

Wertz and Hawes looked askance at him from time to time, a faint but perceptible trepidation in their manner.Sigmund also felt this.Hitchcock was strong, and his strength had been impressed upon them in the course of many an event in their precarious life.

So they stood in a certain definite awe and curiosity as to what his conduct would be when he moved to action.

But his silence was long, and the fire nigh out, when Wertz stretched his arms and yawned, and thought he'd go to bed.Then Hitchcock stood up his full height.

"May God damn your souls to the deepest hells, you chicken-hearted cowards! I'm done with you!" He said it calmly enough, but his strength spoke in every syllable, and every intonation was advertisement of intention."Come on," he continued, "whack up, and in whatever way suits you best.I own a quarter-interest in the claims; our contracts show that.There're twenty-five or thirty ounces in the sack from the test pans.Fetch out the scales.We'll divide that now.And you, Sigmund, measure me my quarter-share of the grub and set it apart.Four of the dogs are mine, and I want four more.I'll trade you my share in the camp outfit and mining-gear for the dogs.And I'll throw in my six or seven ounces and the spare 45-90 with the ammunition.What d'ye say?"The three men drew apart and conferred.When they returned, Sigmund acted as spokesman."We'll whack up fair with you, Hitchcock.In everything you'll get your quarter-share, neither more nor less; and you can take it or leave it.But we want the dogs as bad as you do, so you get four, and that's all.If you don't want to take your share of the outfit and gear, why, that's your lookout.If you want it, you can have it; if you don't, leave it.""The letter of the law," Hitchcock sneered."But go ahead.I'm willing.And hurry up.I can't get out of this camp and away from its vermin any too quick."The division was effected without further comment.He lashed his meagre belongings upon one of the sleds, rounded in his four dogs, and harnessed up.His portion of outfit and gear he did not touch, though he threw onto the sled half a dozen dog harnesses, and challenged them with his eyes to interfere.But they shrugged their shoulders and watched him disappear in the forest.

A man crawled upon his belly through the snow.On every hand loomed the moose-hide lodges of the camp.Here and there a miserable dog howled or snarled abuse upon his neighbor.Once, one of them approached the creeping man, but the man became motionless.The dog came closer and sniffed, and came yet closer, till its nose touched the strange object which had not been there when darkness fell.Then Hitchcock, for it was Hitchcock, upreared suddenly, shooting an unmittened hand out to the brute's shaggy throat.And the dog knew its death in that clutch, and when the man moved on, was left broken-necked under the stars.In this manner Hitchcock made the chief's lodge.For long he lay in the snow without, listening to the voices of the occupants and striving to locate Sipsu.Evidently there were many in the tent, and from the sounds they were in high excitement.At last he heard the girl's voice, and crawled around so that only the moose-hide divided them.Then burrowing in the snow, he slowly wormed his head and shoulders underneath.When the warm inner air smote his face, he stopped and waited, his legs and the greater part of his body still on the outside.He could see nothing, nor did he dare lift his head.On one side of him was a skin bale.He could smell it, though he carefully felt to be certain.On the other side his face barely touched a furry garment which he knew clothed a body.This must be Sipsu.Though he wished she would speak again, he resolved to risk it.

He could hear the chief and the witch doctor talking high, and in a far corner some hungry child whimpering to sleep.Squirming over on his side, he carefully raised his head, still just touching the furry garment.He listened to the breathing.It was a woman's breathing; he would chance it.

He pressed against her side softly but firmly, and felt her start at the contact.Again he waited, till a questioning hand slipped down upon his head and paused among the curls.The next instant the hand turned his face gently upward, and he was gazing into Sipsu's eyes.

She was quite collected.Changing her position casually, she threw an elbow well over on the skin bale, rested her body upon it, and arranged her parka.In this way he was completely concealed.Then, and still most casually, she reclined across him, so that he could breathe between her arm and breast, and when she lowered her head her ear pressed lightly against his lips.

"When the time suits, go thou," he whispered, "out of the lodge and across the snow, down the wind to the bunch of jackpine in the curve of the creek.There wilt thou find my dogs and my sled, packed for the trail.This night we go down to the Yukon; and since we go fast, lay thou hands upon what dogs come nigh thee, by the scruff of the neck, and drag them to the sled in the curve of the creek."Sipsu shook her head in dissent; but her eyes glistened with gladness, and she was proud that this man had shown toward her such favor.But she, like the women of all her race, was born to obey the will masculine, and when Hitchcock repeated "Go!" he did it with authority, and though she made no answer he knew that his will was law.

"And never mind harness for the dogs," he added, preparing to go.

  • 佛说尼拘陀梵志经


  • The Two Captains

    The Two Captains

  • 念佛三昧


  • 两晋演义


  • Letters to His Son

    Letters to His Son

  • 第一权少是忠犬


  • 听话是一种病(财蜜eMook)


    大学毕业参加一个NGO去云南支教,老爸的第一反应是:“你这么不听话叫我们怎么活啊!”老妈的反应是:“四年大学白费了,我们下半辈子的幸福都毁了!”街坊的讨论是:“这孩子这么不听话,疯了吧?” 哇,原来选一条不那么寻常的路就叫“不听话”,后果是父母活不了、幸福皆毁掉,还有被送进精神病院的风险。 可是作为一个一直坚持“我觉醒——我选择——我承担——我快乐”的女同学,我怎么能在选择之后就卡壳呢?经过各种艰苦的沟通(细节我就不在这里多说了),我总算得偿所愿。后来老爸还去了一趟云南,仔细考察了有没有发生泥石流的危险;我住的小窝会不会被地震震塌;我的小朋友会不会欺负我,然后放心地走了。
  • 缉捕杀害李大钊凶的的行动


  • 列女传


  • 穿越未成妃:魅惑天下


  • 吃防腐剂进化的少女


  • 何仙没有姑


  • 神隐之处是吾乡


  • 莫让韶华付了流年


  • 我只是个匠人


    “坚守平凡,成就非凡,这就是大国工匠精神……”听着电视里激昂的声音,宗冥忍不住热泪盈眶:说的太好了!我不就是这样的人么?!宗冥是个“普通”手艺人,他的工作很简单,就是——镇压搞事情的牛鬼蛇神,维护世间和平与稳定,让核心价值观的光辉普照人间!“冥中注定”纸扎店感恩回馈社会:凡作乱的妖魔鬼怪,免费送小棺材一副,先到先得,赠完即止!(ps,这应该算是一本合家欢的轻松流小说,咳咳。) 书友群:796774810