

"That, my dear Phil, is your very good friend, Mr.Teddy Tucker." "Teddy?You don't mean it?""Yes; he has decided to be a clown, and I guess he is on the way.The people are kicking on the seats and howling.""I should judge, from appearances, that the other clowns were getting even more entertainment out of his act than is the audience.""It certainly looks that way.But let them go.It will do Master Teddy a whole lot of good."A clown jumped to the ring curbing and made a speech about the wonderful human football, announcing at the same time that the championship game was about to be played.

Then they began to play in earnest.Some had slapsticks, others light barrel staves, and with these they began to belabor the human football, each blow being so loud that it could be heard all over the tent.Of course the blows did not hurt Teddy at all, but the bouncing and buffetingthat he got aroused his anger.

One clown would pick the lad up and throw him to a companion, who, in turn, would drop him.Then the audience would yell with delight as the ball bounced to an upright position again.This the clowns kept up until Teddy did not know whether he were standing on his feet or his head.The perspiration was rolling down his face, getting into his eyes and blinding him.

"Quit it!" he howled.

"Maybe you'll ride the educated mule through the dressing tent again?" jeered a clown.

"Bring the mule out and let him knock the wind out of the rubber man!" suggested another.

"How do you like being a clown?"

This and other taunts were shouted at the rubber man, Teddy meanwhile expressing himself with unusual vehemence.

Mr.Sparling had in the meantime sent a message back to the paddock.He was holding his sides with laughter, while Phil himself was leaning against a quarter pole shouting with merriment.

Suddenly there came the sound of a clanging gong, interspersed with shouts from the far end of the tent.

The spectators quickly glanced in that direction, and they saw coming at a rapid rate the little patrol wagon drawn by four diminutive ponies, the outfit so familiar to the boys who attend the circus.

The clowns were surprised when they observed it, knowing that the patrol was not scheduled to enter at this time.Their surprise was even greater when the wagon dashed up and stopped where they were playing their game of football.Three mock policemen leaped out and rushed into the thick of the mock game.

As they did so they hurled the clowns right and left, standing some of them on their heads and beating them with their clubs, which, in this instance, proved to be slapsticks, that made a great racket.

This was a part of the act that the clowns had not arranged.It was a little joke that the owner of the show was playing on them.Quick to seize an opportunity to make a hit, Sparling had ordered out the showpatrol, and the audience, catching the significance of it, shouted, swinging their hats and handkerchiefs.

The three policemen, after laying the clowns low, grabbed the helpless human football by the heels, dragging him to the wagon and dumping him in.They dropped the human football in so heavily that it bounced out again and hit the ground.The next time, as they threw Teddy in, one of the officers sat on him to hold him.

The gong set up an excited clanging, and the ponies began racing around the arena the long way, and took the stretch to the paddock at a terrific speed, with the howls of the multitude sounding in their ears.

Reaching the dressing tent, the mock policemen let the air out of the rubber ball, whereat Teddy sat down heavily in a pail of water.

The performers danced around Tucker, singing an improvised song about the human football.Gradually the angry scowl on the face of the Circus Boy relaxed into a broad grin.

"How do you like being a clown now?" jeered the Iron-Jawed Man."Yes; how does it feel to be a football?" questioned another.

"I guess you got even with me that time," answered Teddy good- naturedly."But say, that's easy compared with riding the educated mule."

  • 现在贤劫千佛名经


  • The Red Inn

    The Red Inn

  • 华严经骨目


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  • The Life of Christopher Columbus

    The Life of Christopher Columbus

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  • 深衣考


  • 台上台下都是戏


  • 六妙法门


  • 拍卖


  • 一夕繁华梦


  • 读史别裁:中国历史文化的关键话题


    历史是古人活动的舞台,文化则是其中积淀而成的传统。以史为鉴,可知兴替。历史与文化是精神与思想的遗传基因,对现代人具有深刻的影响。在浩如烟海的典籍中找出其本源,揭示中国传统世界的内核,便是别裁。 《读史别裁:中国历史文化的关键话题》作者用现代的理性思维去理解历史上一些典型的事例。对于人们耳熟却并不能详的一些历史故事,书中细致地加以拆分,一步一步进行分析,对于故事的出路或结果,提出多种可能性,然后通过排除法,得出历史自身呈现出来的结论,并分析出为什么只能是这个结果的道理。书中讲的道理,事关价值体系,都是大道理。但不是空洞地讲道理,而是建立在大量的细节描述基础上。
  • 海岳名言


  • 因为迷惘,所以叫青春


  • 木几冗谈

