为公理,为正义……最后带着一群优秀的同伴,开创了大夏的鼎盛时代,将自己的名字深深地篆刻在了历史的墓碑上! 年少时遇到了谁,谁又一直同行,谁又歧路分别,都在女君纪的传奇话本上。 成仙之路有多难,看女主云炽的坎坷之路就知道了。正统修仙流,女主较为冷峻,该杀戮果断时绝不留情,但自有一股侠骨柔情。人有七情六欲,学会如何放下,是修士毕生的修行。本文无男主,请放心入坑!