

"Oh, never mind me.I'm only a human being," jeered Tucker, from his perch far up near the top of the tent.This brought a roar of laughter from everybody.

"We shall have to try to cast a rope up to him.""You can't do it," answered Phil firmly.Nevertheless the effort was made, Teddy watching the attempts with lazy interest.

"No, we shan't be able to reach him that way," agreed Mr.Sparling finally.

"Hey down there," called Teddy.

"Well, what is it?Got something to suggest?""Maybe--maybe if you'd throw some peanuts and candy in my cage I might come down."This brought a howl of laughter.

"I don't see how we are going to make it," said Mr.Sparling, shaking his head hopelessly.

"I'll tell you how we can do it," said Phil.

"Yes; I was waiting for you to make a suggestion.I thought it funny if you didn't have some plan in that young head of yours.What is it?""What's the matter with the balloon?" "The balloon?""Yes."

"Hurrah!That's the very thing."

The balloon was a new act in the Sparling show that season.A huge balloon had been rigged, but in place of the usual basket, was a broad platform.Onto this, as the closing act of the show, a woman rode a horse, then the balloon was allowed to rise slowly to the very dome of the big tent, carrying the rider and horse with it.

The act was a decided novelty, and was almost as great a hit as had been the somersaulting automobile of a season before.

The balloon stood swaying easily at its anchorage.

"Give a hand here, men.Let the bag up and the boy can get on the platform, after which you can pull him down.""That won't do," spoke up Phil."He can't reach the platform.Someone will have to go up and toss him a rope.He can make the rope fast and slide down it.""I guess you are right, at that.Who will go up?""I will," answered the Circus Boy."Give me that coil of rope."Taking his place on the platform the lad rose slowly toward the top of the tent as the men paid out the anchor rope.

"Halt!" shouted Phil when he found himself directly opposite his companion.

"Think you can catch it, Teddy?" "Yep."

"Well, here goes."

The rope shot over Teddy's head, landing in his outstretched arm.

"Be sure you make it good and fast before you try to shin down it," warned Phil.

"I'll take care of that.Don't you worry.You might toss me a peanut while I'm getting ready.I'll go in my cage quicker."Phil laughingly threw a handful toward his companion, three or four of which Teddy caught, some in his mouth and some in his free hand, to the great amusement of the spectators.

"They ought to pay an admission for that," grinned Phil."For what?""For seeing the animals perform.You are the funniest animal in the show at the present minute.""Well, I like that! How about yourself?" peered Teddy with well- feigned indignation.

"I guess I must be next as an attraction," laughed the boy."I guess, yes.""Haul away," called Phil to the men below him, and they started to pull the balloon down toward the ground again.

"Get a net under Tucker there," directed Mr.Sparling.

"I'm not going to dive.What do you think?" retorted Teddy.

"There is no telling what you may or may not do," answered the showman."It is the unexpected that always happens with you."Phil nodded his approval of the statement.

In the meantime Teddy had made fast the end of the rope to the aerial bar, and grasping the rope firmly in his hands, began letting himself down hand under hand.

"Better twist your legs about the rope," called Phil.

"No.It isn't neces--"

Just then Teddy uttered a howl.The rope, which he had not properly secured, suddenly slipped from the bar overhead.

Teddy dropped like a shot.

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