


THE next morning had that luminous morning haze, not quite dense enough to be called a fog, which is often so lovely in Oldport. It was perfectly still; the tide swelled and swelled till it touched the edge of the green lawn behind the house, and seemed ready to submerge the slender pier; the water looked at first like glass, till closer gaze revealed long sinuous undulations, as if from unseen water-snakes beneath. A few rags of storm-cloud lay over the half-seen hills beyond the bay, and behind them came little mutterings of thunder, now here, now there, as if some wild creature were roaming up and down, dissatisfied, in the shelter of the clouds. The pale haze extended into the foreground, and half veiled the schooners that lay at anchor with their sails up. It was sultry, and there was something in the atmosphere that at once threatened and soothed. Sometimes a few drops dimpled the water and then ceased; the muttering creature in the sky moved northward and grew still. It was a day when every one would be tempted to go out rowing, but when only lovers would go. Philip and Hope went.

Kate and Harry, meanwhile, awaited their opportunity to go in and visit Aunt Jane. This was a thing that never could be done till near noon, because that dear lady was very deliberate in her morning habits, and always averred that she had never seen the sun rise except in a panorama. She hated to be hurried in dressing, too; for she was accustomed to say that she must have leisure to understand herself, and this was clearly an affair of time.

But she was never more charming than when, after dressing and breakfasting in seclusion, and then vigilantly watching her handmaiden through the necessary dustings and arrangements, she sat at last, with her affairs in order, to await events. Every day she expected something entirely new to happen, and was never disappointed. For she herself always happened, if nothing else did; she could no more repeat herselfthan the sunrise can; and the liveliest visitor always carried away something fresher and more remarkable than he brought.

Her book that morning had displeased her, and she was boiling with indignation against its author.

"I am reading a book so dry," she said, "it makes me cough. No wonder there was a drought last summer. It was printed then. Worcester's Geography seems in my memory as fascinating as Shakespeare, when I look back upon it from this book. How can a man write such a thing and live?""Perhaps he lived by writing it," said Kate.

"Perhaps it was the best he could do," added the more literal Harry.

"It certainly was not the best he could do, for he might have died,-- died instead of dried. O, I should like to prick that man with something sharp, and see if sawdust did not run out of him! Kate, ask the bookseller to let me know if he ever really dies, and then life may seem fresh again.""What is it?" asked Kate.

"Somebody's memoirs," said Aunt Jane. "Was there no man left worth writing about, that they should make a biography about this one? It is like a life of Napoleon with all the battles left out. They are conceited enough to put his age in the upper corner of each page too, as if anybody cared how old he was.""Such pretty covers!" said Kate."It is too bad.""Yes," said Aunt Jane. "I mean to send them back and have new leaves put in. These are so wretched, there is not a teakettle in the land so insignificant that it would boil over them. Don't let us talk any more about it. Have Philip and Hope gone out upon the water?""Yes, dear," said Kate."Did Ruth tell you?" "When did that aimless infant ever tell anything?" "Then how did you know it?""If I waited for knowledge till that sweet-tempered parrot chose to tell me," Aunt Jane went on, "I should be even more foolish than I am.""Then how did you know?"

"Of course I heard the boat hauled down, and of course I knew thatnone but lovers would go out just before a thunder-storm. Then you and Harry came in, and I knew it was the others.""Aunt Jane," said Kate, "you divine everything: what a brain you have!""Brain! it is nothing but a collection of shreds, like a little girl's work- basket,--a scrap of blue silk and a bit of white muslin.""Now she is fishing for compliments," said Kate, "and she shall have one. She was very sweet and good to Philip last night.""I know it," said Aunt Jane, with a groan. "I waked in the night and thought about it. I was awake a great deal last night. I have heard cocks crowing all my life, but I never knew what that creature could accomplish before. So I lay and thought how good and forgiving I was; it was quite distressing.""Remorse?" said Kate.

  • The Captives

    The Captives

  • 鸭江行部志


  • 河东记


  • An Historical Mystery

    An Historical Mystery

  • Meteorology


  • 末世之韶冉


  • 天命神女回归


  • 帝后之凤舞天下


  • 侠女奇缘(下)


  • 卿心冉冉


  • 盛少,你家丧尸又跑了


  • 世界上什么事最开心


    本书是陈祖芬的中国故事中的《世界上什么事最开心》分册。书中以报告文学的形式,收录了陈祖芬大量的作品,这些作品内容丰富,涉及面广,文笔生动亲和,具有较强的可读性。书中除收录了文字作品外,还配有大量生动风趣插图,画面简洁,寓意深刻。 本书内容丰富,图文并茂,融理论性、知识性及可读性为一体,它不仅适合小朋友的阅读,同时对成年人来说也颇值得一读。
  • 将女谋凰


  • 弇州山人文抄


  • 回归乔斯


    【2011两岸文学PK大赛作品】求支持票票推荐评论。 这是一个现实的故事,校园的爱情,与社会的碰撞. 林子杰是一所二流专科的大学生,高考前天因为一个男孩子而 落榜。入学以后,她开始变得不像她。 一次偶然,她竟然学会了打架;并且有控制不了自己的感觉。 也就是在又一次的惹祸中,她认识了他——于雷雷。 并于他成为好朋友,可是,子杰心里有爱情的伤;当雷雷终于说 爱上她时,她却选择了逃避。 在下一个转角,又遇到了一个男孩;他会带她走向怎样的人生? 怀着惊恐与不安。。。 子杰走着每一步。。。 总有人会在人生的路上犯下错误,同样;也总有人,可以走出。 当他遇上她,也许,故事注定该怎样去结束。无论过程怎样,有爱的地方,还有什么不是天堂。