

Aline had passed into the house, moved by an instinct which shrank from publicity in the inevitable personal meeting between her and her husband.Now, Harley, with the cavalier nod of dismissal, which only a multimillionaire can afford, followed her and closed the door.A passionate rush of blood swept Ridgway's face.He saw red as he stood there with eyes burning into that door which had been shut in his face.The nails of his clenched fingers bit into his palms, and his muscles gathered themselves tensely.He had been cast aside, barred from the woman he loved by this septuagenarian, as carelessly as if he had no claim.

And it came home to him that now he had no claim, none before the law and society.They had walked in Arcadia where shepherds pipe.They had taken life for granted as do the creatures of the woods, forgetful of the edicts of a world that had seemed far and remote.But that world had obtruded itself and shattered their dream.In the person of Simon Harley it had shut the door which was to separate him and her.Hitherto he had taken from life what he had wanted, but already he was grappling with the blind fear of a fate for once too strong for him.

"Well, I'm damned if it isn't Waring Ridgway," called a mellow voice from across the gulch.

The man named turned, and gradually the set lines of his jaw relaxed."I didn't notice it was you, Sam.Better bring the horses across this sideof that fringe of aspens."

The dismounted horseman followed directions and brought the floundering horses through, and after leaving them in the cleared place where Ridgway had cut his firewood he strolled leisurely forward to meet the mine-owner.He was a youngish man, broad of shoulder and slender of waist, a trifle bowed in the legs from much riding, but with an elastic sufficiency that promised him the man for an emergency, a pledge which his steady steel-blue eyes, with the humorous lines about the corners, served to make more valuable.His apparel suggested the carelessefficiency of the cow-man, from the high-heeled boots into which were thrust his corduroys to the broad-brimmed white Stetson set on his sunreddened wavy hair.A man's man, one would vote him at first sight, and subsequent impressions would not contradict the first.

"Didn't know you were down in this neck of woods, Waring," he said pleasantly, as they shook hands.

An onlooker might have noticed that both of them gripped hands heartily and looked each other squarely in the eye.

"I came down on business and got caught in the blizzard on my way back.Came on her freezing in the machine and brought her here along with me.I had my eye on that slide.The snow up there didn't look good to me, and the grub was about out, anyhow, so I was heading for the C B Ranch when I sighted you.""Golden luck for her.I knew it was a chance in a million that she was still alive, but Harley wanted to take it.Say, that old fellow's made of steel wire.Two of my boys are plugging along a mile or two behind us, but he stayed right with the game to a finish--and him seventy-three, mind you, and a New Yorker at that.The old boy rides like he was born in a saddle," said Sam Yesler with enthusiasm.

"I never said he was a quitter," conceded Ridgway ungraciously."You're right he ain't.And say, but he's fond of his wife.Soon as hestruck the ranch the old man butted out again into the blizzard to get her-- slipped out before we knew it.The boys rounded him up wandering round the big pasture, and none too soon neither.All the time we had to keep herd on him to keep him from taking another whirl at it.He was like a crazy man to tackle it, though he must a-known it was suicide.Funny how a man takes a shine to a woman and thinks the sun rises and sets by her.Far, as I have been able to make out women are much of a sameness, though I ain't setting up for a judge.Like as not this woman don't care a hand's turn for him.""Why should she? He bought her with his millions, I suppose.What right has an old man like that with one foot in the grave to pick out a child and marry her? I tell you, Sam, there's something ghastly about it.""Oh, well, I reckon when she sold herself she knew what she wasgetting.It's about an even thing--six of one and half a dozen of the other.There must be something rotten about a woman who will do a thing of that sort.""Wait till you've seen her before passing judgment.And after you have you'll apologize if you're a white man for thinking such a thing about her," the miner said hotly.

Yesler looked at his friend in amiable surprise."I don't reckon we need to quarrel about Simon Harley's matrimonial affairs, do we?" he laughed.

"Not unless you want to say any harm of that lamb."A glitter of mischief gleamed from the cattleman's eyes."Meaning Harley, Waring?""You know who I mean.I tell you she's an angel from heaven, pure as the driven snow.""And I tell you that I'll take your word for it without quarreling with you," was the goodhumored retort."What's up, anyhow? I never saw you so touchy before.You're a regular pepper-box."The rescuers had brought food with them, and the party ate lunch before starting back.The cow-punchers of the C B had now joined them, both of them, as well as their horses, very tired with the heavy travel.

"This here Marathon race business through three-foot snow ain't for invalids like me and Husky," one of them said cheerfully, with his mouth full of sandwich."We're also rans, and don't even show for place."Yet though two of them had, temporarily at least, been rescued from imminent danger, and success beyond their expectations had met the others, it was a silent party.A blanket of depression seemed to rest upon it, which the good stories of Yesler and the genial nonsense of his man, Chinn, were unable to lift.Three of them, at least, were brooding over what the morning had brought forth, and trying to realize what it might mean for them.

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  • 云泽纪


    七百年前,一殿实行的“造神计划”将云泽百族视若刍狗,最终却毁于一个名不见经传的小小道观。 七百年后,在封魔师已然没落的时代,神秘的红色势力唤醒传说,妖魔们再次卷土重来。这是燃烧诸神的盛宴,黑色的怪物在三人面前咆哮,如果你不够强,那便只能沦为毡板上的肉,或者……永远见不到阳光。
  • 教授风骨


    严祖佑(原名严祖祐),生于1943年,1961年考入上海师范学院中文系。1964年9月26日因“反革命集团”案被捕,同年秋曾在上海师范学院和上海邮电俱乐部二处,公开举办该“集团”的“罪行”展览会。1966年被处劳动教养两年,1972年被判处有期徒刑十五年,1980年获平反。曾做过营业员、中学教师、报社记者。2003年退休于上海经济报社(现改名《上海第一财经日报》)。上海作家协会会员,主任记者。 一九七〇年三月,我在安徽军天湖农场被重新逮捕,住进了上海提篮桥监狱,关押在八号楼。八号楼又称病号楼——在上海市监狱的编制序列中,称为八中队。
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