


"Look out!" "There he is!" "Grab him!"

Phil had bounded to his feet, realizing that he could no longer conceal himself from them.As he did so, both men sprang toward him, the Circus Boy eluding them by a leap to one side.

The men made a rush for him.At first Phil was inclined to stand his ground and give battle, but he reasoned that, being two to one, the chances were against him and that even if he were not captured, he might sustain injuries that would keep him out of the ring.

That was the deciding factor with Phil Forrest.Although he would have preferred facing his enemies, he whirled instead and started on a run, with both men pursuing him at top speed.

"He's out-running us.He'll get away!" cried one of the men."Run, run! Run for all you're worth!"But they might as well have spared their effort.Phil was fleet of foot, and after getting a slight lead over them he turned sharply to his right, leaped a fence and lay down.

The men quickly discovered that they had lost their prey.Then they became alarmed.

"Get out of here, quick!He will be following us!"The men turned and ran swiftly in an opposite direction."Do you think he recognized us?""I don't know.We can tell by the way he acts when we get back; that is if he doesn't follow us now.We had better separate and go back to the lot.From there we can go along with the wagons and not be noticed.Don't let him bluff you.""Have no fear for me."

The plotters separated and cautiously made their way back to the lot where they were soon lost among the crowd of men at work taking downthe tent.

"I believe one of those two men was Diaz," declared Phil, as he once more tried to place the voice that he had seemed to recognize."They have given me the slip, too.I know what I'll do.I will hurry back to the boat and when Diaz returns I will face him and make him betray himself if I can.I shall have him then."Having decided on his course of action, Phil struck off at a trot across the field.He soon reached a back street of the village, and from there ran at full speed to the docks.

All was activity here.The lad cast a quick glance about, though he did not expect to find the man for whom he was looking.Without pausing in his rapid gait he ran up the companionway to the upper deck, where he intended to watch at the rail for the arrival of Diaz from the lot.

As he leaned over the rail he felt someone stir near him.Glancing up quickly, the Circus Boy started almost guiltily.There, beside him, sat Diaz on a camp stool with his feet on the steamer's rail, calmly watching the loading operations on the deck below.

"Good evening, Mr.Diaz," said Phil quickly recovering his self- possession.

Diaz uttered an unintelligible grunt, but did not deign to turn his head."Hey, Phil, is that you?" called the voice of Teddy from further downthe deck.

"Yes," answered Phil, rising and moving aft."How long have you been here?""About an hour."

"Do you know who is sitting over there?" "Over where?""There by the rail?"

"Sure, I know.That's our old friend Diaz," grinned Teddy."How long has he been there?""He came in when I did." "An hour ago?" "Yes."Phil was perplexed.

"I do not understand it at all."

"Don't understand what?"

"Something that occurred this evening." Teddy's curiosity was aroused.

"What is it all about, Phil?"

"I should prefer not to talk about it here, Teddy.I will tell you after we get to bed and there is no one about to overhear us.There is a rascally plot on foot.""A plot?"

"Yes.I know very little about it, but I know enough to warn me that you and I will have to keep our eyes open or else we shall find ourselves in serious difficulties before we realize it.""Is that so? Tell me who the plotters are, and I'll turn January loose on them," explained Teddy."Do you think they are the fellows who stole my egg?""I don't know.Where is Mr.Sparling?"

"I haven't seen him since I ran into him and bowled him over off on the lot."Phil laughed.

"As I have said many times before, you are hopeless, Teddy.I must go now.If you see Mr.Sparling, please let me know, but say nothing to anyone about what I have just told you.""I won't."

Phil walked back to the point on the deck where he had first stopped to look over the rail, and, drawing up a stool sat down.He began studying the faces of the belated performers who came straggling down to the dock, singly and in pairs.None seemed to be in a hurry; not a face appeared to reflect any excitement.After an hour of this Phil felt sure that all the company had been accounted for.

Mr.Sparling had arrived about twenty minutes earlier, and was standing on the dock giving orders.As the lad saw the owner enter the boat he turned away and hurried downstairs.

"When you are at liberty, I should like a few moments conversation with you, sir," announced Phil.

"I am at liberty, now, my lad," answered the showman with a smile anda friendly slap on the boy's shoulder.

"I would rather not talk here, Mr.Sparling," answered Phil in a low tone.

"Something doing, eh?" "There is."

"Is it important that you should talk with me at once, or will a little later on answer the purpose?""Later on will do.It is not so urgent as that.""When the men get these menagerie cages all shifted on deck I will meet you in my cabin.That will be in about twenty minutes, Phil.""Very well, sir; I will be on hand."

Phil walked away, watched the loading operations for a few minutes, then strolled to the main cabin on the upper deck, where lunch was being served as usual.

  • 高上玉皇本行集经


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  • 画鉴


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  • 废柴要逆天:邪王追妻路漫漫


  • 多愁一劫


  • 重生之天命嫡女


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  • 财智女性的人生经营课

