

(ll.332-340) "All the equipment that a ship needs for all is in due order--lies ready for our departure.Therefore we will make no long delay in our sailing for these things' sake, when the breezes but blow fair.But, friends,--for common to all is our return to Hellas hereafter, and common to all is our path to the land of Aeetes--now therefore with ungrudging heart choose the bravest to be our leader, who shall be careful for everything, to take upon him our quarrels and covenants with strangers."(ll.341-344) Thus he spake; and the young heroes turned their eyes towards bold Heracles sitting in their midst, and with one shout they all enjoined upon him to be their leader; but he, from the place where he sat, stretched forth his right hand and said:

(ll.345-347) "Let no one offer this honour to me.For I will not consent, and I will forbid any other to stand up.Let the hero who brought us together, himself be the leader of the host."(ll.348-350) Thus he spake with high thoughts, and they assented, as Heracles bade; and warlike Jason himself rose up, glad at heart, and thus addressed the eager throng:

(ll.351-362) "If ye entrust your glory to my care, no longer as before let our path be hindered.Now at last let us propitiate Phoebus with sacrifice and straightway prepare a feast.And until my thralls come, the overseers of my steading, whose care it is to choose out oxen from the herd and drive them hither, we will drag down the ship to the sea, and do ye place all the tackling within, and draw lots for the benches for rowing.Meantime let us build upon the beach an altar to Apollo Embasius (1) who by an oracle promised to point out and show me the paths of the sea, if by sacrifice to him I should begin my venture for King Pelias."(ll.363-393) He spake, and was the first to turn to the work, and they stood up in obedience to him; and they heaped their garments, one upon the other, on a smooth stone, which the sea did not strike with its waves, but the stormy surge had cleansed it long before.First of all, by the command of Argus, they strongly girded the ship with a rope well twisted within, (2) stretching it tight on each side, in order that the planks might be well compacted by the bolts and might withstand the opposing force of the surge.And they quickly dug a trench as wide as the space the ship covered, and at the prow as far into the sea as it would run when drawn down by their hands.And they ever dug deeper in front of the stem, and in the furrow laid polished rollers; and inclined the ship down upon the first rollers, that so she might glide and be borne on by them.And above, on both sides, reversing the oars, they fastened them round the thole- pins, so as to project a cubit's space.And the heroes themselves stood on both sides at the oars in a row, and pushed forward with chest and hand at once.And then Tiphys leapt on board to urge the youths to push at the right moment; and calling on them he shouted loudly; and they at once, leaning with all their strength, with one push started the ship from her place, and strained with their feet, forcing her onward; and Pelian Argo followed swiftly; and they on each side shouted as they rushed on.And then the rollers groaned under the sturdy keel as they were chafed, and round them rose up a dark smoke owing to the weight, and she glided into the sea; but the heroes stood there and kept dragging her back as she sped onward.And round the thole-pins they fitted the oars, and in the ship they placed the mast and the well-made sails and the stores.

(ll.394-401) Now when they had carefully paid heed to everything, first they distributed the benches by lot, two men occupying one seat; but the middle bench they chose for Heracles and Ancaeus apart from the other heroes, Ancaeus who dwelt in Tegea.For them alone they left the middle bench just as it was and not by lot; and with one consent they entrusted Tiphys with guarding the helm of the well-stemmed ship.

(ll.402-410) Next, piling up shingle near the sea, they raised there an altar on the shore to Apollo, under the name of Actius (3) and Embasius, and quickly spread above it logs of dried olive-wood.Meantime theherdsmen of Aeson's son had driven before them from the herd two steers.These the younger comrades dragged near the altars, and the others brought lustral water and barley meal, and Jason prayed, calling on Apollo the god of his fathers:

  • 荣枯鉴


  • Bentham


  • 十二门论疏


  • Diary of a Pilgrimage

    Diary of a Pilgrimage

  • 九歌


  • 凤惊九霄:盛宠重生妃


  • 山河有影


  • 佛说国王不黎先尼十梦经


  • 小神通抢猜灯谜(青少年挖掘大脑智商潜能训练集)


  • 我的随身升级打怪系统


  • 忽然天好蓝


  • 荒云记


  • 女校之噬梦诡歌


  • 说好的历练呢


    (快穿,欢脱,1V1,无逻辑沙雕文)叶印空这辈子大概是完了。为什么?栽夏如也手里了……——世界一:你是不是瞎!大爷你喜欢我哪点我改还不行嘛?难道是我的优秀的脸?我我我马上再去变脸!——世界二:她又被盯上了。好好的一棵白菜干嘛去拱她这头猪啊!况且她也不想被拱啊!——世界三:叶印空见识到了夏如也怼天怼地怼空气的功力。什么青梅竹马邻家小哥哥!你个辣鸡系统我要劈了你! —— 夏如也他就是个祸害! 什么温文尔雅沉默寡言!都是假象! 假象! 叶印空:明明是去历练,然后回去继承家产继续咸鱼,怎么就变成了这样!说好的历练呢?辣鸡系统!233:委屈(つД`)这个锅233不背。 (PS:把之前写过却没写完的或是一些灵光乍现都揉进这本吧,也算是成全自己。)
  • 古锁奇谈

