

When next Virginia Balfour saw Waring Ridgway she was driving her trap down one of the hit-or-miss streets of Mesa, where derricks, shaft- houses, and gray slag-dumps shoulder ornate mansions conglomerate of many unharmonious details of architecture.To Miss Balfour these composites and their owners would have been joys unalloyed except for the microbe of society ambition that was infecting the latter, and transforming them from simple, robust, self-reliant Westerners into a class of servile, nondescript newly rich, that resembled their unfettered selves as much as tame bears do the grizzlies of their own Rockies.As she had once complained smilingly to Hobart, she had not come to the West to study ragged edges of the social fringe.She might have done that in New York.

Virginia was still a block or two from the court-house on the hill, when it emptied into the street a concourse of excited men.That this was an occasion of some sort it was easy to guess, and of what sort she began to have an inkling, when Ridgway came out, the center of a circle of congratulating admirers.She was obliged to admit that he accepted their applause without in the least losing his head.Indeed, he took it as imperturbably as did Hobart, against whom a wave of the enthusiasm seemed to be directed in the form of a jeer, when he passed down the steps with Mott, one of the Consolidated lawyers.Miss Balfour timed her approach to meet Hobart at a right angle.

"What is it all about?" she asked, after he had reached her side.

"Judge Purcell has just decided the Never Say Die case in favor of Mr.Ridgway and against the Consolidated.""Is that a great victory for him?"

"Yes, it's a victory, though, of course, we appeal," admitted Hobart."But we can't say we didn't expect it," he added cheerfully.

"Mayn't I give you a lift if you are going down-town?" she said quickly, for Ridgway, having detached himself from the group, was working toward her, and she felt an instinctive sympathy for the man whohad lost.Furthermore, she had something she wanted to tell him before he heard it on the tongue of rumor.

"Since you are so kind;" and he climbed to the place beside her."Congratulate me, Miss Balfour," demanded Ridgway, as he shookhands with her, nodding coolly at her companion."I'm a million dollars richer than I was an hour ago.I have met the enemy and he is mine."Virginia, resenting the bad taste of his jeer at the man who sat beside her, misunderstood him promptly."Did you say you had met the enemy and won his mine?"He laughed."You're a good one!"

"Thank you very much for this unsolicited testimonial," she said gravely."In the meantime, to avoid a congestion of traffic, we'll be moving, if you will kindly give me back my front left wheel."He did not lift his foot from the spoke on which it rested."My congratulations," he reminded her.

"I wish you all the joy in your victory that you deserve, and I hope the supreme court will reaffirm the decision of Judge Purcell, if it is a just one," was the form in which she acceded to his demand.

She flicked her whip, and Ridgway fell back, laughing."You've been subsidized by the Consolidated," he shouted after her.

Hobart watched silently the businesslike directness with which the girl handled the ribbons.She looked every inch the thoroughbred in her well- made covert coat and dainty driving gauntlets.The grace of the alert, slender figure, the perfect poise of the beautiful little tawny head, proclaimed her distinction no less certainly than the fine modeling of the mobile face.It was a distinction that stirred the pulse of his emotion and disarmed his keen, critical sense.Ridgway could study her with an amused, detached interest, but Hobart's admiration had traveled past that point.He found it as impossible to define her charm as to evade it.Her inheritance of blood and her environment should have made her a finished product of civilization, but her salty breeziness, her nerve, vivid as a flame at times, disturbed delightfully the poise that held her when in repose.

When Virginia spoke, it was to ask abruptly: "Is it really his mine?" "Judge Purcell says so.""But do YOU think so--down in the bottom of your heart?" "Wouldn't I naturally be prejudiced?""I suppose you would.Everybody in Mesa seems to have taken sides either with Mr.Ridgway or the Consolidated.Still, you have an option.Is he what his friends proclaim him--the generous-hearted independent fighting against trust domination? Or is he merely an audacious ore-thief, as his enemies say? The truth must be somewhere.""It seems to lie mostly in point of view here the angle of observation being determined by interest," he answered.

"And from your angle of observation?"

"He is the most unusual man I ever saw, the most resourceful and the most competent.He never knows when he is beaten.I suppose that's the reason he never is beaten finally.We have driven him to the wall a score of times.My experience with him is that he's most dangerous when one thinks he must be about hammered out.He always hits back then in the most daring and unexpected way.""With a coupling-pin," she suggested with a little reminiscent laugh."Metaphorically speaking.He reaches for the first effective weapon tohis hand."

"You haven't quite answered my question yet," she reminded him."Is he what his friends or what his enemies think him?""If you ask me I can only say that I'm one of his enemies." "But a fair-minded man," she replied quickly.

"Thank you.Then I'll say that perhaps he is neither just what his friends or his foes think him.One must make allowances for his training and temperament, and for that quality of bigness in him.'Mediocre men go soberly on the highroads, but saints and scoundrels meet in the jails,'" he smilingly quoted.

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