

"Even now, though your rash and eccentric relation is somewhat tardy in announcing his purpose, I am far from opposing my authority against his wishes, although the person he desires you to regard as your future husband be young Earnscliff; the very last whom I should have thought likely to be acceptable to him, considering a certain fatal event.But I give my free and hearty consent, providing the settlements are drawn in such an irrevocable form as may secure my child from suffering by that state of dependence, and that sudden and causeless revocation of allowances, of which I have so much reason to complain.Of Sir Frederick Langley, I augur, you will hear no more.He is not likely to claim the hand of a dowerless maiden.I therefore commit you, my dear Isabella, to the wisdom of Providence and to your own prudence, begging you to lose no time in securing those advantages, which the fickleness of your kinsman has withdrawn from me to shower upon you.

"Mr.Ratcliffe mentioned Sir Edward's intention to settle a considerable sum upon me yearly, for my maintenance in foreign parts; but this my heart is too proud to accept from him.I told him I had a dear child, who, while in affluence herself, would never suffer me to be in poverty.I thought it right to intimate this to him pretty roundly, that whatever increase be settled upon you, it may be calculated so as to cover this necessary and natural encumbrance.I shall willingly settle upon youthe castle and manor of Ellieslaw, to show my parental affection and disinterested zeal for promoting your settlement in life.The annual interest of debts charged on the estate somewhat exceeds the income, even after a reasonable rent has been put upon the mansion and mains.But as all the debts are in the person of Mr.Ratcliffe, as your kinsman's trustee, he will not be a troublesome creditor.And here I must make you aware, that though I have to complain of Mr.Ratcliffe's conduct to me personally, I, nevertheless, believe him a just and upright man, with whom you may safely consult on your affairs, not to mention that to cherish his good opinion will be the best way to retain that of your kinsman.Remember me to Marchie--I hope he will not be troubled on account of late matters.I will write more fully from the Continent.Meanwhile, I rest your loving father, RICHARD VERE."The above letter throws the only additional light which we have been able to procure upon the earlier part of our story.It was Hobbie's opinion, and may be that of most of our readers,that the Recluse of Mucklestane- Moor had but a kind of a gleaming, or twilight understanding; and that he had neither very clear views as to what he himself wanted, nor was apt to pursue his ends by the clearest and most direct means; so that to seek the clew of his conduct, was likened, by Hobbie, to looking for a straight path through a common, over which are a hundred devious tracks, but not one distinct line of road.

When Isabella had perused the letter, her first enquiry was after her father.He had left the castle, she was informed, early in the morning, after a long interview with Mr.Ratcliffe, and was already far on his way to the next port, where he might expect to find shipping for the Continent.

"Where was Sir Edward Mauley?"

No one had seen the Dwarf since the eventful scene of the preceding evening.

"Odd, if onything has befa'en puir Elshie," said Hobbie Elliot, "I wad rather I were harried ower again."He immediately rode to his dwelling, and the remaining she-goat came bleating to meet him, for her milking time was long past.The Solitary was nowhere to be seen; his door, contrary to wont, was open, his fireextinguished, and the whole hut was left in the state which it exhibited on Isabella's visit to him.It was pretty clear that the means of conveyance which had brought the Dwarf to Ellieslaw on the preceding evening, had removed him from it to some other place of abode.Hobbie returned disconsolate to the castle.

"I am doubting we hae lost Canny Elshie for gude an' a'.""You have indeed," said Ratcliffe, producing a paper, which he put into Hobbie's hands; "but read that, and you will perceive you have been no loser by having known him."It was a short deed of gift, by which "Sir Edward Mauley, otherwise called Elshender the Recluse, endowed Halbert or Hobbie Elliot, and Grace Armstrong, in full property, with a considerable sum borrowed by Elliot from him."Hobbie's joy was mingled with feelings which brought tears down his rough cheeks.

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