

"It is only a spring shower, ladies and gentlemen," announced the ringmaster."You have no cause for alarm.The hats of the ladies areperfectly safe.This tent is waterproof.You could soak it in the Mississippi without getting a drop of water through it.That's the way the Sparling show looks out for its patrons.Nothing cheap about the Sparling outfit!"A laugh greeted his remarks.

A blinding flash faded the gasoline lamps to a ghostly flame.A few seconds later a crash that shook the earth followed, causing the audience to shiver with nervous apprehension.

Teddy had come out and was gazing aloft.He grinned at Phil, noting at the same time that all the lofty performers were preparing to come down.

"Hello, fraid-cats up there!" jeered the Circus Boy.

"You get out of here!" snapped the ringmaster."What are you doing here, anyway?""I'm working."

"Yes, I see you working.Go on about your business and don't bother me.Don't you think I have anything else to do except to watch you, in order to prevent your breaking up the performance?""You ought to thank me for keeping you busy," chuckled Teddy, making a lively jump to get out of the way of the long lash that snapped at his heels.

Perhaps there was method in Teddy Tucker's movements.He strolled out into the concourse, gazing up at the crowded seats, winking and making wry faces at the people, as he moved slowly along, causing them to laugh and shout flippant remarks at him.

This was exactly what he wanted them to do.It gave Teddy an opportunity to talk back, and many a keen-pointed shaft did he hurl at the unwary who had been imprudent enough to try to make sport of him.

While this impromptu act was going on the minds of the people were so occupied that they forgot all about the storm.

The rain was now beating down on the big top in a deluge, and despite the ringmaster's assurance that the canvas would not leak, a fine spray was filling the tent like a thin fog, through which the lights glowed in pale circles.

"Even the lamps have halos," Teddy informed the people."I had one once, but the ringmaster borrowed it and forgot to return it.But I don't care.He needs a halo more than I do."A howl greeted this sally.

Teddy was about to say something else, after the first wave of laughter had swept over the audience, but no one heard him speak.

Another flash, more brilliant, more blinding than any that had gone before it, lighted up the tent.The big top seemed suddenly to have been filled with fire.Thin threads of it ran down quarter and center pole; circles of it raced about the iron rings used in various parts of the tent, then jumped into the rigging, running up and down the iron braces and wire ropes used to brace the apparatus.

The flash was accompanied by a report that was terrifying.At that instant a great ball of fire descended from the damp top of the tent, dropping straight toward the concourse.Teddy Tucker chanced to be standing just beneath it.He had glanced up when the report came, to see if any damage had been done aloft.

"Wow!" breathed Teddy.

Just then the ball burst only a few feet above his head, scattering fire in all directions.

Teddy fell flat to the ground.He was up almost at once.

"I'm all right!How's the rest of the family?" he howled.

The rest of the family were too much concerned with what was taking place in the big top to notice the Circus Boy's humor.

Then Teddy observed that the center pole was split from end to end.The lightning bolt had followed it from its peak to the ground.Several of the side poles had already given way, and the lad saw the dome of the tent slowly settling.

"Hitch it!Anchor it!" he bellowed.

The attendants were too frightened to give heed to his words.

Phil Forrest was coming down a rope, hand under hand, as rapidly as he could travel.

"Snub the rope or you'll have the tent down on you!" he shouted.

Teddy darted forward, throwing himself upon the heavy rope that held the dome in place.

At that instant the rope on which Phil Forrest was descending gave way, and Phil came straight down.

He landed on Teddy Tucker's head and shoulders, knocking Teddy flat on the ground, where the little Circus Boy lay still.Yet he had, with rare presence of mind, snubbed the heavy rope around a tent stake, keeping the free end of the rope in hand, and holding desperately to it.

Nor did Teddy release his grip on the rope, now that he had been knocked unconscious.He held it in place, the strands wound firmly about his arm, though inch by inch he was slipping toward the heavy tent stake.Phil had received a severe shaking-up, but he was on his feet quickly, looking about to see on whom he had fallen.

When he discovered that Teddy had been the victim, Phil groaned."I'm afraid I have finished him!"Teddy had now been drawn along by the rope until his head was against the tent stake.

"Quick!Lend a hand here!" shouted Phil.

He wrenched the rope loose from Tucker's hands, taking a twist about his own arms and holding on with all his might.

Several ring attendants came to their senses about that time and rushed to his assistance.

"Take care of Teddy!" cried Phil.

The ringmaster turned Teddy over and looked into the lad's face.At that, Teddy opened his eyes and winked.The ringmaster jerked him to his feet and shook him vigorously.

This restored the boy to his normal condition.

"Hello, folks!" howled Teddy, turning a handspring, falling over a ring curbing as he did so.

The people forgot their fear and greeted Teddy with wild applause.The Circus Boy had saved a blow-down and perhaps many lives as well.

  • King Richard II

    King Richard II

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