

Every light in the hall was ablaze; every lamp turned as high as it could be without smoking the chimney or threatening explosion.The lamps were fixed at intervals against the wall, encircling the whole room.Some one had gathered orange and lemon branches, and with these fashioned graceful festoons between.The dark green of the branches stood out and glistened against the white muslin curtains which draped the windows, and which puffed, floated, and flapped at the capricious will of a stiff breeze that swept up from the Gulf.

It was Saturday night a few weeks after the intimate conversation held between Robert and Madame Ratignolle on their way from the beach.An unusual number of husbands, fathers, and friends had come down to stay over Sunday; and they were being suitably entertained by their families, with the material help of Madame Lebrun.The dining tables had all been removed to one end of the hall, and the chairs ranged about in rows and in clusters.Each little family group had had its say and exchanged its domestic gossip earlier in the evening.There was now an apparent disposition to relax; to widen the circle of confidences and give a more general tone to the conversation.

Many of the children had been permitted to sit up beyond their usual bedtime.A small band of them were lying on their stomachs on the floor looking at the colored sheets of the comic papers which Mr.Pontellier had brought down.The little Pontellier boys were permitting them to do so, and making their authority felt.

Music, dancing, and a recitation or two were the entertainments furnished, or rather, offered.But there was nothing systematic about the programme, no appearance of prearrangement nor even premeditation.

At an early hour in the evening the Farival twins were prevailed upon to play the piano.They were girls of fourteen, always clad in the Virgin's colors, blue and white, having been dedicated to the Blessed Virgin at their baptism.They played a duet from "Zampa," and at the earnest solicitation of every one present followed it with the overture to "The Poet and the Peasant.""Allez vous-en! Sapristi!" shrieked the parrot outside the door.He was the only being present who possessed sufficient candor to admit that he was not listening to these gracious performances for the first time that summer.Old Monsieur Farival, grandfather of the twins, grew indignant over the interruption, and insisted upon having the bird removed and consigned to regions of darkness.Victor Lebrun objected; and his decrees were as immutable as those of Fate.The parrot fortunately offered no further interruption to the entertainment, the whole venom of his nature apparently having been cherished up and hurled against the twins in that one impetuous outburst.

Later a young brother and sister gave recitations, which every one present had heard many times at winter evening entertainments in the city.

A little girl performed a skirt dance in the center of the floor.The mother played her accompaniments and at the same time watched her daughter with greedy admiration and nervous apprehension.She need have had no apprehension.The child was mistress of the situation.She had been properly dressed for the occasion in black tulle and black silk tights.Her little neck and arms were bare, and her hair, artificially crimped, stood out like fluffy black plumes over her head.Her poses were full of grace, and her little black-shod toes twinkled as they shot out and upward with a rapidity and suddenness which were bewildering.

But there was no reason why every one should not dance.Madame Ratignolle could not, so it was she who gaily consented to play for the others.She played very well, keeping excellent waltz time and infusing an expression into the strains which was indeed inspiring.She was keeping up her music on account of the children, she said; because she and her husband both considered it a means of brightening the home and making it attractive.

Almost every one danced but the twins, who could not be induced to separate during the brief period when one or the other should be whirling around the room in the arms of a man.They might have danced together, but they did not think of it.

The children were sent to bed.Some went submissively; others with shrieks and protests as they were dragged away.They had been permittedto sit up till after the ice-cream, which naturally marked the limit of human indulgence.

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  • 病榻遗言


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    偶然变身成萌萌哒萝莉,可情况不容乐观。大概是因为太可爱,所以才被邪恶组织追杀。为了不变成邪恶组织的热兵器,萝莉决定转职成为训练家!目标是宝可梦大师! 然而向想把自己变成热兵器的邪恶组织复仇之后,萝莉失去了梦想…… “为了养活自己我决定成为偶像!”萝莉这样对她的宝可梦们说道。精灵宝可梦即神奇宝贝、口袋妖怪、宠物小精灵书友群:555432461
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    佛明伦州的军演如期而至,年仅17岁的天才飞官波尔德一边烦恼着自己未来的去向,一边追随着王牌飞行员鲁迪斯继续飞行。然而就在军演进行到第三阶段,波尔德一行人前往尚恩基地的时候,有人意外地挟持了他们的战友……那片天空依旧自由而宁静,但自由之下孕育着无法挣脱的枷锁,宁静的背后则是漫长的永眠——四分休止符,当这个符号出现在乐谱中意味着停顿一拍。之后,还要继续行进……如果在你心底存在一份对草莽精神的渴盼,一份对自由无畏的狂热,一份对爱与时光的执念,那么欢迎进入White Phantom的世界,成为我们的同伴。
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