

"What--what's all this row about? Haven't you fellows anything more important to do than raising a roughhouse? Get out of here, the whole bunch of you! What's he done? Turn him over to the police and go on about your business."One of the men said something in a low tone to Sully.The showman shot a keen, inquiring glance at the lad.

"Who are you?" he demanded.

"I don't know that it makes any difference.I saw a fellow robbing a woman, and it was my duty to stop him.I did it, then a lot of his companions, who, I suppose, belong to your show pitched into me.""So, you are trying to run the whole show, are you?" "I am not.""Well, you get off this lot as fast as you can hoof it.If I find you butting in again it will be the worse for you.""That's the fellow who was hanging around the lot at St.Catharines yesterday," spoke up someone.

"Yes; I remember now, he was asking me questions," said another, whose voice Phil recognized as belonging to the foreman of the stake and chain gang."I got to thinking about it afterwards, and realized that he was a little too inquisitive for a greenhorn.He's been on the lot all day again."Mr.Sully surveyed Phil with an ugly scowl."What are you doing around here, young man?""For one thing, I am trying to prevent one of your followers robbing a woman," answered Phil boldly.

"Who are you?"

"That is my own affair."

"I know him!I know him!I Know!" shouted another.Sully turned to him inquiringly.

"Who is he, if you know so much?"

"He's a fellow what was with the Sparling outfit last year.He was always butting in then, and I can tell you he ain't here for any good now,Boss."

"So, that's the game is it?" sneered Sully."You come with me.I've got a few questions I want to ask you.""I don't have to go with you," replied Phil.

"Oh, yes you do! Bring him along and if he raises a row just hand him one and put him to sleep."Two men grabbed Phil roughly by his arms.

He jerked away and started to run when he was pounced upon and borne to the ground.Phil found himself grasped by the collar and jerked violently to his feet, with the leering face of Sully thrust up close to his own.

"I'll see that you don't get away this time," growled the showman.

Dragging the lad along by the collar further off on the lot, the showman finally paused.

"Get the carriage," he commanded sharply."What you going to do with me?" demanded Phil.

"That depends.I'm going to find out something about you first, and decide what to do with you later.""And, when you get through, I shall have you arrested for assault.It will be my turn to act then," retorted the Circus Boy."I have done nothing except to stop a miserable thief from plying his trade.I understand that's a game you--""That will do, young man.Here's the wagon.Now, if you go quietly you will have no trouble.But just try to call for help, or raise any sort of a ruction, and you'll see more stars than there are in the skies when the moon's on a strike.Get in there."Phil was thrust into the closed carriage, which the showman used for driving back and forth between the train and the lot.

Quick as a flash Phil Forrest dived through the open coach window on the other side, and with equal quickness he was pounced upon by the driver, who had gotten off on that side, probably at a signal from Sully.

Had Sully not run around to the other side of the wagon Phil would have quickly disposed of the driver, strong as was the latter.

With an enraged cry Sully sprang upon Phil, and raised his hand tostrike.

"If you attempt to do that you'll serve the rest of the season in jail," dared Phil, taking a bold course."You know they don't trifle with brutes like you up here in Canada?"Sully growled an unintelligible reply, but that he recognized the truth of the lad's words was evident when he slowly dropped his clenched fist to his side.

"I'll see that you don't get away this time," he said once more thrusting Phil into the carriage, this time, however, keeping a firm grip on the lad's arm.

The driver whipped up the horse and the carriage rumbled away, soon reaching the village street and turning sharply off into a side street.

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