


Cool, confident a troop of motley fools and clean-limbed performers filed out from the dressing tent, on past the bandstand and across the arena to the place where the springboard had been rigged, with a mat two feet thick a short distance beyond it.

With them proudly marched Teddy Tucker.

Mr.Sparling, in the meantime, was patting Phil on the back."I'm in a quandary, Phil," he said.

"What about?" smiled the lad, tugging away at his tights.

"I want you out front and yet it would be almost a crime to take a performer like you out of the ring.Tell me honestly, where would you prefer to be?""That's a difficult question to answer.There is a terrible fascination about the ring, and it's getting a stronger hold of me every day I am out.""Yes; I understand that.It's so with all of them.I was that way myself at first.""Were you ever in the ring?"

"I clowned it.But I wasn't much of a performer.Just did a few simple clown stunts and made faces at the audience.Then I got some money ahead and started out for myself.If I'd had you then I would have had a railroad show long before this season," smiled the showman.

"On the other hand," continued Phil, "I am anxious to learn the front of the house as well as the ring.I think, maybe, that I could spend part of my time in the office, if that is where you wish me.If you can spare me from the parade, I might put in that time to decided advantage doing things on the lot for you," mused Phil.

"Spare you from the parade? Well, I should say so.You are relieved from that already.Of course, any time you wish to go out, you have the privilege of doing so.Sometimes it is a change, providing one is not obliged to go," smiled the showman.

"Most of the performers would be glad if they did not have to,though."

"No doubt of it.But let's see; you have how many acts now? There's the flying rings, the elephant act and now comes the bareback act--""Yes; three," nodded Phil.

"That's too many.You'll give out under all that, and now we're talking about doubling you out in front.I guess we will let the front of the house take care of itself for the present."Phil looked rather disappointed.

"Of course, any time you wish you may come out, you know.""Thank you; I shall be glad to do that.I can do a lot of little things to help you as soon as I learn how you run the show.I know something about that already," grinned the lad.

"If you wish, I will double somebody up on your flying rings act.What do you say?""It isn't necessary, Mr.Sparling.I can handle all three without any difficulty, only the bareback act comes pretty close to the grand entry.It doesn't give me much time to change my costume.""That's right.Tell you what we'll do." "Yes?""We'll set the bareback act forward one number, substituting the leaping for it.That will give you plenty of time to make a change, will it not?""Plenty," agreed Phil.

"How about the flying rings.They come sometime later, if I remember correctly.""Yes; the third act after the riding, according to the new arrangement.No trouble about that.""Very well; then I will notify the director and let him make the necessary changes.I want to go out now and see your young friend make an exhibition of himself.""Teddy?"

"Yes.He's going on the leaping act for the first time, you know." "That's so.I had forgotten all about it.I want to see that, too.I'llhurry and dress."

"And, Phil," said the showman in a more kindly voice, even, than he had used before.

"Yes, sir," answered the lad, glancing up quickly.

"You are going to be a great showman some of these days, both in the ring and out of it.Remember what I tell you.""Thank you; I hope so.I am going to try to be at least a good one." "You're that already.You've done a lot for the Sparling Combined asit is and I don't want you to think I do not appreciate it.Shake hands!"Man and boy grasped each other's hand in a grip that meant more than words.Then Mr.Sparling turned abruptly and hurried out into the big top where the leaping act was in full cry.

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