

"My brave Phil, my brave boy!" breathed the showman."No one but you could have done a thing like that.You have saved the lives of many people this night, and what is more you have captured the most valuable lion in the world--you and Teddy.I don't know what to say nor how to say it.I--""I wouldn't try were I in your place," grinned Phil."I presume you will have to settle with these people for the slight damage that has been done to their house.""I'll settle the bills; don't you worry about that.""Any more lions lying around loose in here?" questioned Teddy, poking his head in through the open door."I and my little club are ready for them if there are.""Shall we be going, Mr.Sparling?" "Yes."Together the three made their way down the stairs just as the cage was being driven from the yard.As soon as he could find the owner of the house the showman paid him for the damages.

"What shape is the big top in?" asked Phil as they walked slowly back toward the lot.

"Bad, very bad.I might say that it comes pretty near being a hopeless wreck.Still it may be patched up.""I am sure of it.I know a blown-down tent is not half as hopeless as it looks.I saw the Robinson shows with a blown-down tent once.""I have been thinking the matter over, Phil." "Yes.""We have only a few days more to go before the close of the season, and it seems to me that the best plan would be to close right here and go in.What do you think?""I think," answered Phil Forrest slowly, "that I should turn all hands loose and fix that tent up so the show will be able to make the next stand and give a performance by tomorrow night at latest.It can be done.If the tent is too badly torn to set up a six pole show, make it a four pole show, or use the menagerie tent for the circus performance.I should never have it said that the Sparling Combined Shows were put out of business by a gale of wind."Mr.Sparling halted.

"Phil, there is an old saying to the effect that you can't 'teach an old dog new tricks.' It's not true.You have taught me a new trick.The Sparling shows shall go on to the close of the season.We'll make thenext town, somehow, and we'll give them a show the like of which they never before have seen.""If they had been here tonight they would have seen one such as they never saw before," grinned Teddy.


"A sort of Wild South instead of Wild West show," added the irrepressible Teddy.

All that night the showmen worked, Phil not even taking the time to discard his gaudy ring clothes.The next morning both he and Teddy were sights to behold, but the show had been loaded, and the big top straightened out and put in shape so that it could be pitched when the next town was reached.At last the boys decided to hunt up their trunks.They found them, after a long search.Getting behind a pole wagon they put on their clothes.An hour later they were on their way to the next stand, tired but proud of their achievements and happy.

The news of the accident to the show, as well as the capture of the big lion, Wallace, by the Circus Boys, had preceded them to the next town.Once more Phil Forrest and Teddy Tucker were hailed as heroes, which they really had proved themselves to be.

A very fair performance, considering their crippled condition, was given that afternoon.By the next day the show was on its feet again, and from then on to the close of the season, no other exciting incidents occurred.

Two weeks later the big top came down for the last time that year.On the afternoon of that happy day, the associates of the Circus Boys gave a banquet for the two lads under the cook tent, at which Teddy Tucker distinguished himself by making a speech that set the whole tent in an uproar of merriment.

Good-byes were said, and the circus folks departed that night bag and baggage to scatter to the four quarters of the globe, some never to return to the Sparling shows.Phil and Teddy returned to Edmeston to finish their course at the high school, from which they were to graduate in the following spring.

How the lads joined out with the circus the next season will be told ina succeeding volume entitled, "THE CIRCUS BOYS ON THE MISSISSIPPI; Or, Afloat with the Big Show on the Big River." This was destined to be one of the most interesting journeys of their circus careers-- one filled with new and exciting experiences and thrilling adventures.

Until then we will leave them to continue their studies in the little village of Edmeston.

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  • 施食通览


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  • 上清骨髓灵文鬼律


  • 台湾海防档


  • 为符


  • 异世之召唤亿万神魔


  • 仙之断路


  • 霸汉(4)


  • 我爱这世界,因为我爱你


  • 青少年应该知道的苏州评弹(阅读中华国粹)


  • 天降甘霖


  • 清菀传


  • 对工作负责就是对自己负责


  • 誓约协奏曲

