

Tucked away in an obscure corner of the same issue of the papers which announced the resignation of Lyndon Hobart as manager of the Consolidated properties, and the appointment of James K.Mott as his temporary successor, were little one-stick paragraphs regarding explosions, which had occurred the night before in tunnels of the Taurus and the New York.The general public paid little attention to these, but those on the inside knew that Ridgway had scored again.His spies had carried the news to him of the projected capture of these two properties by the enemy.Instead of attempting to defend them by force, he had set of charges of giant powder which had brought down the tunnel roofs and effectually blocked the entrances from the Consolidated mines adjoining.

With the indefatigable patience which characterized him, Harley set about having the passages cleared of the rock and timber with which they were filled.Before he had succeeded in doing this his enemy struck another telling blow.From Judge Purcell he secured an injunction against the Consolidated from working its mines, the Diamond King, the Mary K, and the Marcus Daly, on the absurd contention that the principal ore-vein of the Marcus Daly apexed on the tin, triangle wedged in between these three great mines, and called by Ridgway the Trust Buster.Though there was not room enough upon this fragment to sink a shaft, it was large enough to found this claim of a vein widening as it descended until it crossed into the territory of each of these properties.Though Harley could ignore court injunctions which erected only under-ground territory, he was forced to respect this one, since it could not be violated except in the eyes of the whole country.The three mines closed down, and several thousand workmen were thrown out of employment.These were immediately reemployed by Ridgway and set to work both in his own and the Consolidated's territory.

Within a week a dozen new suits were instituted against the Consolidated by its enemy.He harassed it by contempt proceedings, by applications for receiverships, and by other ingenious devices, which greatly tormented the New York operator.For the first time in his life thecourts, which Harley had used to much advantage in his battles to maintain and extend the trusts he controlled, could not be used even to get scant justice.

Meanwhile both leaders were turning their attention to the political situation.The legislators were beginning to gather for the coming session, and already the city was full of rumors about corruption.For both the Consolidated and its enemy were making every effort to secure enough votes to win the election of a friendly United States senator.The man chosen would have the distribution of the federal patronage of the State.This meant the control of the most influential local politicians of the party in power at Washington as well as their followers, an almost vital factor for success in a State where political corruption had so interwoven itself into the business life of the community.

The hotel lobbies were filled with politicians gathered from every county in the State.Big bronzed cattlemen brushed shoulders with budding lawyers from country towns and ward bosses from the larger cities.The bars were working overtime, and the steady movement of figures in the corridors lasted all day and most of the night.Here and there were collected groups, laughing and talking about the old frontier days, or commenting in lowered tones on some phase of the feverish excitement that was already beginning to be apparent.Elevators shot up and down, subtracting and adding to the kaleidoscope of human life in the rotundas.Bellboys hurried to and fro with messages and cocktails.The ring of the telephone-bell cut occasionally into the deep hum of many voices.All was confusion, keen interest, expectancy.

For it was known that Simon Harley had sent for $300,000 in cold cash to secure the election of his candidate, Roger D.Warner, a lawyer who had all his life been close to corporate interests.It was known, too, that Waring Ridgway had gathered together every element in the State that opposed the domination of the Consolidated, to fight their man to a finish.Bets for large sums were offered and taken as to the result, heavy odds being given in favor of the big copper trust's candidate.For throughout the State at large the Consolidated influence was very great indeed.It owned forest lands and railroads and mines.It controlled local transportationlargely.Nearly one-half the working men in the State were in its employ.Into every town and village the ramifications of its political organization extended.The feeling against it was very bitter, but this was usually expressed in whispers.For it was in a position to ruin almost any business man upon whom it fastened a grudge, and to make wealthy any upon whom it chose to cast its favors.

Nevertheless, there were some not so sure that the Consolidated would succeed in electing its man.Since Ridgway had announced himself as a candidate there had been signs of defection on the part of some of those expected to vote for Warner.He had skillfully wielded together in opposition to the trust all the elements of the State that were hostile to it; and already the word was being passed that he had not come to the campaign without a barrel of his own.

  • 山中道士


  • 东周列国志


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  • 洞真太上三元流珠经


  • 生经


  • 金刚顶经金刚界大道场毗卢遮那如来自受用身内证智眷属法身异名佛


  • 失忆侠女养成记


  • 原始生存守则


    其实龙梵对被一棵树弄到兽人原始世界这件事是拒绝的,更别说她身上还带着任务。但是耐不住这棵树压根没问过她意见啊!创世之树:“孩子,我的世界就交给你去繁荣了。当然,作为让你离开家人的补偿我祝福你--拥有完美的容貌、强大的美男、美味的食物!还有永恒的寿命!这都是别的雌性没有的,不要太感谢我哦。”龙梵:“呵呵了您呐!”--龙梵看着面前这无比原始的世界头疼了。不过幸好还有这群爱她的人一直陪着她!龙梵握拳:我一定会让这个世界越来越繁华的! 新书《在江湖客栈》已发布,希望大家多多支持喔!
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  • 穿越好事近


  • 我只是个看家鬼


  • 青蛙与蛤蟆


  • 识过予新


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