

The Barbel is also curious for his baits; that is to say, that they be clean and sweet; that is to say, to have your worms well scoured, and not kept in sour and musty moss, for he is a curious feeder: but at a well-scoured lob- worm he will bite as boldly as at any bait, and specially if, the night or two before you fish for him, you shall bait the places where you intend to fish for him, with big worms cut into pieces.And note, that none did ever over- bait the place, nor fish too early or too late for a Barbel.And the Barbel will bite also at generals, which, not being too much scoured, but green, are a choice bait for him: and so is cheese, which is not to be too hard, but kept a day or two in a wet linen cloth, to make it tough; with this you may also bait the water a day or two before you fish for the Barbel, and be much the likelier to catch store; and if the cheese were laid in clarified honey a short time before, as namely, an hour or two, you were still the likelier to catch fish.Some have directed to cut the cheese into thin pieces,and toast it; and then tie it on the hook with fine silk.And some advise to fish for the Barbel with sheep's tallow and soft cheese, beaten or worked into a paste; and that it is choicely good in August: and I believe it.Rut, doubtless, the lob- worm well scoured, and the gentle not too much scoured, and cheese ordered as I have directed, are baits enough, and I think will serve in any month: though I shall commend any angler that tries conclusions, and is industrious to improve the art And now my honest scholar, the long shower and my tedious discourse are both ended together: and I shall give you but this observation, that when you fish for a Barbel, your rod and line be both long and of good strength; for, as I told you, you will find him a heavy and a dogged fish to be dealt withal; yet he seldom or never breaks his hold, if he be once strucken.And if you would know more of fishing for the Umber or Barbel, get into favour with Dr.Sheldon, whose skill is above others; and of that, the poor that dwell about him have a comfortable experience.

And now let's go and see what interest the Trouts will pay us, for letting our angle-rods lie so long and so quietly in the water for their use.Come, scholar, which will you take up ?

Venator.Which you think fit, master.

Piscator.Why, you shall take up that; for I am certain, by viewing the line, it has a fish at it.Look you, scholar! well done! Come, now take up the other too: well! now you may tell my brother Peter, at night, that you have caught a leash of Trouts this day.And now let's move towards our lodging, and drink a draught of red-cow's milk as we go; and give pretty Maudlin and her honest mother a brace of Trouts for their supper.

Venator.Master, I like your motion very well: and I think it is now about milking-time; and yonder they be at itPiscator.God speed you, good woman ! I thank you both for our songs last night: I and my companion have had such fortune a-fishing this day, that we resolve to give you and Maudlin a brace of Trouts for supper; and we will now taste a draught of your red-cow's milk.

Milk-woman.Marry, and that you shall with all my heart; and I will be still your debtor when you come this way.If you will but speak the word, I will make you a good syllabub of new verjuice; and then you may sitdown in a haycock, and eat it; and Maudlin shall sit by and sing you the good old song of the " Hunting in Chevy Chace, " or some other good ballad, for she hath store of them: Maudlin, my honest Maudlin, hath a notable memory, and she thinks nothing too good for you, because you be such honest men.

Venator.We thank you; and intend, once in a month to call upon you again, and give you a little warning; and so, good-night Good-night, Maudlin.And now, good master, let's lose no time: but tell me somewhat more of fishing; and if you please, first, something of fishing for a Gudgeon.

Piscator.I will, honest scholar.

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